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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. I have the CYA-100 as well and I think it's a good instrument. I just need to move it to a better location near the compass where it is more easily seen. One negative is that on the ground when there is not sufficient airflow the vane may be in a weird position and it will false alarm and I have to turn it off and remind myself to turn it on once I get moving.
  2. wishboneash outbound, Golf element at Madison
  3. I am planning to fly out on Thurs morning if weather cooperates.
  4. I am hoping Marauder will run out of pics. Fat chance I guess.
  5. I am picking up the "claw" at the aircraft spruce tent at Oshkosh. Saved me some shipping $ and weight on the way in. It was suggested to take some square plywood pieces to put under the tyres in case the wheels get bogged down after rains.
  6. What do you all think of this? Not as cold or less airflow compared to the one with the radiator version you have designed? The one this guy did seems to get the air down to 8C or so.
  7. I had the 900 put as close to my field of vision as possible. I also had the engine light installed right above the VOR2 display. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. yes. planning to make it...
  9. Hoping to fly the Caravan in this year...
  10. There are some webcams which will give you an idea of current weather. Worth checking out before heading out. Sometimes they may be down. http://northcoastwebcams.com/norcal/shelter_cove/shelter_cove_headlands.html
  11. Yes.The strobe high-voltage discharge interferes with the GoPro. They are pretty close together. Nice catch!
  12. There are some B&Bs and camping near the field. There is just one grocery store with supplies and a restaurant. It is very remote (in terms of road access) so hardly any automobile traffic gets there unless someone wants to go there specifically. There is a seal colony and a black sand beach to the south.
  13. Spectacular part of the northern California (Lost Coast). Not much editing, excuse the wing oscillation seen early part of the video. Need to change the mount point.
  14. Thanks Bob. I will have to check if I can get this done soon or do the Fisk arrival.
  15. I wasn't sure if there were any caravan training flights on the west coast, perhaps I missed it (happens). I plan to fly to Oshkosh first time ever (alone) in my J. Hope to meet up with many of you and put faces to the online posts. I think I will try to arrive on Saturday and camp. Looking forward to it!
  16. Air (or lack thereof), electrical and electronic (MEMS?) based backup all the way!
  17. To me the go around begins with arresting the descent. Doesn't take a whole lot of power or other configuration changes to do that. Once that is set up, one can increase power further, clean up the plane as positive rate of climb is established in a scripted, timely manner. A go around procedure is not a stall recovery procedure!
  18. We have blimps on our field, so the 152 will definitely run over the dirigible!
  19. I have my own M20J, not part of the club. I used to be an active member of Flying Particles. Will try to coordinate something. Let me know when you plan on flying in to Livermore.
  20. If you are in the Livermore area, I can take you up in a J. Probably on the weekend some time. There are a ton of J owners in the Bay area.
  21. I have a toggle switch that I switch between the GTN650 and the GDL39 to the 696. It's a bit a of knob twisting and button pushing to first transfer the flight plan from the GTN-650 then switch to the Wx from the GDL-39. If there is a change in flight plan, you have to redo the know twisting and button pushing, or edit directly on the 696 if not a major change. The only reason I keep the GDL-39 is for this. Otherwise, it would be better to get the FS210 (which cannot drive the 696). At one time, I had a 3 way switch (to get input from the Zaon XRX traffic). With ADS-B out from the GDL-88, I don't bother.
  22. Did a Pilots n Paws yesterday from Fresno to Petaluma (O69). On my approach to O69 (about 5 miles out), a Cirrus announced he was on the GPS approach (VFR conditions) and announced on the CTAF he would do a "straight in, traffic permitting". Anyway, he as about about a couple of miles behind me and there was another plane in the pattern ahead of me. Nearing the airport, he kept making the same calls, while I announced I would sequence myself behind the plane in the pattern (a Cardinal) and enter base for Rwy 30. I told the Cirrus that I am ahead and of him and planned to make a base entry for Rwy 30. He just acknowledged but didn't say anything more. After another call by the Cirrus saying the same thing on frequency, some one else on the frequency, gently reminded the Cirrus, the pattern is busy. The Cirrus didn't get the hint the first time and kept saying, "straight-in traffic permitting". So when did he not get it that "Traffic is NOT permitting" given the amount of activity on the field?? So after I turned base again, he announced that he would climb out over the runway and enter downwind midfield. I saw him above me as I was about to turn final. If he had continued his approach, he would have probably broadsided one of us. Just don't get it sometimes why some pilots don't have the courtesy that an IFR approach doesn't mean a straight in into an uncontrolled field with a fairly busy pattern.
  23. I don't understand why they put the moveable scale in mph instead of knots. I have to always go back and divide that by 1.15 to get to knots after applying the temp/altitude correction.
  24. I am guessing if you enter a VFR flight plan and then cancel it or not even activate it, you will be on Flightaware.
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