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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I land and take off my M20C without any problems using grass strips. Just be careful with the prop and speed!!! If you are concerned about prop clearance, have a look at this video. I shot it landing on a grass strip. You can see the landing after about a minute.
  2. Thanks will do
  3. I have a question. For a while after I shut down the engine and only if I am running on the left hand tank (pilot's side) and it is hot (ambient temperature above 80) I can sense some fuel smell in the cabin. I looked for marks of fuel and everything looks clean... Any suggestions or ideas? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. I just added my location to the map. No problem.
  5. BTW, you may want to look into a Hula Girl too.
  6. David, really nice work! Tells us how you like it once you are in the air.
  7. Many years ago, I had a nice PA 28 160. I loved the plane, until I saw the light and fell in love with N9341V...
  8. I would consider flying into Caldwell NJ. KCDW. Nice airport, not to expensive.
  9. Yeah... given the heat and the altitude sometimes I just leave them open to keep the CHT under 400.
  10. I never understood how mooney could have taken the decision to fix the cowl flaps...well I guess bean counters rule the world.
  11. First congratulations for getting back in the Air! I really believe that the Ca are great planes. Second would love to see the lessons learned from your friend's incident. Oscar
  12. I use my gtn 750 for navigation and primary com. The 430 to display storm scope information and the 795 for traffic and for the approach charts. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  13. Agree, don't leave the ground!
  14. Thank you, the song is called cigarette by Creel Commission.
  15. I was watching TV yesterday night and they started asking why the pilot disconnected the autopilot and did not use the autoland function to land the plane as if that was the normal procedure...amazing the lack of understanding of some media "aviation experts"...
  16. Two flights with repositioned cameras.
  17. We are in the middle of the rainy season in Guatemala. That means strong Thunderstorms and CBs that pop up without notice. Thus flying has been a challenge for some weeks. But on Saturday we were given a break...
  18. Really nice. Love to do the trip...
  19. mixture rich, no carb heat and prop forward
  20. Your math is right on the money, although still low. You need to consider higher fuel prices in europe, insurance, hotels, etc. But ... who said we fly because it makes sense financially... Oscar
  21. thanks for the information. How about insurance?
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