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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. Will do.. S-TEC DG and 5000B AG.
  2. Thanks... I'll see what they say. It might be hard to beat the price from AQI. DG: $475 (AP) and AG: $340.
  3. Excellent feedback... That's what I was looking for!
  4. I'm needing to have my gyro's serviced and found Aircraft Quality Instruments (AQI) out of Wichita, KS. Their pricing seems to be about 25% lower than any of the other shops. I'm a little nervous shipping my gyros to a shop that is that much lower than the others. Is there anyone that can provide a testimonial for this company? Here's their website: http://flyaqi.com/
  5. Brian, Were you able to measure the cooling improvement?
  6. I'm a big fan of modernizing planes and flying them forward. Heck, I'm doing it with mine! That being said, I just don't think long term its a viable business. It's no different than restoring old cars. Everyone knows that the one doing the restoration, takes the bath and the purchaser makes out like a bandit. There might be a small niche market where someone falls in love with a given make/model of aircraft and is willing to pay top dollar to bring it to near-new status. But on a large scale, I don't see it. I'm sure there's some folks out there that have some spare bucks that would purchase one of these reimagined 152's because that's what they learned how to fly in. For flight schools, I'm not sure if they'll go that route. They are priced right at where you can by a new LSA with nice glass cockpits and avionics that uses almost no fuel. Kids might lean toward LSA's because of the cool factor. It will be very interesting to see what will be the primary trainer of choice in 10-15 years.
  7. Yep... you have to register it through NOAA... Here's the link. It's pretty straight forward. http://www.sarsat.noaa.gov/beacon.html
  8. That's quite the list of issues you've listed there... I've only had my plane a few years but I've found that it's better to work on those squawks as they come up throughout the year than wait for the annual. It helps spread the costs and leaves you with a better flying plane. It also keeps from having an annual with a price tag that would choke a horse. Something to think about for your next annual.
  9. The flight schools I've used seemed to care less what the planes looked like with a good percentage on leaseback. The smaller schools when needing a new plane would bottom fish for a plane and let their mechanic keep it going. The bigger schools might be interested in one but they'd want it repainted to school colors. I'd bet that if one of these schools approached AOPA and said they want 10, AOPA would paint them purple with spots if it meant making a sale. AOPA doesn't have a long attention span. They tend to start initiatives like this and loose interest and move on to something else. They'll sell a handfull of these refurbished 152's and that will be it.
  10. Yep... I recently had to go the overhaul route.
  11. If you can not beat them join them ! You Americans are a bunch of wimps.
  12. It is Russian. I translated one of the titles an it said: "St. Petersburg weekend tours Turkey Alanya latest offerings"
  13. You'll not recover much but if you have leaky tanks or it's been a long time since the last reseal job, that would be a big negative.
  14. I have two brand new ash tray lights that I never used... Anyone wishing to take them off my hands, let me know.
  15. I have the PMA7000B and I just plug in a HTC Bluetooth receiver into the music jack and pair it with my iPad. Works great. You don't need a BT intercom to make it BT capable.
  16. Any thoughts about getting it airworthy to use for your primary training? I personally think that the piper Cherokee (140/151/180) is one of the best trainers out there. You could use that to get your PPL and depending on how it's equipped continue on and get your IR in it. Then decide if your mission calls for a Mooney. If it does, you'll have a plane that been flown on a regular basis to use for a good down payment. Good luck with your training.
  17. What you have there is is some serious aircraft porn... Just once, I'd like to fly behind something like that!
  18. Looks like an induction fuel leak to me. What's your EGT/CHT's for your #2 cylinder?
  19. I started out my IFR training using a book by Peter Dogan entitled "The Instrument Flight Training Manual." I found if really good. It takes out all the fluff and covers all that's required and nothing more. http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/product/13218 If you'd want the complete body of work for Instrument and commercial training then you have to have Jeppesen's "Guided Flight Discovery Instrument / Commerncial" manual. http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/product/9590
  20. Now THIS is a nice looking J!
  21. Sounds like someone is suffering from Johnson Bar envy.
  22. Dugosh is just down the road in Kerrville. Might give those guys a call.
  23. Assuming left seat, side by side seating... Stick = Right, Yoke = Left (thumb & index finger).
  24. Rags, based on your comments, I sense that you don't take your cowing off much. If that's the case, you really need to get it off and get it cleaned up. That way, you'll have a better chance of finding the leak. You might want first try tightening up the valve covers. Mine leaks from there from time to time and it's about a five minute job. I'm a little OCD about keeping my engine clean so my cowl is off all the time. It is also a good idea to give the engine a good look every few hours.
  25. Bdyedly, PM me your email and I'll send you a copy.
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