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Everything posted by kortopates

  1. Wow, that's really unfortunate - and totally unnecessary. I assume an uncontrolled field and apparently no one involved with the 737 maintenance crew that was watching for traffic on the taxiway behind the jet. Although the advice to beware of what's going on around you is spot on, I'd be curious to hear whom is ultimately responsible for the damage. I can see it from both sides.
  2. Maybe, but hopefully never in a mean way while always encouraging Mooney specific training. But also spot on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Check with your MSC, they are not expensive. The price was mentioned in another thread here recently too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. So many great features with wxbrief that this is a no brainer. Check out the ability to activate and close a VFR flight plan from your smart phone or tablet - which is integrated into the popular E6B apps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Indeed, the next one is in my area, the Southwest at Henderson Las Vegas on April 13-15th. I'll be there instructing.
  6. For what it's worth, a handful of hours in type isn't enough to get you a break in your insurance. Probably more like a 50-100 and how much complex and high performance you have. As others said, hire an instructor that knows the plane and it's systems to help bring it back with you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Pitot drain. Somebody’s transition training was lacking. Or maybe they forgot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Significantly thicker, look for a review by Aviation Consumer on them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I think leasing is unheard of. Non-equity partners and renters are all I ever hear of and that is quite rare. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I know a guy, a J owner, that rents his J to another pilot. But with your low time and no IR you'll probably have to pay a hefty insurance premium to get added as a named insured. Then do transition training with me. Interested? If so PM me. I'll get back to you end of the week as I am out of town. The Mooney is based at KMYF. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Your E is a 12v system rather than 24v. I have a 24v standby vacuum system available as well.
  12. Me too [emoji846] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. TCM is different. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I would expect about just under 1500 on pavement, so that doesn't sound right. Suggest double checking to make sure you're not comparing runway run distance in one to clearing a 50' obstacle in the other. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I'd check the bulb first. Gear cycling well should eliminate the switches.
  16. Removing gear doors will defeat the utility of jacking a single door since you'll need to do a gear retract test when done to ensure it all went back together ok. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Under 2 sided copy's their should be a setting on which way to flip - long side or short side from memory. Start there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. It's normal and perhaps more an indication that your true gami spread is closer to .5 than .2 i.e. the larger the spread the more easily this happens. But as long as your not getting premature missing its okay. Any missing at 50 LOP or less is premature which of course is an independent issue. Make sure your spreads are as accurate as possible by ensuring your monitor is sampling at its fastest rate or at 1 Hz and that you change mixture very slowly. Also do the test at a WOT Power setting, not more than 65%, so that MAP isn't changing nor being influenced by induction leaks. Doing it slowly with monotonically decreasing or increasing FF is critical to capturing good data. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. kortopates

    poweroff 180

    Exactly, that’s why I recommend the landing zone markers that are on any IFR runway since they are 1000’ from the threshold and easily identified abeam. Enjoy the training, the CPL is a fun one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. kortopates

    poweroff 180

    No not really. Recognize though that the ACS will not test you on a 360 power off but only a 180 power and a emergency power off descent to the airport. What I am referring too is the importance of putting these two skills to together to include practicing a power off descent to the airport that ends in a 180 power off landing, with any required 360's done abeam the intended point of landing to loose altitude - but not the 360 commercial power off landing approach that has you doing a pattern like approach starting over the intended point of landing which is unrealistic. So putting it together, the simulated emergency landing begins with gliding to the airport with gear up and prop back while directly aiming for the abeam downwind key position - offset directly from the intended landing position of about 1000' down from the numbers or runways IFR landing zone marks. This is the standard downwind traffic pattern recommend in the FAA handbook as 0.5 to 1 mi and I personally aim for 3/4 nm offset from the runway. A half mile makes for steeper 180, a full mile is getting too far way to make it 800' agl abeam. Once here, gear goes down and prop forward, just like you would practice doing doing 180 power off landings so we don't create a real emergency. Doing the 180 power off portion is real easy, too easy perhaps from 1000'. I suggest learn to do it from at least no more than 800' so you learn to make a constant 180 turn. Then do as many 360's to loose required altitude judging altitude loss per 360 which will be about 1K per 360. Although best glide was used to get to the airport now we can transition to closer to Min sink airspeed to reduce sink rate. Don't need to go all the way to min sink though, as it is very close to stall, but adding 5 kts to normal Vref landing will allow for a nice in control landing and in control. But stall will not be an issue either unless one pulls back on the yoke, since we're not loading the wings but descending at less than 1g. Flaps aren't used till the runway is assured. So in IMO the only reason to keep the gear up and prop back below 1000' agl is if you got the airport in a real emergency without any surplus altitude and thus need to keep the gear up to help you make it to the threshold. But I would never practice this, its leads to many gear up landings with your CFI sitting right next too you So instead I suggest practicing it the safe way and in the dire emergency you'll be prepared.
  21. All true, but also consider that since a repair doesn't reset TSMOH, it does nothing to increase resale value. Only a major overhaul does. Therefore putting significant repair $ into a high time engine makes little sense unless you plan to keep it forever and don't care about it's resale value. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. kortopates

    poweroff 180

    The gear is down before the maneuver begins. No need to risk a gear up practicing these. Even in an emergency engine out situation you'll glide to the airport gear up at best glide. At the airport, gear comes down while doing as many 360's above your high point as required. This point is abeam the intended landing point (e.g. instrument landing zone). Then you'll make the final 180 to a landing - all with the gear down. But holding off flaps till the runway is assured. The only time the gear isn't down in the power off landing is the true emergency where you're not yet if you'll make it too the runway and only then it could be last second or never. Anyway, worth practicing for much more than the CPL. Could save your life and pax some day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. 24 hrs in 9 months should inspire some confidence if all those hours weren't from 9 months ago. You can negotiate some decrease in engine value off the only 631 TSMOH if the calendar time since last overhaul is more closer to twice Continentals recommended 12 years. Just make sure before the Ferry flight that the fuel system is set up properly providing the required FF at redline MAP & RPM so that it doesn't have excessive TIT's at takeoff and in climb. That's the biggest issue we see with first time new owners of these. All it takes is a trip in pattern to assess. Continentals spec on this engine is 23.0-24.7 GPH and really you want it 0.5-1.0 above the high number or 25.2-25.7 at redline MAP which is 40" without an intercooler or about 2.5-3" less with one.
  24. The biggest concern about using Bendix King for such repairs is that they'll require any item brought up to the current mod level in addition to any repairs. But some mod updates can be very expensive. Some years ago I sent them a pitch-trim servo that was behind 3 or 4 mods since it was from an '86 and they wanted in $4-5K to repair it largely due one of the mods being several thousand. I eventually went with another salvage unit I found and got satisfactorily bench tested.
  25. This Paul @gxrpilot has it exactly right. [emoji3] Sorry guys it has nothing to do with plugs but entirely due to minimizing exposure to red box when at power levels at 65% or higher. The big pull simply avoids going though peak for all the cylinders. This way all but one remain on the be LOP side while only the richest peaks.Hope that clarifies it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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