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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. I’ve gone through a cylinder replacement on my mid time engine. The fact the cylinders were replaced on this plane is a good sign. It means the owner is doing maintenance. When you do the pre-purchase, just make sure they do a thorough inspection of the engine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. And as testwest said, it’s easier when the seats are out. Mainly to remove the plastic covering over the area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. I originally had a plastic piece covering the area in between the seats. If you remove that, you’ll see the screws testwest is talking about. Really easy to get to once you remove the plastic cover over the area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Mine was discolored all the way through the material. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Lowe’s. They have a great selection. I don’t remember the thickness but you can use a caliper to measure. It’s pretty thin. I made one up as an owner supplied part and had it installed at one of my annuals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Russell - I started out with an F back in 1991. In 2022, I’m still flying the same F. My kids were born in the 1990s. By the early 2000s the F became a challenge since my kids were growing. Instead of selling, I rented a larger plane for those several trips a year that required more useful load. By the late 2000s the kids weren’t as interested in flying with “Mom & Dad”. Fast forward to 2022. I’m recently retired and my F is the perfect plane for the trips my wife and I are taking. Of course owning the plane all these years, I have all the gremlins worked out and modernized it as well. Where you are at with your kids, it’s pretty likely that C/E/F/G or J will fit your needs. The only caveat is if you are intending on flying in higher terrains, then a turbo model might be something to consider. Hope this helps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. I’ll scan it to a pdf and send it to you as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Kit was under SB-196 (SBM20-196A.pdf (mooney.com)). I also did a hand drawing of the wiring to make it easier for me to visualize everything. There are differences in the kits for the various Mooney models it covers. I'll post the wire diagram I made. The SB has the same information but does it a bit more piecemeal.
  9. Mooney offered it as retrofit kit back when I did it in the 1990s. I’ll see if I can find the logbook entry. I also did a full wiring schematic of how it was wired into the system. I hear you about the value. I flew for years out of WNY. If it got bone chilling cold the donuts wouldn’t expand enough to activate my mechanical squat switch. I got stuck flying home with the gear down after an overnight stay. Flying 200 miles at 100 knots sucked. Reminded me of my days flying a Cessna. Let me see what I can dig up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. And if you don’t have the red button, I’d see if you can get the kit. It’s worth having. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. I’m not sure if the tube is routed the same on C models but my tube runs from the vent down to the pilot’s side and out the bottom under the avionics bay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. If you think it is coming from the roof vent, the best thing to do is pull the headliner and see if the tubing that goes from the vent to the belly is intact. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Check your PM. Good news. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. 2650 and like the good doc noted, 2700 on the roll. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. We are in the Philly area. I’ll approach the guy to see where he is on his decision. I’ll drop you a PM if he is getting serious on selling or not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. The poor beer drinking dog’s supply of beer has dried up since I quit drinking. He does however always seem to find someone with a cold one in his or her hands at the barbecues. I just retired and am now starting to think about retirement locations. The tough selling point for my wife is that she wants to find Pleasantville. You know the place. It’s where it is 72° all the time and doesn’t rain. I constantly hear “that place is too hot” or “this place is too cold”. [emoji849] I do plan on doing for more trips this summer and if we find ourselves in your neck of the woods, I’ll let you do a hard sell on her. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. Nah Gus, it’s not me. Although seeing the selling prices over the past year has me thinking about it. No, the guy I’m thinking about is one of those lucky early 70 year olds who got hit with a sizable double digit insurance increase this year. How could I give up views like this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. Where are you located? Based on your gmail it looks like Maryland. Either that or you’re a doctor. [emoji4] I know a guy who is going back and forth on selling. It’s an F and has most of what you are looking for. I’ll approach him but it might help convince him to commit if you can meet him in person. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. If you don’t know the Mooney well, I’d take it Air Mods over in Jersey or the MSC in Maryland (can’t remember the name). If the plane is local, PM me. I probably know the owner or the plane. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. You’re going to love the WX-500 on the L3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. I think you’ll find most shops are booked out weeks in our area. Are you looking for someone to do an annual or just something needs to be repaired? I’ve let the shop on my field do the last two annuals (N57). They have done a decent job. Since I’ve owned the plane 31 years, I know the plane better than any mechanic and bring my squawk to them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  22. Small world. Did I meet you at one of his fly ins? I thought you @‘d him because you thought he was still turning wrenches in PA. Is Alan Wolk still working on planes? He was doing annuals on Merrit’s Mooney. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. He moved. He is down near Wallups Flight Facility now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. Over the years I have seen threads deleted for various reasons. Sometimes it was posted and something went sideways as cornfield said (there was a thread recently where the OP made a political comment. I don’t think he maliciously made the comment, but it was made in frustration). I had responded with what I thought was a decent historical perspective on their complaint - the rising fuel cost situation). It was deleted. Presumably because it did go sideways. Then there are posts that are deleted because of self incrimination. I’m thinking about the student pilot Mooney owner posting a picture of himself flying his family while still a student pilot. Or the poster posted about work they did on their own plane. Only to be provided sometimes rough feedback about what FAR they were breaking. Then there are a few posts that the OP deleted because they got feedback they didn’t want to read. We are pilots - the most obnoxious know it alls known to the human race. Being chastised in a public forum is enough to make some pick up their ball and bat and go home. Sometimes never to be seen again. BTW - it is the reason some of us don’t frequent or participate as much. Then there are the ones that are deleted by the Admin for obvious reasons. I’m thinking about the infamous “Little Timmy” thread. Poor Timmy. The most famous one of them all was the member who painstakingly deleted all of their posts (I’m not talking about threads, individual posts). Now that was an epic taking your toys home moment. People delete for a variety of reasons. I don’t fault them when they make the decision to do so. But like the OP, it bothers me that I took the time to respond to see it go up in vapor. Ok, OP time to delete this thread. [emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  25. ​ As someone who chased a few static gremlins over the years; here are a few things I would look at before you get to the expensive stuff (i.e. pulling radios for bench tests). Take a look at the insulators on the jacks. I had an issue where flight vibration would cause a static problem. Make sure the jacks (all of them) are not touching anything. Again vibration in flight. Pull the radios from the stack and reseat them after cleaning the connectors. Make sure the antenna on the radios are grounded properly. Follow the wires from the jacks to make sure they aren’t wearing or grounding somewhere. Try turning of stuff in flight to see if you can make it go away. Had this issue due to my JPI 900: https://youtu.be/xOBA-FOu944 You could be experiencing a breakdown of your RG-58 cable. I noticed this issue after my panel was upgraded. The old radios tolerated the degrading 58 cable. I had to run all new RG-400 to address this issue. When I pulled the 58 I found this kind of stuff: ​ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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