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Everything posted by FloridaMan

  1. I lost mine at 200ft leaving an MSC. Don't think that having the best names in your logbooks will prevent you from having any sort of failure. There is inherent risk that you are taking with flying piston single engine airplanes.
  2. At $8/gallon for 100LL to reduce facility fees, something smells of price fixing.
  3. I may fly myself to Chicago tomorrow from Tampa as there are no direct flights and airfare is high. It’s a bit further than I prefer for my standard mission and the weather is less than perfect, but I think I can dodge the buildups and maintain VFR or IFR in VMC. I’m instrument rated, but the IMC looks like there’s a high potential of convective activity. What FBOs/airports in the area are best? It looks like Gary KGYY has train access for me to get to the convention center and reasonable fuel prices.
  4. Nothing more than an idle. Imagine holding a fine toothed comb under running water. The water will not pass between the teeth and needs to be ducted. Engine cooling is like that. And, to add to that, once the air gets between those hot fins, it expands and creates even more resistance.
  5. The airspeed indicator on GA aircraft shows you your speeds. At max landing weight, 1.3x the bottom of the arc for your current configuration on final and cross the threshold at 1.2x. I fly 85mph (74kts) on final and cross the fence at 80 (70kts). Those numbers you've been told sound more like Rocket numbers.
  6. I had some asshole selling cheap souvenirs in Rome, Italy shine a green laser right in my eye at night from about 30 feet away while I was out with my girlfriend. I felt like it caused damage, but I passed the dot in the middle of the square grid self-assessment. At least you didn’t get shot in the head. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/pilot-shot-flying-over-new-years-eve-celebration
  7. I’m very curious about all of this as well. First thing I’m doing after my Rocket gets out of PPI and I get it home is installing an EDM900.
  8. I’m guessing a low pressure system passed through to the south given your route. Low pressure systems move counterclockwise. I think “high pressure, headwinds, up” meaning that when going north if there’s a high pressure system moving in that you’ll have a headwind, or a tailwind if it’s a low pressure system. This is good if you’re in NC and going to Disney because you’ll have tailwinds and nice weather. But if you’re in Florida and going to NC and catch a tailwind, it means the weather will be shit while you’re there.
  9. Why does it seem like Mooney pilots are way over represented in gear up incidents? Is it the lack of green lights on the modern ones; is it that there are more aircraft in the fleet that are flying more often; is it that they are often peoples’ first retractable airplane; or is it that I’m on mooneyspace and if I were a frequent Beechtalk user that it would seems like Bonanzas are always landing with their gear up?
  10. Those Harbor Freight soda blasters work wonders on corrosion and you get the added benefit that you're not taking off good aluminum at the same time.
  11. If the relocation is the work of rodents, a thorough inspection is worthwhile. Excrement is highly corrosive. Amazon sells wireless borescopes for around $30 that use your smartphone as a screen and the quality is exceptional.
  12. I’m aware of this, but I’m curious which brands, products and suppliers you guys get yours from. Do you buy new ones as spares for passengers or do you clean/service them? How long until you discard and replace?
  13. I have an Aerox portable system that I use in my F when I’m at higher altitudes. I use their masks and cannulas, which aren’t all that comfortable. I’m curious what you folks with built in O2 systems use and where you get your supplies. I couldn’t imagine using the same equipment I have for more than the rare occasion when winds or weather make it appealing, or when I have friends who have a hangover and I bring them the bottle and mask.
  14. Some FBOs have policies against firearms and supposedly FOPA doesn’t protect you against laws that restrict standard capacity (30rd) magazines. I would suggest that you pack your arms and supplies so they don’t look like rifle cases (Golf bags, tennis racket, musical instrument or unusually shaped rifle bags). I believe that the FBOs are wrong in a lot of areas, but there are much better things to argue with FBOs about and FBOs are pretty low on the list when it comes to violation of gun rights. Keep in mind that weather or mechanical issues might have you diverting. There are a lot of weird politics going on regarding modern sporting rifles. I watched thousands of shrieking teenagers march down the street in front of my house screaming “what do we want? Gun Control? When do we want it? Now!” And I live in Florida. I had no idea there was such a level of organization among ideologically possessed individuals.
  15. I second this. You might be able to get a panel overlay for cheap second hand as well from someone who has had their panel upgraded.
  16. That is a daytime / full moon or over city lights night VFR panel. Hopefully your engine is ok if it’s a California plane. Cut your oil filters and inspect for metal every oil change and I might seek the advice of a qualified mechanic to see if it would be worth pulling a jug and inspecting the cam and lifters before you get metal circulating through the engine. I like to keep my warm idle speed set to under 600RPM with the throttle all the way out, but I normally idle between 800 and 1100 RPM. When I got my new engine last year the idle was set to 800 and the airplane would use an additional several hundred feet to settle down if I crossed the runway threshold at 80mph. You want to be 85mph on short final and cross the fence at 80. Also, verify SB208B has been complied with and check whether your prop has the airworthiness directive. Have your mechanic pull the rear seat and inspect the spar in the corners under the round inspection holes that are under the back seat.
  17. I have an issue with an Intervox intercom on an airplane that I’m purchasing. I have no issue communicating with controllers. The other pilot and I have no issues hearing each other when the mic is keyed, but we cannot talk to each other through the intercom. I assumed it was the squelch, but that doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Any tips on diagnosing/fixing this? Could it be as simple as a dirty squelch pot?
  18. Shoulder harnesses can save your life. I will not fly an airplane without them.
  19. I had a conversation with a friend about this the other day and he brought up another aspect. If you're flying the airplane and crash it, the LLC won't do much to protect you. However, if somebody else is flying the airplane, the LLC can help to insulate you if something happens.
  20. If you have time to reach the gear handle, and the gear has time to move you have time to firewall the throttle. The shortcoming there would be if the prop already struck the runway.
  21. My guess is that the new tech has a lower manufacturing cost than the old stuff and that any premium in modern avionics is due solely to the lack of economies of scale -- you're paying for the R&D, certification and the absolutely horrendous inefficiency in technology and engineering management exhibited by large companies. The raw manufacturing cost of modern avionics is likely orders of magnitude less than the old mechanical and discrete solid-state instruments. But, just like with software, you are paying for the expertise and time spent in development. It's why marine navionics cost so much less than their aviation counterparts. They're still mission critical and operate in harsh environments.
  22. Anyone have experience with iPads up in the flight levels in unpressurized mooneys? Do they work?
  23. I believe my 1967 was around $30,000 new (or around $250,000 in today's equivalent). New Acclaim Ultras are $801,000 supposedly (or just over $100,000 in 1967), but I thought I read that they were selling for $900,000 in another thread. It got me thinking; how much was a new J or K in 1980? What about 1990? 2000? It seems like the prices have vastly outpaced inflation resulting in a region of reverse-command where economies of scale are lost due to rising prices, which reduce sales, and further reduce economies, raising prices, et cetera. Inflation calculator: https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm
  24. Find the source of the metal before you go and get an engine. Mine was overhauled in the mid 90s and started making metal last year and needed an overhaul. It also had around 2200 hours on it. The lifters had spalled and it spun a bearing. However, you could just have a broken ring or something minor. Sending you a private message now.
  25. And blame guns somehow too.
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