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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. mooney 231.. thought you were the sleeping squirrel..kpc
  2. leather also but that said powder coat in any color but white (they get too grimylooking)...besides it doesnt matter if you are paying any significant dough to powder coat than save your dough,bead blast them your self and coat em with truck bed compound...than get um leather wrapped when you can afford 300 per yoke..kp couch
  3. allsmiles,just a suggustion....that split switch is expensive ..I have heard the avionic guys complain about bad batches of switches from honeywell...it is possible to unsolder the 6 wires to it ,dissasemble the switch and clean the contacts,or spray contact cleaner....good luck..kp couch
  4. it is not that fragile Bennett,it is made to adjust height and thus view out windshield while sitting in it....my copilot does it all the time...kp couch
  5. I remember the aoa in the Maule was mounted way over to the right...pretty useless unless you like neck crinks....and the only way I could land a Mooney in 400 ft would be with the gear tucked up where the moon dont shinesinc kp couch
  6. also flying to o22 (columbia) in the No Sink after work this pm.Gf is driving chase,this will give me an excuse to wash the thing,its a real bug smasher...kpc
  7. Jose...very nice...thanks for the info....do you recall the model # for the 20 amp out 28 to 12 converter...i pulled out my edition 14 a radio/tech mods and alignment controls ,for ic 706 and it is removal of diode d-2030 allowing transmit 100 -199.000 mhz with note on instabilty at lower end of tunable range....118 mhz pretty close to this...any problems???thanks for sharing your setup...sinc kp couch
  8. fortunately my Bravo has a 3rd jackpoint welded to the engine mount .It is really stable and takes up some of the load...I understand older models use a sling lift on the prop or chain on the lifteyes top of the engine crankcase with an engine hoist...k
  9. N601rx...You must be right...mine use collars that tighten and form a safety stop for the same reason...I was more concerned about the jack footprint itself...kpc
  10. Danb 35...I dont think fcc has jurisdiction on aeronautical frequencies when flying over international airspace(he is over the middle of the atlantic remember???)If there is an issue its one of icao type certs...either way the ic706 as well as my ic7000 is easily modifable...usually just the removal of a resistor or two and the microprocessor for the freq synthisizer can easily transmitt a clean usb on 18.122 mhz(atlantic control freq.)I believe a certified sunn hf is tens of thousands...a ic 706 is a real fool proof workhorse and more powerful unit capable of 100watts out ,the 3 amp cigar lighter 12 volt supply is not enough however,,...and that was what I was interested in..kpc
  11. safety pins???do you mean where the jack contacts the wing hardpoint???The laser or stock jackpoints are cone shaped...on top of the jack should either be a "cup"or a hole in the middle of the hydraulic ram that engages that cone and allows that point to rotate while jacking.The sinking in is the jack base itself....mine leaves definite impressions in the pavement inside my hanger...I like to see pics to please..kpc
  12. Vref...thats better,but remember this scenario....you got that new bird of yours on the jacks you made inside the hanger,the hanger floor is tarmac or macadam not concrete if its like my hanger.Its a real hot day in Belgium due to all the European carbon offsets,you are ready to swing the gear and you have a buddy with a 12in length of surgical tubing and a clothes pin on the pitot tube.You start to carefully climb up the wing walk so that you can hit the retract switch and you can fell the wing quivering....your buddy yells out the left jack is sinking!!!!!....kpc
  13. Luc...on second read thru...I think you used automobile jack stands,....in the US these are triangular and only about a foot wide.I assume you than welded 4 ton hydraulic bottle jacks on top of the "axle jacks" up to about 29 or 30 in needed to engage wing hardpoint.Not good imo....not enough base support unless you welded up a wider base...good luck..kpc
  14. Luc...you are really a hands on guy!!!Lets see 200 euro for the pair vs 169 usd each from aircraft spruce....its almost a wash...make sure the base of your jack is wide enough for good support,mine are about 2 foot square...kpc
  15. Of course ,i can get into a 40 ft strip with the right approach in a Bell 47...so I guess its "who wants to fly a mooney that close to the ragged edge???..kpc
  16. Dave..you could be the first...I know aoa s have been around for a long time.I once owned a Maule m5 rocket that a previous owner had installed.The theory ,as i understand it .no matter what the load the wing will always stall at the same AOA...so instead of using airspeed...it was the AOA indicator...the maule could land in 400 ft at max aoa with a hanging on the prop approach....this is supposed to eliminate stall/spins on base to final legs..kpc
  17. hey Piloto...As a Ham I sometimes like to operate aeronautical mobile...I have an icom ic 7000 with the icom autotuner,,,so on your ferry setup...tell me how you brought the coax lead with out drilling holes,and also the power supply...that pic is of a 28 volt ovation or aclaim I assume,,the ic 706 or 7000 needs 12 volt @ 20 amps or so....sinc kp couch
  18. And in my case it would probably been cheaper at topgun....I really get picky while wrenching!!!,,...LOL..kpc
  19. Yes...but you would need a hanger and tools for the two I know at ksac....DaV8or,you could ask arround your airport...any other Mooneys operating???You would be surprised ...kpc
  20. oh,i forgot to mention...is that soon the starter adaptor will no longer engage at all and this is one engine you donot want to handprop..kpc
  21. yep..those are the symptons all right,,,I have used Divco in tulsa ok for the machine work...I under stand you can do this a couple times before you replace complete assembly from continental.I do not believe skytec has a stc for starter....goodluck...kpc
  22. Skyatty,too bad ok3 right there in at 36u doesnt have specific Mooney experience..I have found them pretty knowledgeable.With all the availble flights Smf to Slc,your choice of either top gun or Laser is good,just get them to ferry you back to Smf....kpc...Ps I will be visiting a sister in Park city in aug...love the area...k
  23. yeah,welcome to continentals...ive done 2 of them in past years....they have to send out to machine shop to machine down undersized (010 as i recall).You donot mention engaging starter and having a delay before the prop rotates.What symptons are you experiencing???sinc kp couch
  24. Jose ,thanks for the concise explanation of extended squitter adsb....I am on the fence regarding "free weather"over ads b....looking at faa coverage maps....not to good where I go....nevada/oregon/idaho/montana...weather coverage not good outside of large cities so i will continue the wx subscription...a real life saver for me on long x-countries and even providing useful information northern mexico/southern canada and alaska.Jeppsons cost for second wass data base subscription (they are identical for 430w,530w)is about half..195 for second subscription...wx subscription for 2 aviator level recievers plus 2 additional autos music only is 129 per month for all 4 services...not cheap ,but how else can I get weather info after camping out in the bush on some BC lake and seeing weather closing in....kp couch
  25. I really think its time to "give this topic a rest"Some on here are spending way to much time on the debate...just think ,if you spent the same energy on your next biannual or rating ,what you could acomplish,rather than when you disagree on a fellow mooney owners point of view....resort to personal attacks.....sinc kp couch
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