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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Look we are all nuts and what we do does not make economic sense at all. But having said that this is what I did to my 43 year old girl... What I would do if I could? would be to add a second ASPEN and a JPI 930 to get rid of the RPM and MP gauges. I would also replace my 795 with a 796 with weather if I were to fly in the US.
  2. Mike Great trip!!! Sorry that you could not swing by Guatemala...
  3. i doubt it... but even less on a 320
  4. After landing, flaps up. Run up to 1400 RPM lean, then 1000 RPM, Avionics off, mixture cut off, master off and then magnetos off, finally keys out. Then master on, Avionics on, download information from JPI, then everything off again.
  5. Gary Thank you! I emailed him yesterday and he responded right away with an idea of what may be going on. It seems that there are 4 rubber dampers that may be worn out. Oscar
  6. Great, congratulations!
  7. Yes it really looks great! Looking forward to visiting there once I am back in the country.
  8. I use AVBLEND.
  9. Yes the slop is present.
  10. Guys, as many of you know by now I am currently outside of the country with my Mooney. In Guatemala there are 2 Mooneys (Hopefully 3 soon). So knowledge about how to maintain a mooney is not always available. That is why I post some many questions....Thus here goes another one: My Mooney has electric flaps. When I put the Flaps in take off position (I know some would say simply don't do it) the flaps have to much play upwards and as soon as I start rolling they move up 5 degress. However when I put the flaps down to full flaps they stay in place. I asked my local mechanic (not a mooney expert) to look into it he said that everything looked OK. When I use the flaps for landing they stay in place (I guess because of the airflow)> . As you can imagine I don't think that this is right. Thank you for any advice you can give me!!! Oscar
  11. I really like the ESV. I am currently in Guatemala, where Radar services and VFR charts are not comparable to US. So you are basically on your own most of the times. Considering the number of Volcanos and mountains that are around the area...he ESV helps a lot. Yeah, tailwinds would be wonderful, but as we all know they never disappear.... The main problem I have with my M20C is that the airport is at 5000 feet and temp are above normal most of the times, which means that I have a HARD TIME climbing, with CHTs way to high.
  12. wonderful scenery. Where is this?
  13. I went with a GTN750, GPS430W, 795 and ASPEN. Plus remote transponder, audio panel and WX500... love it...
  14. Good point about the Antenna. Mine is about 20 years old.... I went to the hangar today and cleaned it. I plan on going flying tomorrow and will check how it goes.
  15. Welcome aboard. I had my M20C for more than 10 years now... and I still love her. It is a great plane. I am sure you will enjoy her and the great Mooney community. Don;t hesitate to ask questions. The guys here know a lot and are extremely helpful! Just don't start arguing about LOP and ROP... or 2 and 3 blade props.
  16. I am talking about the firmware for the camera. Garmin just issued firmware 2.4. Unfortunately upgrading the camera is not always easy and Garmin is not always helpful. Oscar
  17. yes, should have tried that...
  18. I got one... it looks great. I have not been able to use it... I got a message that I had to upgrade its software, connected the unit had a problem with my PC and the uprade process did not finish. The unit became a brick... I called Garmin and they told me that I had to send the unit back and get it replaced. Quoted turnaround time 10 to 14 business days...waiting
  19. I have a question for the group.... Yesterday I was flying an ILS approach. The frequency Id was ok, the LOC came in fine, but the Glideslope was intermittent. It came up and then disappeared from the ASPEN display as if the signal was intermittend. I was wondering if this is something that already happened to some of you guys, if this is an antenna problem, and what could I do about it... Thanks for any input on this...
  20. When I was learning to fly (no GPS...) on my first cross country I nearly landed on the wrong airport. I was supposed to land in Albany and close by there is an rport with a similar layout. Very nervous (first filght away from the base by myslelf) I lined up to join the downwind. But once I got closer I realized my mistake communicated it to ATC and we all got a nice laugh out of it... Since then, I make sure that I have a nice GPS with all the info in the box.
  21. Carl, I am using 2 Go pros and 2 Contours. Both cameras are great. However, their battery life sucks... or at least I have not been able to get enough juice time out of them... So after 1.5 hours (even in the case of the Go Pro with the extra battery pack) they are dead. But the video quality of both cameras are excellent and they are very rugged. I fly often through rain, land on grass strips and they seem not to mind... What would I want? Well, I decided to try out the new Garmin VIRB, got one, looks like a great camera and well priced, but before having been able to use it, it died while I was updating the software. It became a nice brick. I contacted Garmin and they told me that I had to wait 10 to 14 business days to get a replacement.... bummer, and not a very good customer service, considering that it was not my fault... Having said this, I still think that given that Garmin has a 3 hour battery, this may be a good option too. I use the factory provided mounts. They stick well to the wing and fuselage. At some point I tried to use the suction cups. They also work well, but if you don't mount them well... you may lose a camera (I lost two). Oscar
  22. Yesterday after work I decided to go flying... here is the result... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHeKBkJTc1I&feature=c4-overview&list=UUuBPKyU-fEOZGWKutpVtFKw
  23. One point to keep in mind: it should not interfer with the operation of the fuel selector
  24. Count on me. This is a great idea. PM me if you want.
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