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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. this absolutely does not work for me, on iphone 5s. I enter in all the info into the form, load flight plan, and only a prior trip I took shows up there. Seems like there are some differences. I have the option to load an active flight plan Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  2. On the Trip Planning page, Go to the "Form" tab and "Load Flight Plan" under Flight Plan section. When you touch Load Flight Plan, you can load the Active Flight plan or any of the Stored Flight Plans. This is again on an Android phone, I presume on iOS it is the same.
  3. I just tried it for kicks (KLVK to KWVI) using Lockheed Martin/FAA domestic filing (IFR) for 40 hrs from now and I got the briefing (outlook type) without issues. Then I switched providers to CSC DUATS and again no issues. Then switched the departure time for 9hrs ahead and I got the Winds aloft and terminal forecasts as well. This is on my Android phone. Not sure what is going on for you.
  4. Definitely not Beebs (LVK) for me. At most I get a high speed taxi. I vote for Santa Maria since I haven't flown there. 2nd choice would be WVI.
  5. Perhaps your regular IA could help look over the plane, check it out and if it looks OK demand to get the logs back with the updated entries to prove airworthiness. Bite the bullet and pay a negotiated settlement (the fuel leak was a learning experience for them and should not go over the max limit). Then get the hell out of there and post the name of the shop here so no Mooney ever ends up going back there.
  6. At the moment it looks to be just me, hoping to be 2. Thanks for organizing this.
  7. It's a major change as far as the user interface is concerned. I like it. A new scratch pad with multiple pages including specific ones for ATIS, clearances etc. This is new to Android anyway. Have to play around with it now.
  8. Where else would I store the beer? :-) Seriously though, the main reasons as given by many (and in no particular order): insurance reduction, a clean plane, less damage to avionics/paint from weather and animals (bird droppings, nests etc), ability to heat the plane (engine longevity), can do owner assisted annuals or minor maintenance, a workshop to do other stuff besides plane maintenance, place to hangout or get away, etc. If you added up all these, it might actually be cheaper in the long run to put the plane in the hangar. The more expensive the plane, the more important it gets IMHO.
  9. The new Pipistrel Panthera is fast and economical to operate. A modern version of the sports car look that Mooney has held ... The latest AOPA has a feature on it.
  10. I can make it any of the days, but prefer the 2nd or the 10th. Look forward to it! Thanks. Update: headcount is most likely 1, possibly 2.
  11. I had a bad experience when upgrading from 10.10 to 10.11. The installer got stuck at some point and I could not go back to 10.10 either. Fortunately the data on the disc could be accessed remotely and I managed to save that onto a different drive and do a clean install of 10.11. Now I am careful to do a full backup before even minor upgrades. Good luck with the JDM install, I am currently not running Parallels or Fusion. So far so good.
  12. Chris, I have installed it on production releases of Mac OSX (both 10.10 and 10.11) without issues. Perhaps you could try those before attempting on a beta release.
  13. Yes. I just updated my card this morning using the JDM application. No issues, Macbook Pro.
  14. Quite an impressive benchmark. I see you are running 21.5", 2400 rpm with OAT=5C at 9,500 ft.
  15. Congrats on making it safely to the ground and best wishes to you and your dad. Former MTU student
  16. I would have liked to gone for this, but I have a previous commitment unfortunately.. Hopefully this will be repeated again somewhere on the West coast.
  17. I guess multiple input source s are a good way to corroborate ones calculations or measurements. I did recall the IAS for my RTB flight at 4000 ft. It was 144KIAS that roughly translates to 153KTAS. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  18. I used the POH graph that has the temperature axis as well. Not too far from standard at this time of the year. Agreed about fighting the winds.
  19. I should experiment with some POH settings and other altitudes as you suggest - but interpolating I get about 5-7 KTS slower than book. Weight was around 2500lb, winds were fairly light out of the west (my flight was generally north-south). Can't complain too much.
  20. Sorry for hijacking another thread yesterday and posting some numbers off the top of my head which were clearly not accurate. I downloaded data from my engine monitor today and looked at the data carefully again. This was a a flight from Livermore to Sacramento Exec (it was IMC part of the way, so I wasn't paying focussed on the monitor as much). But I did run LOP and ROP on the onward and return journey respectively. For KLVK to KSAC MAP: 22.7", RPM: 2458, FF: 8.3, OILT: 182, CHT: 303-318, EGT: 1455-1505 (~10 deg LOP), HP: 62%, ALT: 5000, SPD(GS): 148KTS For KSAC to KLVK MAP: 25.5", RPM: 2488, FF: 11.5, OILT: 188, CHT: 344-368, EGT: 1460-1504 (~25 deg ROP), HP: 76%, ALT: 4000, SPD(GS): 152KTS It seems I could burn another 1 gph either LOP or ROP, bump up the RPM another 50 or so and gain a few more knots. Would like to get some data points before I start thinking of some easy mods to get boost the speed. Thanks.
  21. Yeah, I know. Mooney owners are a competitive bunch! They want both speed and fuel economy.
  22. Shouldn't post on the "General Mooney Talk"! Haha.
  23. You got me! I should have checked my numbers before posting from (bad) memory. I went back and checked my JPI data. It is close to 9 gph and about 146 KTAS. I have been running more ROP recently. Still not exactly a fast J!
  24. This is depressing
  25. I have an EDM-900 so the tach is accurate. Also the mechanical tach reads similarly. I too normally run 25-30 LOP at higher altitudes burning 10.5 gph giving 148-150KTAS if I recall correctly.
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