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Quote: DonMuncy

This may be a little off topic, but may be of some use to some of you if you are faced with having to move your plane slightly uphill with no help.                                                                                                                                                               I discovered that if you have a couple of 2x4 blocks, you can put one in front of each main. Then adjust your tow bar to angle the plane one direction. Go out to the end of the other wing and shove it backwards a few feet. Walk you way down the wing toward the wheel, keeping pressure to keep it from rolling toward you. Kick the block back to chock the wheel.                                      Readjust the tow bar to angle the other direction. Go to the other wing tip and repeat.                                                       Pushing on the end of the wing gives you a lot more leverage than you can put pushing on the prop.                                       This yawing is slow and not fun at all, but it saved me from having to go look for someone to help on a few occasions. It will also encourage you to buy or build a power tow.




Quote: mike28w

   I've had my Sidewinder ( by Redline) for about a year....already on my 2nd battery (  ~ $ 150 each)......   If I had it to do over again, I would consider other products a little more carefully.   Maybe they're all similar, but  I expected better for $1600.

  Initially , I flew off a grass strip.... as soon as the front tire became damp from the dew, the little drive wheel would lose traction and just spin.....not good.  The company sent me a more aggressive drive wheel , but by the time I received it , I had moved to an asphault runway.....  This combo worked well ( dry)  for a few months and then the battery died.....

  In my experience...it's a great concept but in practice....it's lacking....   BTW, I fly a '63 M20C  ( not a heavyweight )

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