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"Able to" and "want to" are two different things, unfortunately.  I wouldn't hold my breath, Adam.  I think they're offering an experimental-only 180 hp TN powerplant and I have no idea if/how many they're selling.  The -390 looks intriguing, but it is priced pretty high if I recall correctly.  I think modern -360s with the roller tappets are pretty high too for that matter, although I haven't begun a hard look yet.  I'm rapidly approaching overhaul/replacement time in the next couple years and will have to make a choice.  Currently I'm leaning towards a quality field OH at half the price of a roller tappet OH and maybe 1/3 the price of a -390 because I'm not sure the benefits are worth the huge price delta. 

My 201 has a 1991 factory O/H installed at Lycoming that was never "right" judging from the first owner's correspondence with Lycoming while trying to get all the leaks fixed and other squawks fixed.  They never got all of the leaks resolved, so I'm tolerating a mess while I continue to fly the hours off... (compression and analysis are good)  That is one reason why I'm leaning towards being involved with a field O/H to make sure all the details are done correctly.  Not to mention the chance of being a beta-tester for new Lycoming hardware like recent cams or cranks that have come out of PA in the last 10 years.


Quote: TurboExec

It will be interesting to see the performance numbers, and I wonder if they'll be able to Turbonormalize it...

 This would be my issue with going with a IO-390 STC (if one becomes available).  I am planning on turbo-normalizing my 201 when I move back to the mainland in a year or so - just to make flying out of higher elevations easier and IFR flights over the Rockies, etc.

Unless M-20 Turbos is going to make a TN kit for the -390 I don't think I would make the move for an extra 15 ponies.  I am pretty sure that at FL 180-220 I will be happier with the increase in cruise speed at sea level pressures than the 15 horsepower under normal aspiration.

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