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Hello All,
Thank you for participating in the Mooney Ambassadors!  I wanted to ask you to please think about events in your region, state, town, or country coming up in 2010. One of the big ways we can help the Mooney Airplane Company and support general aviation is to attend Solo events:  those in which Mooney reps are not attending.  So please think about what events in your community you would like to attend.  We will be getting the technology together very soon to facilitate your posting an event, signing up, and perhaps volunteering to be the point person for the event.  Dual events: are events that are going to be attended by Mooney Sales reps. They are the point person for those events.

Winter is upon us, at least for those in the US and Canada.  This is a time where we hibernate a bit and dream of lovely Spring flying,  Sun N Fun is around the corner, and as well local airport days, fly-ins and the like.  Do some daydreaming....  where would you like to go to support our Mooney Airplane Company? 

For our Ambassadors "down under" what is going on during your flying season?  Are there events you will be attending that we could advertise for you and support you as an Ambassador?  I have templates for: display tags, credentials, Mooney informational sign Mooney coloring pages, and prop tags and more. Let me know how I can help!

Mooney is on-board here, and thrilled to have so many Ambassadors for the brand.  Tell your friends and fellow Mooney lovers. They can join our face book group, or at least view the face book page and watch our videos from Jackson and Lake Tahoe [http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=132057967005].  If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to email me, or message me on Face book.  Jolielucas@charter.net or 805-709-6619 by cell.

Jolie Lucas
Mooney Ambassadors
Share the Passion
N6619U 1965 M20E
N211MJ 1994 Ovation


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