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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. luc..I think it bypasses even the 650/750 touch screen...my installer is saying Garmin is rather mum about this...kinda sour grapes why didnt we invent this...the box communicates with the 530w or 430 w using an rs232 com port on the Garmins ,normally used for crosstalk between units.My installer says Garmin doesnt guareente it will still work after a system software update...I said fine when was last 530w software update..he said a long time ..we wontbdo another...kpc
  2. Wow is right...I am having the install done next month...transforms the 530w/430w into a different beast and adds victor airways! All for 2k and about 500 install..the downside is I thonk you lose crosstalk function between a 530w and 430w if dual installed...will report back if it was worth it...kpc
  3. just looking at that photo plainly shows the dangers of smoking..just look at that poor girls swollen chest!!
  4. Funny Byron...you should have said "I can fix the wah wah"and than reach over and pull one of the red knobs!!!KPC
  5. Knisley welding
  6. Sole owner...on the Mooney ,Heli,glider...a good partnership with the amphib Husky (only flown on canadian fishing exibitions)
  7. the cramped feeling that many bonanza,cessna,piper pilots associated with Mooney interiors is all due to head room restriction,and some times it hurts!!...like last late december descending over big bear north of palm springs for Thermal a/p ,rather than fly further away down stream of some high peaks with 30 kt winds blowing across them ,I just continued direct ,ripping in at 220 kts gs...and you guessed it wham!!...head impacted ceiling "o" shaped airvent breaking zulu headset and leaving a neat o shaped scalp job!Copilot was not amused when I feigned unconciousness...I did check airframe for wrinkles on the ground at thermal...good thing it was in a Mooney...not sure if a Bonanza would have kept its tail!!.kpc
  8. My best results for touch ups is to brush on catalyzed acrylic enamels of appropriate colors (find out the paint code)...than wait 2 weeks....all the paint chips you have painted look lousy at this point...but after colour sanding...basically wet sanding with 600 or finer sandpaper...you can blend the repair in very well...kpc
  9. Looks good to me...but interesting that this would be a legal repair for Don to do himself (repair of simple fairing )not requiring an aand p signoff or pesky hanger elf intervention if he had repaired old one vs the elves fabricating a new one from different materials.kpc
  10. in my 2000 Bravo,the cig adaptor is 12 volts and gets its power from a stepdown transformer 28 to 12 vpolts max draw 3 amps.This transformer is usally mounted on aft baggage bulkhead ,acessible from pilots side tailcone hatch.kpc
  11. hey David...welcome to Mooney madness!!!".....kpc
  12. well john coming from someone who replaced a Baron for a Bravo,I couldnt agree with you more...and even in cabin class equipment...only the passengers can standup and stretch inflight,not the pilots...ps we just did 3000 n in the Bravo...anti ice was a blessing...kp couch
  13. Jlunseth...that is interesting...On my kfc 225 the command buttons for all the modes "work in que"...meaning on a typical appr as commanded by my 530w...the entire appr is loaded incuding missed appr procedure.Than you have the choice to accept vectors and navigate in hdg mode BUT have also pressed the apr button which causes the apr light to annunciate right below the hdging mode.Controller gives you that final intercept vector ,and you roll in the new heading for the intercept...Now if you are hand flying ok...but if in ap mode ,my 530w will annunciate "ap guidance availble.do you wish to engage"This is coming from the 530w which is commanding the whole show.So you go into "procedures"and activate a/p guidance all the while you are still in either hdging mode for the atc intercept or nav mode for own nav to I A fix.Doesnt matter if you are hand flying and just using the flight director bars or coupled to the ap.Once you have enabled a/p output from the 530 the 225 "gets "the message and either the hdg mode goes out or the nav mode goes out with the apr mode light sitting in que comes on an a nice apr w/glide scope couple occurs.This by the way is my standard method in really low IFR...say 300/3/4...and because of the roll steering...the intercept turns,missed approach entries are seamless...a nice smooth turn ...I love the 225 coupled to th 530 wass...sinc kpc
  14. this is how some mechanics are trained today....thinking chrome cylinder....chrome rings to match....talk about a rock up against a hard spot!!!My opinion...its tear down time....goodluck the shop I am sure has errors and omissions insurance...just be thankful you didnt blow a jug while in IMC...k
  15. hey thanks alot....apparently there are fuel issues.(contaminated fuel )at Cayman Brac and grand cayman...so now we may need to go arround the long way home via montego bay jamaica and than direct maimi...k
  16. we will be making one of our longer flights this xmas...ksac to mwcb...planning on arriving key west afternoon of the 24th to spend xmas .Than its a Cuban overflight to the Cayman islands on the 26th...back to Key West on the 30th or so and New Years heaven knows where...hope fully we can also meet fellow Mooney nuts...sinc kp couch
  17. Well the title says it all...I am turning 60 in december...Planning a Dec 23 thru jan 4 trip with my GF...It will be Ksac direct fort lucie than keywest...anybody on the list done the Giron corridor over Cuba to Cayman brac???All input greatly appreciated...kp couch
  18. Hey wait a minute let the man explain....uh Glenn will this stuff unclog my toilet???kpc
  19. Space is sufficient (in a bravo )for 195cm placed between rear seats .I retired my 205s years ago as new style skiis are much shorter and wder thus easier to place in a Mooney...I have seen 1 mooney that had a skii tube fabricated under a 337 that extended out to the tail cone...crown air at montgomery field in San Diego did th fabrication..kpc
  20. I just returned from a hunting trip to Montana.Preheat was required twice because temps were in lower 20s...I have a reiff heater that brings oil and cylinder head temps to 85 or so in 2 hours use.Basically call the fbo and tell them to plug her in...k
  21. I dont think carb heat use increases an engines efficiency at all...you are correct that it causes a richer mixture with the hotter,less dense air supplied to carburator causing at least an in drop in manufold pressure.I really tested this with a full throttle takeoff with carb heat left on from a 4500 lake in B.C.That power loss meant that I could not get an amphib Husky on the step(carb lycoming 0360)at full throttle...soon as carb heat was removed ,it was another in and a half manu. pressure and up we went.I dont call that efficiency,just another trade off while deicing a ice choked carb...kpc
  22. while you are at it,drill and tap all 3 (It will take longer to drive to ace hardware,buy the 10/32 tap and matching drill bit that are sold as a set than to do it 3 times vs once)and replace with stainless screws..kpc
  23. Well Brett,you are allowed to remove the wheel,split it,remove and change tire and tube,remove and replace wheel bearings in same wheel after lubing,make simple repairs on nonstructural fairings(a wheel hubcap is a type of fairing and is non structural)others may disagree but there is a strong case for this to be a legal repair that you sign of with your pilots license #...kpc
  24. you never know !!!cavu than wam an unforcast allday system comes through that dumps 20in new snow in the sierras like this monday.A quick trip arround the patch and than its oil change time,top off the tks and o2 for Montana next thursday...woo hoo..kp couch
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