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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. Why don’t you call up Mike Studley at Aspen technical support and ask? The Max upgrade is more than just the display. The only thing that remains from an original unit is the configuration module, the ACU, the RSM (separate components) and the bezel housing for the PFD or MFD. being upgraded. The entire internal electronic module and the glass display are replaced. When Aspen said “broken display”, I think they are referring to the entire unit not just the glass portion. Instead of speculating, ask them directly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. It’s an internet name. His real name is Peter. As in Peter Garmin. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. I believe their repair pricing is $2.5k for a non-Max unit returned for service and returned to you. If you want to have your non-Max unit exchanged, it looks like it is $5k. You can also do the Max upgrade, even if the unit needs to be repair. If I had a non-Max unit, I would do the $5k upgrade to a Max. It addition to getting a Max unit, you get 2 additional years of warranty. You can also add in the extended two year warranty on the Max for another $795 (single unit) if you are concerned about extended warranty service. This extends your warranty to 4 years. Where did you get the $7k from $2.5k repair + $5k to upgrade to a Max?
  4. Unfortunately, we are faced with this in our personal lives. I take supplements because I hear D3 is good to ward off cancer, CoQ10 for a healthy heart and the list goes on and on. In 10 years, who knows if the latest research will support those claims. I do use CamGuard not because I am positive that it will prevent cam corrosion, rather I use it, like supplements, because it may help and there is no evidence it is detrimental to the health of my engine.
  5. I have never found any reported results from long term studies of the advantage of CamGuard usage. ASL did sign an agreement with Continental to look at the long term benefits of CamGuard back in 2014. https://aslcamguard.com/cms-camguard-announce-joint-evaluation-camguard/ I have not seen any published results from that agreement. Ed was a customer of mine years ago when he was at Exxon Mobil. He was a researcher involved in the development of Exxon Elite. He knows his petroleum chemistry. The challenge of any product like this is the necessary data to support the claims. In a previous thread, I asked whether any of the engine rebuilders had empirical data showing evidence if CamGuard was effective. Even if rebuilders were able to document CamGuard usage had an effect positively, negatively or neutral, who is monitoring whether the owner was using it correctly. Some of you cheap bast$#ds probably are only using 1.0 fluid ounces per quart instead of the 1.6 fluid ounces the instructions stated. Yeah, you know who you are... [emoji38] On top of that, you need to track oil type, oil change frequency, engine type, engine operating parameters, environmental conditions and who knows what else to draw a firm conclusion one way or another. This discussion is not unlike any other discussion about whether something is good or bad for you. Coffee good, coffee bad, coffee good Garmin good, Garmin bad, Garmin ? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  6. I liked to see the inversion race between Dan’s Bravo and Clarence’s Comanche. You both top off and see who can fly the furthest. [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. That picture looks like two guys waiting to join an AA meeting... or waiting for their next drink. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. I have owned a Vertex for about 5 years. Small compact unit with a lithium battery. I was always irritated by the fact that it would open squelch anytime it was in my car. Made it impossible to listen to it while driving. Otherwise it has been a solid unit. Good reception and transmitting power seems good. It’s now stationed in my hangar. Picked up an Icom recently hoping it would solve the open squelch in the car issue with the ANR feature it has. No luck. I bought this one with the standard battery pack. I used alkaline batteries initially. If you transmit a lot, it will go through alkalines pretty quickly. I have since switched to disposable lithium batteries. Much better. I wouldn’t waste the money on a GPS/VOR version. The Vertex has it and I have never used it in flight. If I ever needed to resort to a non-panel navigation aid, I would use the iPad over the handheld. Why? If you need to communicate and navigate, switching back and forth between frequencies are extra steps. With today’s iPad apps, you have a solid navigation source to get you to VMC. I’m not too warm and fuzzy on shooting a VOR or localizer approach with a handheld. I’d rather get out of Dodge... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. He flew down with the Reaper in his Bonanza. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  10. I suspect the Grime Reaper had him out drinking all night. At least that is what the Facebook posts seem to indicate. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Considering they have our money, maybe they should work weekends... [emoji16] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Me. Was supposed to be September but pushed into October. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  13. My mother's classic line about getting old: "it's a slow descent into the abyss".
