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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. At some point someone has to elect these "Leaders". I personally do not want anyone else negotiating on my behalf, I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself and will only have my interest in mind when doing so. That is the way most private industries work when accepting a job and negotiating pay and benefits. Other than airlines I can't think of many other large professional groups who are represented by a union.
  2. I've found that a dial style torque wrench with peak pointer and slide. .007 feeler gauge between the contact points works well. Pull gently on the feeler gauge while increasing the torque. When the feeler gauge moves stop and read the peak pointer.
  3. In my back yard. Takeoff 11-3-02 HQ.mov My Movie.wmv
  4. It sounds to me like he was just guessing at the preload rather than measuring it. I would ask to see the mooney rigging tools he has and what preload value he used. I'm guessing there isn't any.
  5. What is the latest firmware rev?
  6. After replacing the locking block you would have to reset the gear tension.
  7. You can usually get around this by saying it is for an experimental.
  8. Its very unlikely that you will continue to fly at the rate of 160hr year. As mentioned above go ahead and price insurance and hanger expenses. Hanger prices are one of the biggest variables, It can range anywhere from $65 month to $600 month with some areas of Fl being on the higher end. Tie downs are anywhere from free to over $200 month. Hangers reduce the insurance cost a little and give more options for maintenance work. Your income level may be cutting things a little tight, but at the same time if you have no other family or other commitments it may be workable. I think I may have had more left over cash when I was your age making 1/4 of what I make now. When I got my Mooney about 5 years ago I decided I would mostly pay for it by keeping my existing car and using the car payment to pay for it. Now the Jetta has 459,000 miles on it and still rolling, but the plane is payed for.
  9. Some of the models use 2566 rpm as the 1:1 point but I don't think that all do.
  10. Check with cumming spinners. Their aluminum spinners are very reasonable.
  11. I'm not sure why it's not working. I uploaded it from my iPad, but I can't view it either
  12. My 1st policy required 15 of dual with instructor and an additional 10 solo hrs before any passengers. Check with TJ at Airpower. They seem to be well connected with many underwriters. There is as reason why they want the instructor to have 25 in make and model, you don't want the instructor learning with the student. There is also a problem that some instructors have more than 25 mm and have never took the controls for more than a few seconds at the time while there student was getting their IFR.
  13. The ice chest cooler makes all the difference.
  14. Two years ago they had to close the north 1000 ft of our runway for some work. They left the south 2000 ft open they placed a row of sandbags and flashing lights at the point it was closed. There was a Notam in effect while the work was ongoing for a couple of months.
  15. There are many J's out there that are starting to have spinner problems and the replacement is expensive with a long lead time. There may be more of a market for these spinners than just your cowl mod.
  16. I ordered a couple of these about a year ago. They are invaluable when traveling. The 10,400ma model will give several charges. Unfortunately you probably will not be able to get one at Oshkosh. You might check Sporty's booth, they sell them in the catalog. http://www.ravpower.com/external-batteries.html
  17. McMaster sells several aluminum knobs with 1/4 shaft and set screw.
  18. Someone sold an original set of Mooney Mite plans on ebay a few months ago. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mooney-Mite-Homebuilt-Blueprints-/291451322245?vxp=mtr&hash=item43dbda3f85&nma=true&si=COAn84O8auM7tzrkc6l9VEmZtVY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  19. http://fox6now.com/2015/07/22/small-plane-crashes-while-landing-at-eaa-in-oshkosh/
  20. There is a foot note on the type certificate that details the conditions the pump may be removed.
  21. I think I remember reading something on powerflows web site that only a certain generation of the muffler would work with the lopresti. Don't remember if it was gen 1 or 2.
  22. As long as it doesn't turn into this you should be ok. http://sss-mag.com/fernhill/airplane.html
  23. The new seals are silicon and should last a long time. Sometimes the tension plates crack and release the tension. Lycoming has also used a couple of different style pushrod tubes on the IO360. The old ones had welded tabs that the spring plates push against. I had a couple of mine crack around the weld. The newer style I replaced them with were one piece stamped.
  24. But an independent mechanic is not required to use the latest edition of the manual.
  25. Be aware that all aircraft flares are 37 deg not 45. Based on 43.13 is seems like you could replace it in 2 pieces. From AC43.13 Repair of Metal Tube Lines. Minor dents and scratches in tubing may be repaired. Scratches or nicks not deeper than 10 percent of the wall thickness in aluminum alloy tubing, that are not in the heel of a bend, may be repaired by burnishing with hand tools. Replace lines with severe die marks, seams, or splits in the tube. Any crack or deformity in a flare is unacceptable and cause for rejection. A dent less than 10 percent of the tube diameter is not objectionable unless it is in the heel of a bend. A severely-damaged line should be replaced; however, it may be repaired by cutting out the damaged section and inserting a tube section of the same size and material. Flare both ends of the undamaged and replacement tube sections and make the connection by using standard unions, sleeves, and tube nuts. If the damaged portion is short enough, omit the insert tube and repair by using one union and two sets of connection fittings.
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