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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. What it looks like it is doing is tracking LNAV guidance, hence the magneta line. Since MOLN is 4.9 nm from the FAF, it may be tracking the GPS overlay until it is within 3 nm of the FAF. Does the LNAV go away at all? Have you tried cycling the CDI when you are within 3 nm of the FAF? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. It’s called stuttering… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. What was Palmer violated for? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. What was Palmer violated for? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. And then there are just stupid people. The ones who don’t realize Darwin was talking about them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Thanks for clarifying this. I have heard of issues where the the installer used the wrong connectors, wrong Ethernet cable, wrong location of the RSM, etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. Leave my brother out of this! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. I’m confused about what is going on here. Was the unit installed by an authorized Aspen dealer or not? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. I love them. They are simple and a great back up to the JPI 900. Even years after I had the JPI installed, I find myself still using the EI’s to set RPM & MP. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. See “Little Timmy”. He will tell you how that will fare. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Your panel in your 76 looks a lot like mine when I installed my Aspen 2000. Initially I kept all of the analog stuff. After 20+ years of flying IFR with analog gauges, my mind wasn’t ready for tapes. I eventually forced myself to learn (especially the ASI) by covering them with a sticky note. Now after 9 years of flying with them, it’s second nature. And I got to clean up the panel and removed the old stuff. As for remorse. When I was looking at what was available back in 2012, the Garmin G500 was just introduced and Aspen had their stuff. The G500 initially didn’t have a backup battery and when it was available it was $5k. Aspen’s battery backup and reversion mode sold me. If I had bought the G500, I’d be sitting here today wanting a G500 Txi or a G3X. Aspen’s upgrade path to the Max was a helluva lot cheaper than upgrading the Garmin stuff would have been. As for the VSI, I never look at the tape and always use the digital number. I guess flying the same plane for 31 years, you get used to what power settings you need to get you what you want. I look at the number just to confirm the performance. One thing I put into context is that the avionics available to us today are light years ahead of what we had for years. It’s all good. And I have flown enough stuff over the years to say our panels are a huge step up from what a good portion of the freight dogs and charters are flying behind. 2022 2013 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. How much troubleshooting have you done on the autopilot side? With the amount of Aspen stuff you have thrown at it, maybe there is something funky going on the KFC side. When I had my Aspen installed with my STEC 60-2, I had a problem where the plane would fly wings level and ignored the Aspen GPSS and even the heading bug. Turned out to be a faulty throw over switch which was supposed to switch the autopilot inputs over from the PFD to the MFD during reversion. I never touched the switch but it caused the wings level problem. Might be worthwhile making sure the autopilot isn’t doing something weird. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. I don’t think anyone is being malicious. There is a lot of owners with real world experience who have commented. Jonny is in a tough spot. He needs cash infusion but to get that cash infusion he needs to show a viable bottom line and a solid business case. Maybe I missed something on the thread but what I read were people providing input as to what owners would like to see. And suggestions on viable ways to keep Mooney on the correct side of the ledger. As a 31 year owner, I want them to succeed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Are you on Facebook? If so, send Andy Smith from Aspen a message describing your issue. The ESV should have been registered to you and hopefully Andy can help provide a replacement card for you. I find it hard to believe they can’t help you. Andy is the go to guy. I have ESV but don’t remember getting a SD with the upgrade. I’ll look through my stash. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I’ve got a couple of ladies for you to test fit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. Paul - I think supporting the MSCs also means providing governance over them. I have been to some of the MSCs over the years and some of them certainly have deteriorated to a point their service isn’t on par with some of the non-MSCs. Some of this is due to the mechanic shortage. More of it is probably due to who is looking after their quality? As for the parts situation. Look at what happened to Narco when they tried to pull all service & parts back to Narco. Bendix King has tried to do the same. Even Garmin has opened some of their product lines to non-Garmin shops. Restricting parts sales to MSCs will continue to put an overhead on the parts as the owner will ask their local shop to acquire the parts and the shops in turn will add their own overhead. There are plenty of opportunities for Mooney to generate revenues from retrofits. How many owners would like to upgrade their yokes to the modern style? How many have asked for rudder pedal extenders? I was in this game (not aviation related). They need to generate sustainable revenues to secure additional venture monies to get the manufacturing of new planes back fully. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. I wonder what is different about the EA-100 over the ACU that interfaces with my STEC. My autopilot interface has been rock solid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. And if you have specific questions on the 75F, there are a few of us on the forum. I’ve owned mine for 31 years. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  19. Looking really good David! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Plus you’ll more likely be at the airport for hangar flying and barbecues! I made the mistake of living an hour from my plane. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  21. Ted - do these mount in the same holes as the Klixon’s? And is the attachment to the buss bar the same? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  22. He is talking about their merger with a mesh of companies. Some of the new partners are into high end drone operations and there was a fear that Aspen would abandon the GA market to concentrate on building technology for this new industry. I haven’t seen any changes from Aspen indicating this is happening and the last time I spoke with my avionics shop, they indicated they still have a steady stream of new Aspen customers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. I think your decision will need to come down to what you plan on doing with the legacy boxes (Avidyne and the Lynx) as well as your autopilot. The Lynx as you know will display traffic and weather on the Avidyne. It will also display weather and traffic on the Aspens but I doubt it will display anything on the 275. On my setup with dual Aspens, I receive traffic and weather on both the Aspen PFD and MFD. But, on my GTN, only traffic is displayed. Your current autopilot will work seamlessly with the Aspens. Garmin offers a more complete integration but it requires everything to start with a “G”. I’m a happy Aspen owner. I love the fact that when Garmin and Aspen came up with a significant update to their products, I didn’t need to yank out a G500 to put in a whole new G3X to get more functionality. Or be a G5 owner pining for a GI-275. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. I have a friend who released his WWII bomber pilot Uncle’s remains from his Cessna 172’s window. I asked him afterwards how it went. He said very calmly “My Uncle will always be with me”. Later that day I saw him with a new shop vac at his hangar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  25. Welcome back Tom. Glad to have you back in the fold! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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