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Steve Dawson

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Everything posted by Steve Dawson

  1. Congratulations Devon, Your plane is parked close to my hanger so I had a quick look at it this morning. Great Plane. Just curious, what is the "Aerotech certification" thats mentioned on the cowl? Steve
  2. Looking at what's currently for sale and if the pre buy works out with any cost to bring the engine and aircraft up to airworthyness isn't a large factor this is a pretty good buy. The LR tanks, dual altenators and 430 are bonuses. You can always upgrade your plane as specials are announced. Looking at previous threads here I believe the encore conversion will allow a GW increase to maybe offset the extra weight of the LR tanks.
  3. I have to disagree, Today I just sent in my low subscription fee for what I think is valuble information for the investment I made in my M20J last year. There may be some uninteresting things in there but quite a bit more helpfull and informative then not. Besides I believe Mooney Space and MAPA actually compliment each other.
  4. It would be nice if we could get the DFC-90 with their proposed options including the needed servos for the same price as a STec 30, ~ $13,500.00
  5. Looks like you were bucking some head winds going home Ned, but kept your altitude pretty well considering. Do you have altitude hold?
  6. I'd definately recommend the 750 also. I just went through a close to minimum approach and liked the way it had all the information right in front of me. Besides, Garmin is a couple of years ahead of any problem solving and has a larger customer base. Give Kirk Fryer a call at Sarasota Avionics for a good price.
  7. I've had good luck dealing directly with Kirk Fryar also at Sarasota and have to agree he's a stand up guy. I had problems but he came through with flying colours. (pun intended) Ask to get Fred Dunn for new avionics installations.
  8. I realize that the 796 being a poratble is to be used for reference only however has anyone using the unit flown an approach with the synthetic vision on and what were your impressions of it's accuracy?
  9. I received my IFR rating in 1988 and followed it up with approximately 600 hours in the next few years but let it lapse a while ago. When I bought my 201 last year I knew that I wanted to get the rating again so I started with lessons. Because of work schedules and weather I used 4 different instructors. Between learning new systems such as GPS and newer weather information I felt each instructor gave me alot more insight into flying that I'd either forgot or needed to know. My last instructor is a retired airline pilot with over 30K hours and with the 2 days spent with him I picked up more pertinent information about flying safe and cockpit information and management that I passed my practical easily. Personally I would recommend taking a very thorough IFR course followed by a refresher course just before your exam while getting an instructor that you're comfortable with that has alot of actual IFR experience. It's all about safety.
  10. Excellent post. Thanks for the information.
  11. I tried a friends Zulu then another friends A20's and decided on the Bose and am very happy with them. When in cruise the music sounds great and using the bluetooth I can correspond on the phone easily.
  12. Yes, a glass panel, 3 axis auto pilot and one that ran on auto fuel or fadec w/ electronic ignition.
  13. Bose Series ll noise reduction headset with single plug and panel adapter included. $400.00, Steve 519 589 7034
  14. Quite a lot of information. Have you every thought of starting a course on effeciencies of flight? Thanks Norman
  15. This is great information, I have a ski trip planned for Denver in January, pending weather. Where woiuld I find information on mountain flying and since some mooneyspacers have experiance here, is there any advice? Thanks, Steve, M20J
  16. Thanks for the replies, My intention is to use the GPSS and have the ESV. I've flown non preccesion before in snow and have been nervous but fortunately successfull each time. I'd like to keep the basic legacy system for now just for back up and familiarity (sp). Who would you recomend for installation? By the way, Love the GTN 750 and would recomend it to anyone.
  17. I recently had the Garmin GTN 750 with the remote transponder and audio panel installed in my M20 J and am seriously considering installing an Aspen Pro 1000 this spring. My avionics technician suggested installation of the G500. He mentioned that the Aspens don't hold up after 2 years without some serious service problems. I like the way Aspen has quite a few options built in to their system (ie: GPSS, 30 minute battery, ect) and Peter and his company stand by their product 110% but will I run into substatial down time and extra costs after the 2 year warranty? Any one have experiance with this? Thanks,
  18. Just bought a GTN 750 with the remote audio panel and transponder but with my 78 J and the structural supports are in the way. The installer had to move the 750 to the lowest part of the radio panel. I believe it would fit higher and in closer eye site if it was moved to the centre so the back of the radio would sit between the Y of the support. I would have to move the 2 instruments at the right (Currently an JPI 830 and Stormscope) to the right of the radio. This would facilitate moving my other radio under the 750 and leaving the middle right stack open for the vacuum gage, panel lights and the Area. Any thoughts on this relocation? PS: (Since this picture the transponder and audio panel have been replaced with remotes)
  19. Any pictures available?
  20. When I had my J in for the original inspection Clarence had noticed about the same amount of droop. He shimed the engine and I noticed approximately 4-5 knots increase.
  21. I just installed a JPI 830 with all the options and flew a 1000 mile trip to Florida this week. I would recommend it for it's range of data and ease of installation. I was able to true out at approx 155 kn at 9.3 g/h.
  22. I'd check again for the output of the cigerette lighter and possibly find another tie in to your system or check your altenator output. I've had my 510 and I Pad plugged in and found the same problem. Not a problem when plugged into my car.
  23. Thanks for the info Norman, Can't wait to see this one, Steve
  24. I took up a friend of mine yesterday for a quick ride around the city then got carried away and ended up in Tilsonburg looking for fuel. It's $1.82/ litre there and $1.88 at our home field at CYKF. Pretty sure it's less expensive than Europe but there's no other feeling like flying.
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