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Everything posted by Cris

  1. Erik- it was done at Air Mods, an MSC, at Trenton Robbinsville in NJ
  2. My Screamin' Eagle will exceed the Ovation numbers for similar power settings and weight but first and foremost is the need to check the rigging. That will give you confidence that the A/C is optimized for cruise. In my own case on a 300 hr. airframe the right gear door needed adjustment which added a couple of knots. In addition there is the obvious of flying a clean and waxed airframe as you are comparing POH numbers which are optimized by the factory. BTW I also started with the 280 HP STC and upgraded to the 310 STC. It makes a world of differance on T/O as Anthony points out. It also requires not just the paperwork but a new tach and prop gov. as well as setting the engine up as if it were an IO 550-N. This is necessary for the higher fuel flows required at T/O for not just for power but also for cooling. If you are having CHT issues on T/O I'd suggest checking the fuel flow and also your airspeed. Target at 120 knots.
  3. Mike Your poll requires one to chose either the ATP or the Instructor as the highest rating held. So if one is both the poll requires one to chose which in their opionion is the highest. As you know an ATP is not necessarily an instructor.
  4. change password

  5. Radio shack carries many switches. You only need to find one that has a button which can be removed. Alternatively that button is probably on the floor someplace. Taking the seats out may allow you to find it. A bit of silicon will keep it in place. Mine pops off all the time and I have to do the silicone trick myself if only I could remember. LOL
  6. When I first purchased my Eagle a few years ago I had a similar problem with a circuit breaker continuously popping. Eventually I took it to Air Mods a Mooney service center. It turned out to be a washer that lodged next to the circuit breaker from radio work that the previous owner had done. That problem cost him a new battery and alternator that he did not need due to mechanics replacing parts rather than finding the cause. BTW the mechanic found the issue by hitting the circuit breaker panel in a dimly lit hanger and seeing the sparks fly.
  7. Have you considered a Mooney Rocket which has a higher useful load and perhaps is less costly?
  8. Mike Get on down to the airport early and spray silicon on the leading edges. That will get rid of the bugs and set you up for a slippery flight down low. Good luck!!
  9. Has anyone considered mounting it in the nose wheel area? I have an insight G2 and find it redundant with the digital factory gauge. For the moment I am using it for the inside cabin temp. but I am considering moving it to the nose wheel area.
  10. Mike you can use Anthony's link and look for #149 stainless hubcaps. They are described there and available separately or try this link directly. http://www.lasar.com/mod-details.asp?id=27
  11. Why not contact Brittain directly for parts or service. I understand they are quite cooperative. http://www.brittainautopilots.com/
  12. It is excellent training. Over the years I've attended 8 or so of the events. I will be at Atlantic City this year. You can tailor the flight training to what you need personally. In addition you will receive an ICP, BFR and night currency. This is is addition to the fun and comradirie of working with fellow Mooney pilots. It also provides a discount for many insurance policies.
  13. Brett- Competition may finally be here. Bendix King announced at Oskosh that the KSN 770 has been finished and sent to the FAA. They expect shipments in Sept. It is on their website complete with a trade in program for those that have older BK equipment. Sarasota Avionics is advertising it for sale at $11,289.00. List is $13900. BK offered a $1000 discount if ordered at Oskosh. I suspect that will be repeated at AOPA convention which would put the cost at just over $10k plus installation. That's about the street cost of a GTN 650. The big difference is the screen is between a 650 and 750 and is based on open architecture designed in part with Aspen. I think it is worth a serious look even assuming deliveries are delayed a bit. I am gettin an installed quote now.
  14. Wow I'd heard the upgrade was expensive but you really have no choice if you want Wass. Hopefully it adds substantial resale value to the AC. Imagine calculating the cost per Wass approach over the next couple of years.
  15. So I,have to ask. How much did the Wass upgrade cost? Did,you have to go thru Mooney?
  16. Plus 1 for robotow. I rigged mine to run on ships power
  17. Well If anyone is available to stop at the Bendix King booth I'd like info on the just announced KSN 770 that has been touted for years but is now on Kings website as a reality. I'd like pricing and availability as well,as any possible " show specials" Thanks,much
  18. Yes the screaming eagle 310 hp from Midwest increases the gross to 3368 same as the Ovation. This AC may have the upgrade but not the STC Buyer beware.
  19. On WingX if the map does not load push the round icon second from the right at the bottom of the screen when in Map view.
  20. Dennis I had Air Mods in Trenton NJ repair my leaks two years ago and then did a partial repaint with Reece Brothers on the same field. No problems since. I think if the price were the same I'd have Paul do it. At the time I did not know he would travel. On the other hand if you are going to repaint the plane it is kind of a one stop shop.
  21. No need to remove alt. Search the forum for the discussion and the pictures including measurements on where the hole goes.
  22. Paul will,also travel to you depending on his schedule and the job requirements. Give him a call to discuss
  23. In my experience the oil consumption is high and I too watch the cht on climb out when it hits 400 on the Moritz factory gauge which it will do easily on a warm day at 2700. I am keeping the mixture rich and the airspeed at 120-130. Go find the Pixie. It definitely works. At altitude 330-350 max CHT's are what I see. You didn't say but I'm thinking you are running 50 degrees ROP. Try 50 degrees lean of peak at altitude and see if that doesn't make a difference. One last point is the Moritz gauge pkg. I have an Insight G2 engine monitor. I find the CHT and EGT's are substantially differant and lower on the G2 engine monitor and I believe are more accurate. As a example my EGT's will easily hit 1650 on the factory gauge but be 100 degrees cooler on the G2. Obviously the probes are in differant areas but those cyls. would have been cooked long ago if the Moritz system was reading true. Do you have an engine monitor system. If not get one.
  24. Mike Check out your airspeed vs your AOA on landing. Nice coms with Newark and NY.
  25. The main difference between what you have been flying and the long body is how it sits on the ground. The following is from Trey Hughes Pilot review of the M20R. "When we talk about landings in the Ovation or any of the new generation long body Mooneys (M20M, M20R or M20S) we must talk about the landing attitude. As I mentioned earlier, the long bodies sit with about a positive 4.5 degrees pitch attitude on the ground. Pilots moving into the newer aircraft from one of the shorter length Mooneys (M20K or earlier) will immediately notice this difference when they first sit in the cockpit. Now thinking about sight picture and pitch attitude during the flare for landing, most aircraft will need about + 5-degrees during the round out to keep the nose wheel off the runway until the mains are on. This works quite well for all the Mooneys except the Ovation, Eagle or Bravo. With an almost 5-degree nose up attitude sitting level, the pitch attitude is going to need to be higher during landing in order to land on the main wheels before the nose. One of the biggest transition problems I have found for pilots moving into these long Mooneys is the landing – more specifically, landing on the nose first or all three simultaneously. Either action can quickly lead to a porpoise and the outcome of this isn't very pretty. Pilot must develop a different sight picture when landing these new Mooneys. Where 5-degrees worked before, 8-degrees is necessary now. This just takes practice and the help of a competent instructor familiar with long-body Mooneys. As with all Mooneys, airspeed control during the final approach is key. Fly too fast and the airplane will float on a cushion of air forever. " Also you will find that if your landing speed is 75 Kts at gross it needs to be about 5 Kts less when 300 lbs less than gross. If you are on airspeed with full flaps you will have max trim up which will set you up nicely for a landing with very little flare required. Be prepared for significant control input in a go around until you take out the trim. Basically your sight picture will be the horizon as you touch down.
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