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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. I tried mine today between LVK to SAC and back (5000/4000 ft). FF was 11.5 gph, ~25 to 26" MP and 2500 rpm, OAT=12C. CHTs below 370F, oil temp ~190F. I was seeing 152 KTAS. I have a lot of antennas which could be an issue. I guess I am about average to slightly slow.
  2. Nice. Seems faster than the average J. As slowflyin asked, what is your FF at this setting? And what is "RTB"?
  3. I had mine made about a month ago from Aerosheep. It took a little over a week to get it after putting the order. This included the headrest, which is an option. The headrest fit was a bit tight, but I guess it could have been my measurement. I also had the slit put in the front of the seats. That might loosen the fit somewhat.
  4. What does the indicator look like for more than 30 deg of bank? Say 50 or 55 deg?
  5. I have the same issue sometimes. Remove all the contents from the flap pockets on pilots and passenger side to let the seat slide all the way forward. With sheepskin covers on, the difficulty index of putting back the seats does go up.
  6. I have the KT-76A transponder with the GDL-88 and GTN-650 input for WAAS. Works fine.
  7. I have a short video of a fly-by of Mt Shasta in August this year. I was at 11,500 I think. I have never been above 12,500 ft in any GA aircraft as pilot.
  8. Stopped working this morning for me..
  9. That's what I meant.. Duly humbled.
  10. Glad to see you made it to the ground safely! And very fortunate this didn't happen over the mountains. Congrats and glad you didn't have to pull the chute :-). Sounds like a fuel flow or contamination issue. Did you try switching mags or tanks?
  11. Too bad. After losing to Alabama, A&M has been struggling! Ex-Aggie here.
  12. Trying to do the same. Moving it from July to October to avoid downtime during summer.
  13. Some more details here... http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2015/11/a-former-walmart-ceo-comes-down-under-a-parachute/414046/ My guess, if pilot had not listened to ATC and descended to 4,000 (ATC instruction) and instead maintained altitude/gone directly to the runway (land downwind if needed) the chute might not have been needed. Can't question the outcome though.
  14. US intel says it is a bomb ... http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/04/africa/russian-plane-crash-egypt-sinai/index.html
  15. Let me try to download some representative and provide exact numbers. I usually fly at 2500 rpm. Thanks.
  16. Looks like this should be in the Vendors Forum.
  17. I see you have modified your display to show the fuel level as a bar graph. I have to try that. For me, as a redundant instrument, what I would like is an attitude indicator of some sort. I am running out of panel space where it matters! Off topic, I was curious as to what people are seeing for peak EGT on their Js. I know peak EGT doesn't mean too much, but off the top of my head mine runs up as high as 1550-1600F at 65-70% power at 8000 ft. So I can go to 50 to 70F LOP getting 145kts KTAS at about 9gph. I am concerned about burnt exhaust valves as I have had various people tell me I am running too hot and the heat dissipation is not that great for our Lyc engines (especially if the valves are not perfectly aligned) resulting in exhaust gas leakage past the seats. I have had to deal with cylinder issues at every annual.
  18. I only kept the RPM gauge with the 900 install. Everything else was removed. I wanted an analog gauge to sense the rpm fluctuations which is easier to see on an analog gauge than a digital one.
  19. Tim, I had the 900 put in recently. It took 26 hrs by the installer. If you would like to see the set up let me know.
  20. I use Garmin Pilot and Fltplan. Fltplan has the sharpest graphics among all the apps out there. I use Fltplan for georeferenced approach plates. I usually download the flight plan to my Nexus since it has all the airport info, phone numbers etc along with all pertinent information for the flight. You can also file flight plans through Fltplan, but I usually do it through Pilot. Since I am in bed with Garmin and with the GDL-39, there is no way out if you want Wx and Traffic on a portable like the Nexus or iPad.
  21. My installation is very similar to Marauder's, except my display is vertical. I may put in a recalibration push button switch cover if this is going to be a problem. Also, I set my upper limit speed to Vy. https://www.google.com/search?q=push+button+switch+cover&espv=2&biw=1074&bih=868&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CD0QsARqFQoTCO_rg5nR1sgCFcYZPgodXzQIzQ&dpr=1.8
  22. My take on the usage is that if there is a large "plane" surface to create lift, then we call it an airplane.
  23. Assuming the drone doesn't take out a control surface!
  24. Interesting development. http://fortune.com/2015/10/16/drones-register-department-of-transportation/
  25. I had the latest GTN 650 + GDL88 software updates installed today. The addition of the frequency database, faster frequency entry and predictive fixes/navaid entry has made single-pilot IFR quite a bit easier in terms of fumbling on the keypad and time taken away from the primary instruments. Once the FS210 is in, I think I am done
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