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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. I am the kind of guy who is faithful to my mechanic, my insurance company as long as they behave. 1 1/2 year ago, watching an airshow, one of the event sponsor offered free lunch and tent access for all pilots flying in. It was an insurance broker based in Montreal (March Canada) and one of the VPs was there and I told him that due to their nice treatment I would ask them for a quote whenever I renew my insurance. The aircraft got insured with the same broker for many years... when I bought it, I stayed with the same. So upon renewal i got a quote from the current broker, asked March Canada and also EAA (since I became member recently). here are the quotes I got for $55K hull value: Current broker : $1600 EAA: $1400 March : $1100 After i told my current broker about the quotes I got, they tried to match but could not so I switched. $500 difference is significant and my opinion is that if you just renew without checking around, there is no incentive for your broker to make extra efforts to give you a lower quote. Yves
  2. Let me know Lacee if you want me to ship it to someone. Yves
  3. I am in the software testing business. ALL the projects I have been on were risk based coverage ie not everything is tested. I don't know if anyone here worked for the NASA? I think their systems had 3 computers with code written by 3 different teams and the action taken would be based on a voting system... but what if the 3 boxes decide differently? yves
  4. Nope. But this could be an excellent movie scenario... remember War games with Mathew Broderick? Someone somewhere think that they are more clever than all others and will remove the crew seats, replace them with computers... who cannot fall asleep etc. etc. Then something terribly wrong happens... you see the twist? I am starting to write it right now. Thanks Flydave! Yves
  5. You can always offer Byron some snow shoes and sleeping bags if he dares to come up north in winter! Yves
  6. yvesg


    26.8 for me and apparenty I am on the 49th percentile which means about right in the middle of the men population. http://www.halls.md/body-mass-index/av.htm Yves
  7. Got all that Erik. I was not there when that picture was taken but I assume the wind did clear up the ice. Last year was my first year there and I drove since the aircraft was at annual. The risk on rivers even when the ice is very thick is cracks. Not that you will fall in there but they could sheer a tire easily...this is why I would never land on a frozen surface without prior visual inspection. If the runway is long enough and aligned with the wind (or no wind) and is inspected I am usually game for landing. The worst place I have put the Mooney down was at Katima airpark (on Martha's Vineyard Isl.) many years ago. This was way more dangerous that putting the Mooney down on ice. Have not been to Alton. Rockland? You mean Rockcliffe? (Rockland is a city about 30 miles east with no airport) Rockcliffe has the same runway numbers and pattern as gatineau 09-27 with right hand traffic for 27. For Rockcliffe you need to make a 20 degrees turn to the North once airborne on take off. This is about it. Rockcliffe has been my field for many years until december 31st. I just moved my plane to Gatineau... the main reason: They doubled the club membership fees so far that it would cost me around $1300 a year... more than what I pay for my insurance. I will save $750 a year for better service at Gatineau (and actually a much better spot). The club executive has made recent bad decisions that make flying a very expensive hobby in Ottawa. I was wondering how much people pay around the continent for outside parking spots? Perhaps I will ask on another thread. This way I will find out if my "feeling being taken hostage" is genuine or if I am full of crap! Yves
  8. Don't you have reverse thrust on the Rocket? Jokes aside, if you come in at your slow limit, there is no problem. When returning from California, I landed in Brampton and the runway there was 100% ice. A strong wind (aligned with the runway) did help. The trick is not to touch the brakes until you are slow enough. But you are the PIC and you are in charge of your airplane. For the fly-in, They had a twin coming in one year. I landed there last year. Not for the flyin because the aircraft was waiting for some parts still in annual around that date... but a week before it went for annual. For Canpass, you can land in Ottawa Rockliffe, no landing fee and hop to the flyin after (10 minutes away). Yves
  9. More pictures about this fly-in a few years back. www.flickr.com/photos/djipibi/sets/72157626022757395/ Yves
  10. I looked at their pricing structure and... they will not sell too many at that price. Yves
  11. That link above did not seem to work Erik. Try this one and select the Feb 22 one. Yves http://www.copa45.com/events.htm
  12. Erik, let me know if you come around gatineau again. Would be nice to meet in person. Next time I go around your way I will try to stop too. My aircraft is also going for annual on Feb 1st. If you are up to it, there is a flyin on feb 22 near Gatineau. There will be a 4000 feet ice runway. I landed there OK with the Mooney last year. Here is the info: http://www.copanational.org/images/On%20the%20Horizon/moe's_fly_in.jpg Yves
  13. Here it is either too cold or it is IFR in icy clouds. Have not flown for 2 weeks! Yves
  14. It depends on the Pour rating of the oil you use. I would try to always stay a couple of degrees about that temperature. Check the other threads... Aaron ran into such issues recently. Yves
  15. PM sent. Yves
  16. For the above: I asked the question after my garmin install, before Christmas.
  17. The most problem I had when flying in USA around new year was due to my French accent I think. One controller gave up trying to understand the type of aircraft and entered me in the system as experimental lolll. I got this corrected further along the route. The Garmin radios have to meet specifications that are fairly stringent. They would not have got their approval if they would be low quality as far as distorsion and so on. I was surprised on the answer of the avionics shop answer to my question: Did you check the SWR of the antenna? They did not. i would check that way if i were you. Yves
  18. On my flight to Long Beach two weeks ago, I recall an event where I was asked to contact the next terminal center and the frequency was 133.00. I switched the COM of my 430W to that and when i got there, I had a dead carrier and could ear the controller transmitting (his signal strength was below the dead carrier) behind this (but could not decypher him) with the beat tone associated with two carriers spreaded apart with something below 1000 Hertz... so I thought here is an idiot with a stuck mike on that frequency! i had the clairvoyance to turn off my other COM unit... as soon as i did this, the carrier went away... it was a spurious emission from my second COM unit causing this signal. Having two radios is good but sometimes they might step on each other. Yves
  19. Can someone post pictures of the weights on an hartzell prop? I got mine balanced a year or two ago and have not seen any weights anywhere. I will definitely ask my mechanic how he puts the weights on. Yves
  20. The above example includes visibility but no ceiling. It should state "CLR" if there is no clouds, then it would be VFR. Yves
  21. My point is simple: if the reporting station does not report ceiling AND visibility, show it as grey (unknown condition) instead of green. It is not possible to decide which flight rules apply without BOTH. Yves
  22. I thought some might want to know about this. I reported to the Foreflight team a bug about the display of the flight rules on the maps. green is used to show VFR however it is also used to show reporting stations that do not provide visibility and/or ceilings. These should show as "grey" because it is not known what would apply without the visibility AND ceiling. Image attached. Note that all surrounding report stations show as IFR or worse. Yves
  23. This is why here we put wing covers from december to march. Yves
  24. Arizona! This is where I want to move. N201MKTurbo, would you be able to help me find a job in AZ? I will move! Yves
  25. Larry, assuming you are using Phillips, the 20W50 pour point is -33 degrees C. The Aeroshell that I use has -36. Just a 3 degrees difference. Both are good Canadian winter oils however we can see that cooling those oils below -30 C will make them thick as molasse. I am wondering what type of oil Aaron is using? He mentioned issues with his oil coiling on his return trip. Yves
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