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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Because it requires political will. Why has only 60% of federal highway funds have actually made it to roads and bridges? It's the number one coffer that is looted. Now we have a crisis and they want and need more. People are tired of it.

Kansas gov Brownback is the latest. Seems his latest round of tax cuts resulted in a nearly 800M budget deficit. Yes the very tax cut he sold Kansans on by saying it stimulates the economy and results in higher revenue because everyone is so busy hiring and making stuff. So how do you plug the hole? Raid public servants retirement funds, schools, and the highway fund. Then raise taxes on booze and cigarettes 5 or 10 times as high. Still a deficit.

Yet, tax cuta causin higher revenue is a bedrock cornerstone of republican ideology.

Reagan did it to. A huge tax decrease and a huge deficit to follow. Then he raised taxes 7 times in as many years, one of which was the biggest in US history. Tripled the national debt. Tripled it. But he had to whip the Russians and high interest rates. Obama only inherited the largest defcit in history, two wars and the biggest recession since the 30s.

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I have arrive


You pussies better be watching the Green Bay game.


Nope, wiring some lights in the attic. Basically, I have arrived at the following conclusion. Conservatives only offer three solutions to everything:


-cut taxes

-cut regulations

-bomb it


There appears to be no problem that cannot be solved with one, other or a combination.

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Total per capita. And BorealOne, please don't post Wiki links with a Marxist definition of European social democracies. There is a vast difference between a Eurpean liberal-elite political class that has screwed up everything they touched and "Cummunism". And Andy, you knew this was coming.



I think we agree on the definition of 'social democracy' or 'liberal democracy'. The Wiki link simply lists countries that self-define as socialist. What's Marxist about that?


As to the "European liberal-elite political classes screwing everything up", I take it that's a personal view? Because the comparative data doesn't seem to support that conclusion.

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I have arrive



Nope, wiring some lights in the attic. Basically, I have arrived at the following conclusion. Conservatives only offer three solutions to everything:


-cut taxes

-cut regulations

-bomb it


There appears to be no problem that cannot be solved with one, other or a combination.


I lied. There is one area where the conservatives have never found a regulation they did not like: the uterus.

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Kansas gov Brownback is the latest. Seems his latest round of tax cuts resulted in a nearly 800M budget deficit. Yes the very tax cut he sold Kansans on by saying it stimulates the economy and results in higher revenue because everyone is so busy hiring and making stuff. So how do you plug the hole? Raid public servants retirement funds, schools, and the highway fund. Then raise taxes on booze and cigarettes 5 or 10 times as high. Still a deficit.

Yet, tax cuta causin higher revenue is a bedrock cornerstone of republican ideology.

Reagan did it to. A huge tax decrease and a huge deficit to follow. Then he raised taxes 7 times in as many years, one of which was the biggest in US history. Tripled the national debt. Tripled it. But he had to whip the Russians and high interest rates. Obama only inherited the largest defcit in history, two wars and the biggest recession since the 30s.

4 words..... Stimulus one and two.

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Stray puppy immigration policy. It's actually illegal for there to be any public discourse over Muslim immigration. Shrinking indigenous population. More dinks and fewer traditional families than their E-U counterparts. State run educations system that divides children's paths at age 11. Could you imagine being relegated to blue collar eternity at 11? A middle upper class tax rate( not the filthy rich) above 43%. Everybody gets free medicine, free child care, free transportation, free housing, free family planning and free death planning. Whenever they have been in a pinch, they have done it the good oil' fashioned socialist way, they devalue their currency. Is it a great life? Yeah, I guess. But they are oblivious to the notion of self responsibility, in the end.

And when I say responsibility, I mean notions of starting small businesses, etc.

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Conservatives always confuse socialism, Marxism, communism, facism, and Muslims.

We can't all be as smart as you flaming liberals FOXdriven, we can only strive to be one notch above ignorance.

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I'm sorry, flip Fox news back on. They apologized today for false reporting. There is no such thing as "no-go" zones and Fox knows it:





This was one of three apologies they aired on Saturday. Hey, at least they are coming clean.



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Kansas gov Brownback is the latest. Seems his latest round of tax cuts resulted in a nearly 800M budget deficit. Yes the very tax cut he sold Kansans on by saying it stimulates the economy and results in higher revenue because everyone is so busy hiring and making stuff. 


Maybe his tax cuts are like our policy on Cuba, that we just need to give it "a little more time" to work.

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Stray puppy immigration policy. It's actually illegal for there to be any public discourse over Muslim immigration. Shrinking indigenous population. More dinks and fewer traditional families than their E-U counterparts. State run educations system that divides children's paths at age 11. Could you imagine being relegated to blue collar eternity at 11? A middle upper class tax rate( not the filthy rich) above 43%. Everybody gets free medicine, free child care, free transportation, free housing, free family planning and free death planning. Whenever they have been in a pinch, they have done it the good oil' fashioned socialist way, they devalue their currency. Is it a great life? Yeah, I guess. But they are oblivious to the notion of self responsibility, in the end.

