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You Know You're Addicted To Aviation When...
...you have to make a facebook group about it.
...you almost crash your car because you are craning your neck to look out the sunroof at landing aircraft.
...you notice airport codes on license plates.
...you recognize planes at 33000 ft above your house.
...before you board an aircraft you already know the exact type, reg and seats on it, and maybe even the food!
...you know already wich type is coming along according to the sound it makes.
...you call everyone by their name in phoenetics!
...you whine and fret on every nice day that you’re not up in the air (instrument students and pilots add low cloudy days).
...you whine and fret every day that the wx is too bad for flying.
...you get DUATS or a wx briefing on days you can’t fly, just to see if the wx is really as nice for flying as it looks.
...you get DUATS or a wx briefing on days with awful wx, just to assure yourself that the wx really would be too bad to fly.
...you learn mental methods for flight planning, and spend boring meetings planning flying trips.
...you calculate every expenditure in terms of flight hours (50 cents at the candy machine every day that’s 0.01 flight hours!
...you get in your car and find that it drives itself to the airport.
...you become an instructor so you can be paid to go for airplane rides!
...you build a spotting platform on top of your house.
...when driving in the fog you look at your dashboard.
...when ordering from a drive-in, you sign in with your last used reg for a flight.
...when accelerating on the highway ramp, you turn on your main headlights, you do the same when you are braking from the highway onto the ramp.
...In a traffic jam you request for a diversion airfield on the radio commentator reporting the jam.
...when your kid makes a sudden noise or grasps accedentally your neck you search the transponder for the 7777 highjack code.
...you give a report to the passengers in your car when you turn on the cruise control and give a current temperature readout and ETA.
...your flight simulator folder is 16 GB!
...you've been planning your family's vacations since you were twelve based on what kind of planes you can find.
...you successfully transfer the aviation-virus to some of your relatives and/or friends.
...when you're planning your holiday flights - always choose the ones with the most connections or prefer the ones with aircraft types you haven't flown on yet.
...departure day - you arrive at the airport in the morning although your flight only leaves late in the afternoon.
...you are spotting at night and you know the aircraft types just by the pattern of the landing lights.
...you have a picture of the last plane you flew on or the next you will fly on as your desktop.
...you think of FS as your part time job and not a game.
...you are on a flight and your seat neighbor asks to be relocated because you wont stop talking about aviation!
...you start referring to your airports by their IATA or ICAO codes.
...you are flying from SEA-JFK and you fly across the Pacific.
...you know exactly what plane is flying over your house.
...you fly longhaul flights on Flight Sim.
...your flight sim folder surpasses your computer's memory.
...you use aviation analogies in English class.
...you hope and pray that your flight will be delayed.
...you create your own airline, complete with timetables, and route maps.
...you do a full flight procedure (takeoff - cruise - land) while you're walking.
...you refer to cities by their Airport Code.
...your first date is going spotting at your local airport (might be the only date )
...you have more flight sim airplanes than actually exist.
...you refuse to stay anywhere other than the airport hotel.
...you preflight your car before every trip.
...you buy a plane ticket just so you can get past security.
...you know more aviation vocabulary than actual vocabulary.
...you paint your car in Airline colors (seen it before).


Mitch and I were holding hands on our first date at the pier in Santa Cruz, CA.  As we walked a plane flew over... we both spun around and he said "That's a 172" and I said "That's a 172 RG"  We knew we were meant for eachother!


Hi: My name is Russ and I too am an aviation addict.

it has been 25 years since i had any cash in my pockets because i spend it all on my Aviation addiction.

And i have no intention of going into re-hab!


Hi:  My name is Lew and I am an aviation addict.  I've been too long between fixes (two weeks).  Weather and sinuses have been holding me back.  I hope to fix again next weekend.  I need desperately to mainline my Mooney.


OK, here goes.

I bought my Mooney in 2005 and in 2006, my MSC, Tri-City Aero at CYKF Kitchener, Ontario, hosted a MAPA Technical Workshop with Jerry Manthey.  So I went, as did about 25 others.  Mostly Mooney drivers but one or two mechanics (we call them AME's in Canada).

So there we are in Clarence's spotless hanger, surrounded by Mooneys, seated at our tables and we start introducing ourselves and it went exactly as folks are doing in this thread......  "Ahem.... (stands up)   ....Hi.  My name is Ned and I am a Mooney driver.....  (looks around the room sheepishly and sits down...."  And that went on for about 2/3rds of the introductions there.  We looked like an AA meeting and this was our time to "come clean."

Got my fix yesterday.  Today, I am in Southfield, Michigan, having spent 2 hours and 45 minutes flying to Troy Oakland (KVLL) from Ottawa (CYRO) on business. 

S'OK.  I'm good now for a couple of days or so....




If i didnt spend all my money on flying ( and my cars) i could have retired 5 years ago!

I think it would be cheaper to be hooked on anything else....

But i would rather work than not own a plane...LOL



Does anybody besides me have license plates for the car that matches their tail numbers?

How about buying a triumph spitfire because a plane has the same name?

The plates on my car are C-FVAA , and the car is a spitfire!


My cell phone number is the same as my tail number...and I drive a Sky Roadster, which has just about as much room as my Maggie II!


Hello, My name is Bob.  I only flew 12 hrs this week.  I never use more than one logbook page per week.

I do not have a problem!


Quote: Parker_Woodruff

When you spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out the best way to make a Mooney out of a couple keystrokes.



Guest Anonymous

Quote: Parker_Woodruff

When you spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out the best way to make a Mooney out of a couple keystrokes.




Barry: Most pilot shops have plate frames with all kinds of sayings on them

mine reads " support your local bank, buy a plane"



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