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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. Luke, that's actually good news. Contact LASAR and they will rebuild it for $225. Just did mine and they do a fantastic job. Also, Dukes are not as bad as some folks say.
  2. Ryder, I don't remember if you have an engine monitor but if not, don't walk but run and get one installed. It's absolutely critical that you monitor your engine temps. In regards to takeoff power setting, this has been discussed and debated to death in other threads so I would you use the search feature to find them. But I will say that I've found that I can't climb out my C like its a J. I'd like nothing more than to firewall everything and not touch anything until I reach my cruise altitude but that's not reality for a mid1960's C with a doghouse cowled Mooney. In order to keep CHTs in line, I generally have to climb out 25 squared. You'll also want to get your plane to 120mph as soon as possible to maintain engine cooling.
  3. I think this is a double post but I foresee a new boost pump in your near future.
  4. Yep... Mine was just leaking from there as well... Time for a new/overhauled boost pump.
  5. Have you tried to removing it, cleaning the connectors and re-seating in back in the rack?
  6. If you're really looking at twins, don't look past the Aztec (PA-23). These plane are not that sexy but from all reports a very good option. http://www.barnstormers.com/classified_930206_1970+Piper+Aztec.html http://www.aopa.org/News-and-Video/All-News/1991/September/1/Piper-Aztec
  7. . Yep and for me it seems maintenance comes in waves. Just this month I had to replace the battery, alternator, boost pump and overhaul the fuel selector. Looking through my maintenance log it seems that there's nothing older than 2003 on my plane. So the only thing that's 1965 is some aluminum and the placard.
  8. What I've found is that unless you're using one of the top tier MSC's (Maxwell, Dugosh, LASAR, Cole, Top Gun, etc.) you might as well find a quality A&P near buy and use them. The top tier MSC's are not cheap but they're fair and I consider that money well spent. I personally like to alternate my annuals between a MSC and my local A&P. That way there's a second set of eyes and any Mooney specific item that was overlooked by my local A&P, they'd catch it.
  9. Okay, I'll bite... What does flying gliders have anything to do with enjoying going for a $200 hamburger?
  10. Yeah... Guess how posted it?
  11. Not sure how many folks on this forum uses Facebook but there's a new website called Share Aviation that's has the same look and feel of Facebook but with an aviation theme. I've been on it a few weeks and have really enjoyed it. http://shareaviation.com/ Check it out.
  12. I did...
  13. If they price the M10T and M10J to be competitive with the SR20/22 it should give them a run for their money. Especially if Mooney at some point offers a Ballistic shoot as an option.
  14. Are these so called drop in PAR-46 replacements for the old Halogen bulbs something owners can perform or does it take our hangar elves to perform the work?
  15. It might be a wiring or filter issue but I had the alternator whine and resolved it by removing a ground loop found in my headphone jack. I had to add an isolation washer to the pilot's phone jack and it magically when away. You can try the following: Make sure none of the jacks are touching ground, including the music jack (if you have one). If they are, it could be causing a ground loop. Basically, remove intercom from the tray and get a continuity meter. Go to airframe ground and touch each nut on every jack and see if any are connected, if so, remove jack ground from airframe ground.
  16. Wakeup, you just described your mission... You might have more airplane than you need but so what. Enjoy it and fly often.
  17. +1! Who did those panels? I'd love to have mine redone as well.
  18. Vintage Plane Plastics sale most of the interior parts. You'll need to trim to fit. http://www.planeplastics.com/
  19. That's for the pre-buy!
  20. Sorry... http://www.barnstormers.com/classified_912411_Fast-Glass+Mooney+305+Rocket.html
  21. This one... http://www.barnstormers.com/cat.php?mode=search
  22. I have a SIRS as well. Quality compass and best of all, solved my magnetism issue. The only issue I have is for me it seems to be reverse sensing. You turn right for the compass to go left. For this simple Texas boy, that is a bit confusing.
  23. So if you're looking for a deal on a neglected plane, it's a buyers market. Otherwise it's a sellers market.
  24. Maybe it's just me but there seems to be a glut of planes out there but almost none that's well maintained and equipped the way I'd consider purchasing it. Mine has what I consider to be pretty basic. It has: GNS430W, KX155A, GTX330ES, KN64, PMA7000B, JPI700 and STEC50 w/GPSS. If I wanted to purchase another plane that's equipped with similar avionics, it's almost impossible to fine. I'd hate to be in the market for a plane today. Large inventories of most planes but not many equipped close to what I currently have in mine. Everyone is saying it's a buyers market but I'm not seeing it. Maybe if you're looking for something basic that has dated avionics, that might be the case. But if looking for a one that has current avionics, good luck. Maybe the market's always been this way and I'm just paying more attention to it. But I have to ask, Wot... uh the Deal?
  25. Yeah... for the pre-201's it can be quite an adventure. I had the SB done to re-route cables and degaussing. Even after that, when I brought in the vertical card compass, its head spun around like something from the Exorcist. Ultimately resolved the issue by installing a SIRS compass.
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