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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. Brilliant video. Probably doesn't apply in many scenarios for Mooneys (where multi-engines apply) but useful nonetheless to know.
  2. Somehow when I loaded the link the first time, I only got the first page. No wonder! Something going with my browser loading pdf files. Thanks.
  3. I guess this is what is called a controlled explosion? What is the margin for error before the engine actually explodes? Must be pretty difficult to control. Even today from time to time there are rockets that explode on the takeoff pad.
  4. Thanks for looking up the regs for me - this certainly clarifies.
  5. 1. Actual instrument flight conditions flown in an aircraft; 2. Simulated instrument flight conditions, using a view-limiting device, flown in an aircraft with a safety pilot; 3. Simulated instrument flight conditions conducted in any FAA approved: • Flight Simulator/Full Flight Simulator (FFS), 2 • Flight Training Device (FTD), 3 • Aviation Training Device (ATD), 4 or 4. A combination of methods 1 through 3 as prescribed by § 61.57(c)(4), or (5). The question still remains about (1) - what duration of the approach has to be IMC? Start of the approach? To what minimums, etc. There must be another rule that defines what IMC is with regards to logging. Does punching through a layer qualify? I am asking about the logging issue not what is safe to maintain currency.
  6. It would be perfect if it came with an earlobe sensor input.
  7. I have some pictures on this site (see below). The wiring has been improved from the pictures shown here. I have a 1A circuit breaker which I use to turn it off while taxiing since it might make give off the audio warning if there is insufficient airflow. I turn it on as part of the take-off checklist.
  8. Forgot to mention, I do have the USB cable which I tried to use with a Mac running Parallels but couldn't get the COM ports set up properly. Gave that up! That was the hell of time I had been having. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  9. Even chimps don't care for drones! http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Researchers-say-chimp-planned-her-attack-on-a-6485179.php
  10. In smaller GA airports usually for IFR releases, the IFR plane should not pull up to the line (even when asked to hold short by ATC) but stay out of the way if possible so VFR aircraft can proceed around them. At least that's what most of us small fry do. Now, if there is no room to manœuvre due to congestion then all bets are off.
  11. Another possible strike http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/Unconfirmed-Drone-Airplane-Collision-Reported-224792-1.html
  12. Battery has been fine since that episode. I thought I had lost it too.
  13. One would still need to get the JPI program running for downloading the data? I had a hell of a time trying to make this work on a non-Windows machine without a serial port. Finally, I found an older laptop running Windows XP and a serial port.
  14. Shouldn't be a problem.. Had similar issue once last year.
  15. Could be the field wiring of the alternator. My ammeter used to fluctuate and suddenly dip when the wiring got frayed. When I checked it, it was down to 1 or 2 strands. That could explain the spikes in voltage whenever there is any sudden draw of current.
  16. My times could be off a bit - they were busy at the start of summer and short handed and I had some other work done as well. YMMV.
  17. Just wanted to put in a good word for the folks up in Troutdale, OR (Advanced Aircraft Services) who did my fuel tanks resealing over part of summer. I picked up the plane about 3 weeks ago and the job was done well and on time. They sent me periodic snap shots of the work so it was good to see the weekly progress. It is a time intensive laborious process of stripping off the old gunk, some manual clean up, drying and applying the new sealant. It takes an average of 8 weeks for both tanks so one has to be prepared to "lose" your plane for several months. So far so good and definitely worth it! Gone are the fuel smells when opening the door and no steady drop in fuel levels which are obvious over several days. I had no visible fuel drip spots on the outside except for staining over the years so the problem was distributed in many locations but was insidious and wasteful of fuel. With a 7 year warranty, I hope I don't expect to face any leak issues and Advanced Aircraft will stand behind their work. I would recommend Greg and his team for those looking to having their tanks worked on especially for those on the US west coast for whom it might be convenient. Greg dropped me off and picked me up from Portland Intl (PDX) so that saved me some effort and time as well.
  18. Looks like drone incidents are getting some attention now. http://www.aopa.org/News-and-Video/All-News/2015/August/27/Drone-reports-detailed?WT.mc_id=150828epilot&WT.mc_sect=tts I hope the LVK incident is publicised widely once investigated. Did the pilot affected take pictures of the damage?
  19. I can't count the number of times ATC has missed traffic calls (whether IFR or VFR) and my guess is I see about 20-30% of potential conflicts visually even with active scanning. ADS-B has certainly been very helpful in the SF Bay area.
  20. Thought I would pass along some info on good prices for the Tempest 48110-2 oil filter (for the IO360-A3B6 engine). I ordered a set of 6 filters for $105 that includes S/H from qaa.com (Florida).
  21. I had this work when I first got my GTN-650. I haven't tried it since. I also had failures programming my Garmin cards last year but that was due to the laptop that had some issues/configuration changes somewhere. I tried programming the cards on other computers and the cards worked properly again. I am now doing this on a Macbook Pro and no issues.
  22. I had taken this picture on my flight to Thermal last year through this pass. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/34930-img-20131229-101026/
  23. Either 11R or LLR! Sorry, couldn't resist!
  24. Looks like a many-to-1 keyboard mapping.
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