  14. Before I was able to remove the mechanical ASI, I had to resort to covering it up to force myself to learn the tape. Now it feels natural. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I don’t like flying IFR with the synthetic vision on. I have a flight director which makes it easier to see the correct attitude. My FD is set up to be shown with or without the autopilot servos on. That helps, but having flown for so many years with the classic blue/brown depiction, SV will probably take some time to get used to. Sort of like what it took to get used to the tapes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. A glass HSI gives you a few options. On an Aspen (and I believe Garmin has this as well), you can use the CDI portion for the VOR and use the RMI for the GPS course. One feature I like on the Aspen 2000 setup I have is the ability to run dual HSIs. Here is a shot of RNAV practice approach with the ILS on the second HSI (right side). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. I know the shop checked voltages on the entire electrical system up to the alternator. But I don’t think those voltages were checked with a load or with the engine running. When the engine is running, I’m seeing voltages vary from 13.0 to 13.7 in flight. And there didn’t seem to be a logic to the varying voltage. I watched it carefully when the gear was lowered and the voltage remained around 13.3 throughout the cycle. I’m hoping the loose ground is the culprit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. I would keep what you have if it is in decent shape. I had a Narco 12D+ that gave me a lot of issues. Eventually replaced it with a GNC 255B. If you are flying IFR, having a decent second radio, is, in my opinion, a necessity. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. What’s in there now is an old analog regulator that has a couple of “George’s” repair stickers on it. I will need to look back but I’m pretty sure I sent it out for repair once or twice during the 28 years I owned the plane. When the alternator was replaced, the voltage to the VR was confirmed and the shop felt it was the alternator. Since I was on the road, I opted to replace it with a PP. The post maintenance run up looked fine and the voltage looked good on the JPI and he portable voltmeter I had plugged in. It started going low again recently. I did look at it last night and found the ground wire coming out of the Cannon connector was slightly loose. Not sure how important the ground is in maintaining voltage. Will know when I get to fly it again. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  20. From my understanding, you can buy a new Plane Power or a rebuilt Delco or any of the other automotive alternators that were approved for aircraft. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. My voltage regulator is having issues and I am researching a replacement unit. For those of you who have made this decision, what are the pros and cons of both units? The Zeftronics are almost twice the price of the Plane Power. The Zeftronics can be purchased with a Cannon plug which should plug directly into the Mooney harness. The Plane Power appears to require you to cut the harness and individually connect each lead to the regulator. Since I own a Plane Power alternator any advantage that the Plane Power voltage regulator has working with their own alternator? Both have similar features but the Zeftronics has a troubleshooting light. Thoughts? https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/planePowerSAL2.php Looks like the Plane Power may need an adapter plate for my Mooney & they do not have a noise reducer. (Model R1224) https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/zeftronicsreg.php?clickkey=3013337 (Model R1530B)
  22. Mert - I would try the co-pilot side's jacks first even if it means you put a portable PTT button in place. Many interference problems are related to the jacks and grounding.
  23. Are you sure that is not an inside photo of the lunar lander?
  24. Garmin shop. I don’t think Garmin sells parts to a non-dealer. (I’m not sure they sell repair parts at all). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  25. What he is talking about is this button: With either an airspeed or squat switch, if you put the gear in the “up” position (throttle in) and the switch indicates a fault condition (airspeed switch = too low airspeed or squat switch = weight is still on squat), you will get a warning horn. The red button allows you to override the safety features to retract the gear. The gear warning switch tied to the throttle activates a horn as well. This would activate if the throttle is out and the gear lever is up. The switch was not on older Mooneys and many of us with electric gear added it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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