And when I say responsibility, I mean notions of starting small businesses, etc.




I apparently am one of them lazy liberals that Scott talked about in his deleted post. I work my ass of, the companies I started or co-started employ about 80 people, all at levels much higher than min wage. Quite a few 6 figure earners. Guess what my tax rate was last year? High 40%. What did I get for that? A F22 fly by. If I was to include all other things I had to pay for that would be free in Sweeden, my tax rate is effectively higher in US of A than it would have been almost anywhere in "socialist" Europe. We get jack shit for our taxes, obsoletely nothing. 


No Scott, I don't want rich peoples money. I just want them to pay at the very least same tax rate as this 5 per center. Then our taxes would be lower. For the life of me, I will never understand a mid level insurance guy who at best makes low six figures defending the Waltons and Romneys. I assure you they work considerably less than the lazy, 3 part time job liberals trying scrape by on 60 hours a week of minimum wage. If I pay 40% some percent and Mitt pays 13%, then guess what, the class warfare is on and I'm loosing. Mitt don't need your help. 


And yes, we can easily pay off all our debts in as little as 10 years. Combination of tax increases, spending cuts and getting rid of many of the redundancies created by inefficient way our federal system is setup where work is duplicated across the feds and 50 states. Our current system is setup for an geographically expanding country. 

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Look.... We are unique. Our political and financial systems are unique. The only people who want to migrate to the European cradle to grave nanny states are mostly the Middle East and Mediterranean poor. These countries don't filter out the losers who can't make a living. In the end, they got what they paid for. At least we look for a few Phd's when we let the world in. Likewise with Latin American immigration, we have taken in as many as we can, but now we simply can't anymore. As a Roman Catholic, I have always welcomed like minded, hard working people.

The notion we can pay off our debt in 10 years is crazy. Obama has Princeton and Harvard Econ professors whispering in his ear 33 trillion is fine. And even with a Republican Congress, there's 2 more years of this guy. Look at what he has done. Massive entitlement orders and laws that will cascade for antoher 10 years. Can only be done with revenue... Copious amounts of revenue. If you believe that kind of revenue is gonna come from 4% increases on the super rich, it just won't happen. America needs to succeed. The power-transfer grab is over.

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Look.... We are unique. Our political and financial systems are unique. The only people who want to migrate to the European cradle to grave nanny states are mostly the Middle East and Mediterranean poor. These countries don't filter out the losers who can't make a living. In the end, they got what they paid for. At least we look for a few Phd's when we let the world in. Likewise with Latin American immigration, we have taken in as many as we can, but now we simply can't anymore. As a Roman Catholic, I have always welcomed like minded, hard working people.

The notion we can pay off our debt in 10 years is crazy. Obama has Princeton and Harvard Econ professors whispering in his ear 33 trillion is fine. And even with a Republican Congress, there's 2 more years of this guy. Look at what he has done. Massive entitlement orders and laws that will cascade for antiher 10 years. Can only be done with revenue... Copious amounts of revenue. If you believe that kind of revenue is gonna come from 4% increases on the super rich, it just won't happen. America needs to succeed. The power-transfer grab is over.




Until you recognize that the republican congress is as much of a problem in this and realize that we cannot continue to blow a trillion a year playing world police, you and GOP are as much of a problem as the Democrats.


And I still have no idea what entitlement orders you are referring to? Other than Obamacare, which at worst will cost the taxpayers $200 billion a year, what else has he legislatively expanded?

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As Spock would say, fascinating. There's a clear and growing gap between the very very rich and the rest of America, but this has been effectively erased or obscured by political discourse in which the middle class blames the poor for their own misery while defending the disproportionate entitlements of the very very rich at the expense of their own declining situation.

America is unique alright - on what planet is it fine for the 0.01% to pay 15% or less while the American middle class (of which there are far fewer members than there were, even 10 years ago) pays it out at twice (or more) that rate? So the very rich will stay in America? Because it makes you all feel better to know that they are living so much better than the rest of you? In the hopes that there will be some "trickle down" (even though all the economic indicators show that this is a myth?)

I don't get it.

I'm an partner in a small business employing 25 people. We all make good money. I'll pay something close to 35% this year. In return, I get health insurance, decent schools for my kids, and get to live in a reasonably safe and equitable society.

But If I thought that the system was rigged so that guys making more than I do paid less in taxes...well, it'd offend my well-honed Canadian sense of decency and fair play. I might even forget to apologize before tossing tea (or Tim Hortons) off ships in a harbour.

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