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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. Just use a sharp #30 bit and get each rivet exactly drilled thru the center.
  2. That looks like a mid body line drawing with a shorter rear window.
  3. You cannot set the dual magneto engine to 20°. Whoever told you that is giving you bad information to cover up some other problem. Look at the type certificate data sheet, it’s only optional for non-D suffix engines. Whoever told you that is giving you Incorrect information to cover up some other problem, Because if it doesn’t run right at 25° it’s not right. I have a small feeling that your problem may not have been fixed.
  4. The only difference between flying here or anywhere else is that you need to take the online course that takes about a half hour. And you need to establish to a radio communication and be told to “proceed on course” before entering the SFRA area. That and keep the squawk code assigned until after landing. Basically, never squawk 1200. Or you can just do IFR and treat it like any other day.
  5. That’s great info. The older J models have hard aluminum tubing and your technique is not possible. I spent dozens of hours trying to bleed mine with this setup, they’re just ok
  6. im not sure where you found these STC's but the missile conversion is for J models and, if you could buy the STC from Rocket, would cost 100K+ to do.
  7. If it’s not in the limitations section it’s not a limitation. That said I stay within the factory graphs, and those allow 2000 RPM at 26” of MP and also says “lean as far as you want to for smooth operation”. Ours is smooth to 75 LOP. Efficiency below about 25 gets worse quickly.
  8. Bonanza prices took a huge dump about that time. Mike smith had a simple mod with a tail cuff that effectively ended V-tail failures and breakups. The AD specified this cuff on D and later models. Since then, I don’t think there’s been a single tail failure precipitating an inflight breakup.
  9. I’m not condoning it I’m just merely mentioning that I know a guy who changed the gain Settings and it fix the problem. It is fixable. It seems that Garmin may be more Concerned about what looks proper than what actually works. It can be fixed, you do some more flight testing and you change the settings to where it doesn’t porpoise in cruise, and then you issue a service letter. There’s a whole thread over on Beechtalk regarding a -3° down angle in cruise in a bonanza in level flight. And we all know that airplanes really don’t fly with a nose below the horizon…., and it’s the same thing a Garmon rep gets at all high and mighty and said you are illegal and you are breaking the law and your plane in Unairworthy if you reset the pitch to zero in Cruise even though every Aircraft Theyve ever flown including about six or eight jet transport airplanes also show +2 to +3 positive pitch in cruise. And that the attitude indicator they removed also had an adjustable Horizon bar to compensate for this. Anyway, I’ve seen this regarding other issues and although I appreciate their stuff should be documented and airworthy, the stuff ought to work especially when you’re spending several cubic yards of cash on it. You can have both but it takes manpower to do it. My opinion only
  10. How old is the mag and the plugs
  11. If it’s an FInplane it could be a piece of debris in a fuel injector nozzle. A multipoint engine monitor with data logging would help identify this. Also same thing with an intermittent fouling plug. A single cylinder with a shorted plug will cause this. Also a mag acting up or randomly misfiring can cause intermittent roughness. Start with the gas then look at the plugs.
  12. Two friends of mine have this problem. One found a way to adjust the gain in the G5 on the pitch and it fixed it. Both shops said they can’t do anything further.
  13. I’ve seen people do this I question it in my mind. Opening the cowl flaps just as you pull the power off to land. You can analyze the EDM data but the CHT’s probably crash at this point. You can go around with the cowl flaps closed for two or three or four minutes before the CHT’s reach unacceptable levels, and this is a rare occasion. But crash cooling them before every landing I would think eventually is going to ge expensive. A client of mine just flew through intermittent heavy rain in cruise, And the next flight he burned through 6 quarts of oil in 50 minutes and landed with almost nothing. A broken oil control ring. It seems to be only one or two reasons for this, and one of them is a suddenly contracting cylinder barrel with a hot piston ring that contracts until the ring end gap disappears, and then it shattered into 10 pieces.
  14. I noticed quite a few severe turbulence pireps in Colorado already today and not by small airplanes…. An embraer 145 and a beechjet 400 and it wasn’t severe turbulence it was extreme.
