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Steve Dawson

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Everything posted by Steve Dawson

  1. Quote: sleepingsquirrel A pilot's pride after he lands with the gear up.
  2. It's a great site Craig. I've just donated also. Can you give us updated pireps on the funding status to see if more help is needed?
  3. "Crossfill from a 430/530. I have an aera 510 in the panel as my backup gps and it is nice not to have to put plans into it as it takes crossfills from my 430. And I use my ipad on the knee for charts, plates, etc." I have the 510 cross filled from the 750 also and use it to add information such as ETE or Time to next waypoint that the 750 doesn't have room for, however I like that idea of having the Zoan XRX as well as XM weather and the psuedo SV all fit on the one screen of the 796. The other advantage I see in the 796 is the bluetooth capability in adding other possiblities such as ADSB and who knows what in the future. I've had the ipad freeze as well as black out on me so I'd like something thats consistently dependable. It's a matter of time, scope and budget. I have the time and it fits in my scope however the budget is a little tight right now for a 796. Hey Ned, Did you get some formation flying in when you went to Oshkosh?
  4. All units were taken out by Sarasota Avionics in working condition when I replaced them with a new GTN 750. KN 62 DME $ 550.00 KMA 20 $ 200.00 Steve 519 589 7034
  5. Hi Raymond, I've been wanting to put an altitude hold in my plane also, Did Britain give you a price on the unit with installation? I didn't want to pay the $7,500.00 for an Stec. Steve
  6. Sounds good PK, I'll give that a try
  7. I'm redoing the interior of my 78 201 and I'm missing the headrests. Does anyone have any for sale or do you know of a substitute that can be used? Thanks, Steve
  8. After a couple of close calls in our local airport region and circuit I wanted to get some sort of traffic warning system as well as additional information that the 796 might bring. Is anyone using the 796 with the Zaon XRX displaying on their screen? I've seen the videos but would like some real life information, Thanks,
  9. How does your angle of attach change if your CG changes very little with the adding or subtracting of weight in the aircraft and/or you trim to keep a similar AofA? I think it has more to do with F=MxE . Where are the aeronautical engineers? Quote: Hank
  10. Just curious, but aren't the wing skins on the Ovation Bravo and Acclaim thicker?
  11. Quote: JimR I've got a Century IIB in my 201 that I am apparently not willing to spend the money that is
  12. Just talked to a representative and this set is a Bose Series 1. So I'm lowering my price to $300.00 and will include shipping. Thanks, Steve
  13. If I had the step back on my 201 I wouldn't get any exersize at all.
  14. Hi Bill, I'll send you the pictures of them tomorrow when I'm at the office. I've been told they're the pre X models and not the series II Steve
  15. Has anyone heard anything concrete on the DFC 90 autopilot or of Avidyne using someones plane as a test bed yet?
  16. Maybe try Google and NACA 63-215
  17. They mention 300K Euro for the kit and 350K + Euros for certified. How long does it actually take to get an aircraft like this to get certified for an experianced company like Pinstrel?
  18. I am a CFI but have not done a rating in 10 years. (I have maintianed my renewals during this time.) I am looking for syllabus that both my (new) student and myself can work off for a private license. In additon I am looking for a good resource on teaching to the new scenerio based training concepts. This old instructor wants to make sure I am teaching the latest methods so my student passes his ride on the first attempt. I would love to find a book that has lesson plans for both instructor and student. That way I can make sure I cover all the material and not just teach to the PTS. My idea would be to review the upcoming lesson. Make sure I am comfortable with the material. If i am go ahead and teach it. If not get up to speed on the topic. Any suggestions would be much appreicated. David
  19. Mike, I have a brand new Weldon with the paper work that I'd like to sell for $950.00
  20. Mark, You may want to try FltPln.com also. They have charts charts and plates as well.
  21. Congratulations Devon, Your plane is parked close to my hanger so I had a quick look at it this morning. Great Plane. Just curious, what is the "Aerotech certification" thats mentioned on the cowl? Steve
  22. Looking at what's currently for sale and if the pre buy works out with any cost to bring the engine and aircraft up to airworthyness isn't a large factor this is a pretty good buy. The LR tanks, dual altenators and 430 are bonuses. You can always upgrade your plane as specials are announced. Looking at previous threads here I believe the encore conversion will allow a GW increase to maybe offset the extra weight of the LR tanks.
  23. I have to disagree, Today I just sent in my low subscription fee for what I think is valuble information for the investment I made in my M20J last year. There may be some uninteresting things in there but quite a bit more helpfull and informative then not. Besides I believe Mooney Space and MAPA actually compliment each other.
  24. It would be nice if we could get the DFC-90 with their proposed options including the needed servos for the same price as a STec 30, ~ $13,500.00
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