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It wasn't approved when I bought my TopProp 2.5 years ago...

They were expecting approval at any time back then...

They are pretty easy to contact by email from their site.

The lightness (low angular momentum) makes my heart skip a beat when they shut down...

Many Cirri have a three blade composite prop. Reduce mixture to cut-off. The engine stops immediately...

Could be an OWT, but engines without flywheels have challenges when backfires or mis-starts occur...?

The prop bounces backwards if fails to carry through the compression during start-up or shutdown.

Sorry for the long attempt of describing my concern.

Scott from Kansas likes the two blade version on his J...

Difference in price was similar to having to pay for the additional fourth blade.

Losing a few pounds off the nose would be helpful.

It looks Mustang cool...!


Gotta love "turbine smooth" in the advertisement. Might just be the IO-550 that is that smooth.

Best regards,



A number of PA46 use the 4 blade MT prop.   

I flew one about 20 hours, it was smooth and worked OK on the 350 HP Mirage.

It seemed a bit quieter than the 3 blade aluminum prop that came standard with that plane.   

How's that for subjective?

There is a newly-released "scimitar 4 blade MT" as well, and it is a nice-looking prop.




I've got a 3 blade MT on my Comanche 400, its 38 pounds lighter than the Hartzell, its quite smooth. Despite being lighter I've seen no problems with kick back on start up. As with the MT I had on my E model the blade design has a very unique sound.

We've installed several on Cirrus SR 22's with now complaints from owners.



A number of PA46 use the 4 blade MT prop.   

I flew one about 20 hours, it was smooth and worked OK on the 350 HP Mirage.

It seemed a bit quieter than the 3 blade aluminum prop that came standard with that plane.   

How's that for subjective?

There is a newly-released "scimitar 4 blade MT" as well, and it is a nice-looking prop.


Never seen that cowling before on a Malibu or Mirage. Who makes that?


I have the 3 blade MT on my 231, installed in 2008 with an engine rebuild.  Love it.  Takeoff and climb performance did improve.  Fly out in the mountain west and did see improvements in ROC without any loss of cruise speed.  The weight was 17 lbs less than the 2 blade McCauley, so that helps out with less forward CG.  As I recall, the cost was about 10K.  Would do this again, expecially if I needed a prop.



Scott from Kansas likes the two blade version on his J...



Unfortunately mine is the 3 blade version as they don't offer a 2-blade Mooney prop...that would be even better!  It is a very nice upgrade, especially removing weight from the nose which is most welcome for any mid- to long-body Mooney.

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We're getting the MTV-12 (three blade) fitted to our 231 in April.


I'm going to fly down to the factory where they will fit and dynamically balance the prop for free, but I suspect that will not be an option for you. €10,900 plus VAT (19pct in Germany) is the all-in cost.


The recent strength of the dollar/euro exchange rate could make the MT prop quite the bargain if you have the USD to begin with...

Something like a 25% exchange rate discount from this time last year...

Best regards,



New Mooney owner and new to MooneySpace.   Can't comment on Mooney/MT combinations specifically,  but I do have a fair amount of MT experience on another aircraft and offer the following.


Due to the wood core and composite construction the blades are almost infinitely repairable.  No such thing as a blade becoming too thin and needing replacing.   Other than a gear up landing, you should never have to replace a blade.


The blades are prone to paint chipping just aft of the erosion guard / metal leading edge when flown in the rain,    If you see rain on your windshield,  slow your prop down as much as possible!


The MT factory service center in Deland Fl is second to none.   Excellent work and they deliver as scheduled and priced as quoted.


Flight-Resource.com in Wisconsin is a good place to start obtaining prices if you are interested.    They a big distributor for new MT propellers.


I have never flown their scimitar type blades,  but their wide cord or -25 blade is impressive.  Pulls like a freight train from slow airspeeds with no compromise to top end performance.  Shame It is not STC'd for any of the Mooneys. 




Top Gun installed one on a Bravo a couple of months ago. I asked Mark to have the owner contact me but I haven't heard from him. When I hear from him I'll ask him to post here on MooneySpace or I'll talk to him and post what he says.


Also, if flown hard you will get a blade rock. It's allowable up to 2°. The paint with MT has always been an issue. It can get pretty ratty at the tips if you let it go on. One nice thing is no need to grease them. I like the idea of the wood blades VS metal blades for vibration and cycles. MT has always put out more thrust than hartzells, but some variations may be slower. I love the new semitar blades they have, hopefully this blade is more efficient and can provide the same thrust. I have flown 2 blades super D's and Huskys. Liked them both! I'd take one just to get the weight off the nose. It would probably fly really nice on my E!


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