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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. There is another 4-blade rocket flying around the DC area. I’ve seen it. It’s a 252 rocket though, but they remove the second alternator, so it’s kind of like a 249-1/2 rocket but anyway it looks awesome and it sounds like a Baron 58 taking off.
  2. There is a turbine Mooney out there and nobody ever said anything bad about it.
  3. Experimentals have a much higher accident and fatality rate also. I like the idea of been able to tinker but the problem is a lot of people think they know more than they do, then they tinker with something that gets them killed. Like my friend with the vans RV8. one night during a flight through very heavy rain, the engine started to run so rough he thought he was going to crash. turns out the airplane was equipped to some kind of homemade ram air box, but the ram air was also on with carburetor heat. There’s effectively no alternate air for the engine. When I brought this up, they said we never thought we would need that.
  4. The “cut the wire off and shove a spring in it” reminds me of the Autozone universal for spark plug wire sets. In 150 hours the rubber washers melt in the plug caps too. Turning the plug wire cap nit twists the wires apart. The rest of the system is good. But the plug wire termination is straight up ghetto.
  5. there are a bunch of cirrus airplanes based at my field, and every time they pull up to the runway they literally firewall the throttle as hard as they can, and the prop surges two or three times before the governor can actually stop it from surfing and over speeding. I guess nobody at that Puppy Mill school is teaching smoothness, you know you don’t have to jam everything like it’s a pinball machine.
  6. Your describing a rejected landing which is not the same as a touch and go. I am also a strong advocate of these, but not touch and gos.
  7. Try propeller man I just bought a 214 prop for 10,500. Which is good these days.
  8. TKS did that, those kits used to be like 15 or 20 grand and now they’re like 80
  9. There is no way a 10k hour airframe accumulated 50k landings in its lifetime. Maybe 15k. But still. This is the least of a buyers worries. That said, check for worn out stuff all the Same.
  10. Except the flap seal kits are not available. Trading 1 for the other.
  11. We use the cork gaskets. After several rounds of the new neoprene rubber gaskets leaking, the old style is better.
  12. Your guy is flying in the face of Lycoming “ideally, this procedure is to be done in a test cell where operating conditions can be closely monitored. If the engine is operated in a test cell, the engine must have intercylinder baffles, a cooling shroud, and a test club installed for engine Revolution Per Minute (RPM) requirements. If a test cell is not available, use a test stand with a test club and a cooling shroud for the engine test.” Source https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/Lycoming Reciprocating engine Break-In and Oil Consumption.pdf
  13. Who is building the engine?
  14. I would be really concerned about running an Engine at high manifold pressure without some kind of air deflector or scoop on top of it to force air through the fins.
  15. That’s a Hoskins wingtip strobe, the Hoskins boxes have been out of production for a couple of decades now, but you can morph a Whelen strobe box to work with it, tou gotta repin the strobe side connector…. the strobe tube can also morph and aeroflash tube by cutting it down enough to fit it inside of the lens, or building up a Whelen tube, and the plastic lens can be replaced with a Piper tail light lens
  16. I think the original Springs had an infinite service life as it should, and the replacement batches are the ones that are defective
  17. That might be too easy, David !
  18. No, they have built-in GPSS roll steering so that part is fantastic!!
  19. The blue style take 3 o-rings. It’s either two -10 and one -11 or vice verse. But cheap and easy.
  20. One big hurdle is that you can’t use STC data for the field approval. And developing your own data for an autopilot field approval install I couldn’t imagine how much it would take. A lot.
  21. The only 3308s people want are the latest software version with a429 everything.
  22. The very cheapest model 3 is 48,490. They have taken a huge leap upwards in the past year or so
  23. If you Figure the cap cost of a 60-70k car, the opex is cheaper by far, but the capex of the 60-70k vehicle more than exceeds the total cost of the Miata. It’s cooler. It’s not close to being cheaper.
  24. Problem is that SIRS doesn’t sell the Mooney mount anymore
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