Devious - Welcome to the forum!
One thing you need to understand is that not all Mooney's fly the same. In fact, for the M20C's the mid-60's C's have different settings for flips, etc. So because of this, some of the advice needs to be considered on what they're using as their point of reference. Most of the "newer" Mooney's also don't have the old Dog House baffling. Unless your bird's been modified, you've got the old dog house and thus, you have to be very careful to not exceed 400 degrees for your CHT temperature. The trick to keep your engine from exceeding 400 degrees for CHT, is to accelerate to 120 MPH ASAP. In my plane I have to reduce RPM's to around 2500 at 1000' AGL to keep CHT's in line but you might not have to.
As for RPM settings for my run-up, I use around 1800 RPM. I don't worry about it too much as I'm more interested in EGT changes and RPM drops than nailing a given RPM. I have found that under 1800, cycling the prop doesn't work well.
As for flip settings.... I'm not touching that one!