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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I have both cameras. Both are very well built and perform well. Garmin is larger and I think heavier. You also don't need a case as with the GoPro. Now video quality is similar. However the main difference is battery life. Garmin's battery life is about 2.5 hours while GoPro with the extra battery pack only 1.7 (in the best case).
  2. Is there an STC for my M20C... I need one!!!!
  3. Wow, thanks for sharing...
  4. I did fly also to the Atlantic Coast. Puerto Barrios, Rio Dulce and last week to Roatan in Honduras. Great that you are relocating to Guatemala. It is a great place and a great place for flying. If there is anything I can help let me know, otherwise send me an emal when you are here so we can have a coffee. oavalle@gmail.com. Looking forward to meeting you in person. Oscar
  5. Very impressive! How was venezuela? I heard they rip off your head in terms of fees and other things. But pleas post pictures!
  6. Entertaining, don't take it serious... Just like Ice Pilots and Alaska Flyers... but I like Ice Pilots better.
  7. I like the VIRB, however until now the one I like most is still the contour. Video quality, the capacity to control the camera and the battery time are still the best.
  8. Welcome to this forum of crazy but very nice and helpful people!
  9. Enjoy guys...who knows may be next year if I am back in DC.
  10. That comparison explains a lot why there are less and less new planes around...
  11. I agree, US$ 400 is high... I would prefer to charge a portable powerpack for my ipad take it with me and use it in an emervgency.
  12. way to go girl! May be some technical assistance on how you achieved that result...
  13. Now that our beech friends may become cessna flyers...interesting consolidation of the GA industry. What do you think. I believe that this opens up a lot of opportunities for the reborn Mooney... http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/Beechcraft-For-Sale-Report220802-1.html http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-17/beechcraft-owners-said-to-be-approaching-potential-bidder.html
  14. Sounds really interesting... any pictures.
  15. I agree and there was another conversation some time ago about this addition. It really looks great and is extremely useful.
  16. The wing camera and the top one. The other one is my contour.
  17. You must have been really nice this year...otherwise Santa would not have left you those gifts...congratulations!
  18. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=CULkwuva_DI Guys another flight... This time I tried out the new Garmin VIRB cameras. They work really great. Happy holidays and enjoy...
  19. Ditto on the video. It is really a great investment
  20. I have a Vertex and it works well to get the clearances and ATIS.
  21. I use three cameras to tape some of my flights. I don't try to control the taping while I fly. I just edit them down afterwards. To attach the cameras I use the provided mounts (they are strong enough to hold the cameras in place) and place the cameras on the inspection plates. Here is a link to one of the taped flights.
  22. No, i don't think you are crazier than the rest of us. Just be careful
  23. Really nice!!!
  24. Hey Maurader, please join us...It is great fun! just don't tell my wife why we are there... BTW on the crossfill, the 430 talks to the 750, but only if BOTH databases are up to date. That means that you have to pay US$ 1000 to Jepp to keep both current. I must say that I really don't know if this is SO IMPORTANT to spend US$ 500 additionally.... I feel that it is not. Any opinions.
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