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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Depending on where , should be about 2 to 4 thousand , If replacing a 430w , it can be less because of using the same antenna and similarities Regards
  2. On Beechtalk the admins would have locked the thread , and possibly removed the Members.....Alan Fox , Cherry Hill NJ....
  3. You know something , up until I read this post , I was sure that I was the biggest dick on this forum , with Pete as a close second.....apparently we are not even close , you not only embarrass yourself , but every one else on this post , Don I truly believe you are genuine , and also believe you are above this childish banter...... My name is nobody , you are an ass for this whole pointless exchange , it adds nothing to the forum and lessens its value , Regards Alan.....
  4. The reason it didn't start is because the ground for the shower of sparks feeds back through the main p lead , in other words the vibrator feeds pulsed power through the retard lead , and grounds through the P-Lead...... It is the dumbest circuit I have ever seen , until you really study it , you will never be able to troubleshoot it , A lot of mechanics will actually replace with impulse , because they cant fix it , The shower of sparks , kicks ass when it is working properly...
  5. Stall horn should not affect a trained pilot , pitch angles approaching stalls are obvious....Don't care what anybody says , the Grummans are less forgiving to departure stalls , and base to final stalls ...... Just glad it wasn't someone I knew.......sorry for your loss...
  6. Mid continent CDI Indicator for Garmin GPS units......These are Impossible to get.......Call Alan 856 419 5209 .....
  7. Actually Peter was getting his oil changed by Bob Cameron (gasp) not even an MSC....
  8. Chris...... Come to the dark side...
  9. And there is your comma and a few more zeros........Now buy it !!!!!! Make Peter Garmin Proud.....
  10. Wheel well liners do nothing except protect the birds during annual , With them in you cant get to a lot of the wheel well to inspect , Of all the mods I did , I think this is the dumbest.....If you have inner gear doors , than these do absolutely nothing....
  11. Garmin GTX330 just back from Garmin , has the extended squitter and is ready for ads-b comes with tray and connector , 8130 and supporting paperwork...
  12. GTN650 comes with tray , connectors , config module , splitter combiner ... Clean and pristine , will post pics next week , Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  13. Bob Cameron KVAY Crewdawg Aviation , Honest to a fault......
  14. Time for the Mooney guys to gang up on me........The fit and finish on a Mooney is hands down better than a Piper or a Cessna , but not even close to a Beech , All airframes have failed in flight , its just the weight vs strength thing , The cage is a throwback to fabric covered aircraft , it is not stronger than a Monocoque , and is SUBSTANTIALLY heavier , Basically , when they redesigned the aircraft for 1961 they were too cheap to redesign the fuselage into a Monocoque.. If they had done this with the longbody , It would be 80 or so lbs lighter .....
  15. The structural integrity of the composite aircraft far surpasses anything made of metal.....I had a friend that they basically poured out of his Glassair 4 after a midair collision , composite is amazing , I have parted out enough planes to know that most people die getting bounced around in a cockpit that maintained its structural integrity.....
  16. Just remember to undo the trim and flap indicator cables , its a total pain in the ass when three people are holding the fuselage up and this is holding it to the wing....
  17. It carries enough fuel!!!! (92 Gallons)
  18. Actually It has to work to receive credit..... But still 800 is huge for a trade in....
  19. I am definitely going , Will have at least 1 open seat , from south jersey area.....
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