  15. You’re still pitching up. Whether it takes a pull or a push to get that is a different thing.
  16. Rpm needs an instructor. Being a Mooney in Airplane repair shop we get a lot of people who buy the first airplane which happens to be a Mooney. That’s not a bad idea, but if you have 150 hours and you came from a puppy mill flight school it can be a challenge. It’s totally doable, this is reasonable, but I’m having an issue finding an instructor who can take somebody from the 172SP flight school at Leesburg to Mooney retractable gear don’t come in too fast, don’t float, don’t prop strike, don’t do bad things in the airplane kind of level. I now have two people who need to find somebody who can be patient with them and work them from the 150 hour private pilot 172 level to Mooney level. This is going to take a while I get that, and they know that too. But we need to find progress we got to move it forward. It seems a lot of the establishment instructors are very good at taking commercial pilots who had a piper arrow or some other kind of medium performance airplane a transition into this kind of plane, but there seems to be a gap to go from 172SP to Mooney. I could do it myself but I have 9 airplanes on the ground right now I have four annuals scheduled for next month out of a single End row T hanger and frankly, I’m kind of slammed. More than slammed I have more work than that as well. Plus the airline flying schedule as well. I could probably force myself to get into it, but nobody’s going to want to pay 95 bucks an hour for instruction. So I’m trying to find somebody who can get my two people up and out the door . They are good, smart, professional folks, they just need somebody who knows Mooney’s to get them from 172 puppy mill to Mooney pilot. So please PM me or email me at byron At flyRpm.com let’s get these guys out the door. Thanks for taking the time to read my noncapitalized rant. Punctuation is overrated, but safety is never optional and service isn’t either. thanks Byron.
  17. Power up, pitch up, clean up. Works in all airplanes
  18. You can actually get an AC flush gun and flush it under pressure with solvent. This is been about eight years but we sent our oil cooler to Pacific oil cooler to have it flushed out. It came back to the credit card receipt stapled to it for $800 for nebulous “fin straightening “and “overhaul”. When we called they said well an overhaul is cheaper so It was considered overhauled but I feel kind of ripped off because I could’ve bought a new one for that. Plus we had photos of it before and after and it looked exactly the same so anyway it was not a positive experience. That’s the issue I had with sending in your part with a credit card number in the box, they charge of they want to you and you find out after
  19. That Lake Placid accident sounds a lot like a distracted pilot who has a sloppy go around and then tried to avoid another airplane coming from the other direction. if you don’t trim the airplane full nose up, the go-around control forces are easy to manage on a mid body Mooney. If you like to get into the flare and hold the trim till it hits the up stop it makes a nice landing as well, but it’s bad technique and then people are advocating for more bad technique to compensate for this bad technique.
  20. I heard that. Just the turn time is unacceptable. And that strange shipping issue they have. Maybe it’s changed for the better on the past 7 weeks. I’d call and ask first.
  21. I just tried to do this for Aero motors is keeping them for six weeks before sending them back, so if you can do with an airplane for two months go ahead, but CJ had one in stock that I could swap out in exchange for 850+ $50 core. If you can find a way to exchange it for the proper Weldon fuel pump it will be the last puppy by because they pretty much last forever but the Dukes is a pretty crappy design.
  22. There is another 4-blade rocket flying around the DC area. I’ve seen it. It’s a 252 rocket though, but they remove the second alternator, so it’s kind of like a 249-1/2 rocket but anyway it looks awesome and it sounds like a Baron 58 taking off.
  23. There is a turbine Mooney out there and nobody ever said anything bad about it.
  24. Experimentals have a much higher accident and fatality rate also. I like the idea of been able to tinker but the problem is a lot of people think they know more than they do, then they tinker with something that gets them killed. Like my friend with the vans RV8. one night during a flight through very heavy rain, the engine started to run so rough he thought he was going to crash. turns out the airplane was equipped to some kind of homemade ram air box, but the ram air was also on with carburetor heat. There’s effectively no alternate air for the engine. When I brought this up, they said we never thought we would need that.
  25. The “cut the wire off and shove a spring in it” reminds me of the Autozone universal for spark plug wire sets. In 150 hours the rubber washers melt in the plug caps too. Turning the plug wire cap nit twists the wires apart. The rest of the system is good. But the plug wire termination is straight up ghetto.
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