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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Actually Peter was getting his oil changed by Bob Cameron (gasp) not even an MSC....
  2. Chris...... Come to the dark side...
  3. And there is your comma and a few more zeros........Now buy it !!!!!! Make Peter Garmin Proud.....
  4. Wheel well liners do nothing except protect the birds during annual , With them in you cant get to a lot of the wheel well to inspect , Of all the mods I did , I think this is the dumbest.....If you have inner gear doors , than these do absolutely nothing....
  5. Garmin GTX330 just back from Garmin , has the extended squitter and is ready for ads-b comes with tray and connector , 8130 and supporting paperwork...
  6. GTN650 comes with tray , connectors , config module , splitter combiner ... Clean and pristine , will post pics next week , Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  7. Bob Cameron KVAY Crewdawg Aviation , Honest to a fault......
  8. Time for the Mooney guys to gang up on me........The fit and finish on a Mooney is hands down better than a Piper or a Cessna , but not even close to a Beech , All airframes have failed in flight , its just the weight vs strength thing , The cage is a throwback to fabric covered aircraft , it is not stronger than a Monocoque , and is SUBSTANTIALLY heavier , Basically , when they redesigned the aircraft for 1961 they were too cheap to redesign the fuselage into a Monocoque.. If they had done this with the longbody , It would be 80 or so lbs lighter .....
  9. The structural integrity of the composite aircraft far surpasses anything made of metal.....I had a friend that they basically poured out of his Glassair 4 after a midair collision , composite is amazing , I have parted out enough planes to know that most people die getting bounced around in a cockpit that maintained its structural integrity.....
  10. Just remember to undo the trim and flap indicator cables , its a total pain in the ass when three people are holding the fuselage up and this is holding it to the wing....
  11. It carries enough fuel!!!! (92 Gallons)
  12. Actually It has to work to receive credit..... But still 800 is huge for a trade in....
  13. I am definitely going , Will have at least 1 open seat , from south jersey area.....
  14. Getting tired of reading , and Sky Manure.......Comon Ant , pick a winner...
  15. Actually , No wings on that one now.......Its disappearing slowly...... I still have my S-35 , I got silly upgrading it , so I'm in for the long haul....
  16. No , you have to collapse it with the brakes , or it will only steer a few degrees...
  17. Not a bad panel , Price is a good starting point for a J of this vintage.... Good luck with the sale....
  18. Actually the clearance is similar to the Mooney , The prop is HUGE , the firewalls are from people landing on the nose , trying to fly it like a 172......I had a tough time in the transition from the Beech , as the Beech you can basically stop flying once you hit ground effect , (almost lands itself at any speed) , The Cessna will keep flying until it is stopped , and the wing is super high lift , If you hit the brakes before you raise the flaps , you flat spot the tires...... I enter the flare at about 50 knots , and hold it a few inches off the runway reducing the power......A lot more technique than the Beech or Mooney , I have to flip a Mooney next , I should have bought the TLS that Hose' listed , but Lance got it , a smoking deal....
  19. 1290 lbs , 92 gals 88 useable , 138 knots indicated at 2300 rpm and 20 inches , I cant believe I flew 20 years without flying one of these , I always scoffed at them because the 172 was such a mushwagon , I have to tell you its a HOOT !!!! , It will actually fly straight and level at about 45 Knots.... I haven't calculated the fuel burn , and I don't want to , The RGs have a 540 Lycoming , Even stinkypants had to admit he loved it......Climb of about 1500 FPM at 120 Knots.....
  20. As the Brittain guys always say , If you have a total electrical failure in IMC , you will crash wings Level....
  21. A couple of things to consider , 1) as far as the Vacuum pump showing a pre failure warning on the gage , its not going to happen , The vacuum pressure is regulated by the regulator , and not the pump , the pump is capable of putting out 3 or 4 times what it is regulated down to and if it gets below that failure is imminent....... 2) the myth or backflow of carbon dust , If the reserve of vacuum in the piping to the instruments causes a backflow , its not getting past the regulator argue all you want , not happening , if this was the case they would have a system in place to prevent it..... 3) this is for Peter Garmin , We waited 8 (count em) years for King to get certification on the KSN770 , their track record sucks , I wouldn't hold my breath for the KI300 , For the life of me I don't understand why they announce these things prematurely..... Yes it looks great , so did the KSN770 .......
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