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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Any one know this guy? ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7zuQWBIhOk
  2. Yes I agree with Peter also.....HooRah Peter Garmin !!!
  3. I was surprised to find out that the Tradewinds conversion is also experimental cat..
  4. Yes , and made a new vendor , bought a bunch of radios from him..... Great trip..
  5. I was down in Winchester this morning , and looked at this bird , It is so cool , I touched it , looked under the hood , and sat in the wonderful Recaro seats....It is glorious , I was told by the owner that even the TC was cancelled , they cant cancel the TC on the engines in the field....He said that would be the equivalent of Piper pulling the TC on all the Cubs.....Kinda makes sense , he also said that the Valve springs could be sourced from the car dealers inventory , and issued as owner supplied parts , No clue as to the reality of the statements , but he is a pretty knowledgeable guy who owns a well respected engine shop......
  6. I flew down to Charlotte to do repairs on an Enstrom , 2 weeks ago , if you saw what was under the cowl , you would never even think of flying one....I have been a passenger in an Iriquios (Bell UH1) and it was a cool experience , but no way to fly in one of the toy helos.... I could have gone for a flight and decided I was good on the ground.....Although I did stand on the skid and hover a foot off the ground for a minute or two to test the belt and clutch systems...
  7. Old title issues are usually not a problem , I am trying to understand why people think a one piece belly is a plus , because it reduces the payload ???? or because it requires two people to install it ???? I know for a fact it doesn't make it go any faster.....Oh yea it makes it easier to annual because it has less screws.....Oh wait a minute.....everybody uses power screwdrivers now..... I know , allows you to cut out the damaged stringers from a gear up so you don't have to repair it correctly........That's it... Make no mistake about it , if your Mooney has a smooth belly upgrade , it was geared up.....
  8. Mama always said......Stupid is , as stupid does...... LIEUTENANT DAN !!!!!!
  9. A T6 is a certified aircraft , it is not experimental or exhibition category , you can pretty much do as yo wish with it , The Harvard (Canadian version ) is not a normal category aircraft , because of this the T6 is worth about three times what the Harvard is worth.....They are essentially the same aircraft....
  10. I sell avionics and can sell you a king 5 port blower for 100 , PM me if you want a pic , I think your plane is 28 volt...
  11. If I am not mistaken , Porsche bought them back and cancelled the Type certificate for the powerplant......
  12. Where does the engine sit when it is running at 75% power twisting on the mount??
  13. This is a parts plane , the engine is AD'd out of service , No STC to replace the engine , Not enough of em left to justify creating an STC , and the parts firewall forward are worthless...If I bought one of these new , I would have gone on a tri state killing spree !!!
  14. Just make sure that you know where the trim disconnect is , If it runs away , you may be strong enough to hold it for maybe ten minutes.....If it is frayed wires coming off of the yokeshaft , it is possible for it to runaway......best to pull the breaker until you diagnose it...
  15. I would not waste the downtime or money on the windscreen , If you consider 1 or maybe 1.5 miles per hour for 4 grand a benefit worth the cost , by all means , but in reality it is just to make it look like a J , which it is not..... That plane is f---kin gorgeous as it is , let it be .... I have owned a few Mooneys the only aerodynamic mod worth anything is the cowl.... I know I did them all.... Think for a second , this guy was an aerospace engineer and spared no expence on this aircraft NONE !!!!! I see close to a hundred grand in that airplane , and yet no Speedslope...... Think if the windscreen is sloped more , than it is longer....the benefit of the slope is tempered by the friction of the air on the longer surface..... Spend the Money on avgas and fly the crap out of that beautiful airplane !!!
  16. Had great experience with them 10 years ago..
  17. Truly amazed that no one has hopped on this , well , its off to Ebay...
  18. Not sure Hose' It was a scrap yard that I do business with , They will be here on Monday , and I will clean up , inspect , and inventory them....Usually on the older Mooneys , a gear up sends them to the yard.....
  19. This is a set of O&N Bladders , as removed from a short body Mooney , they are almost complete right down to the foam filler pieces that sit under the bladders , Figure an additional 500.00 to O&N for a Paperwork package , and a few small parts , Looking for 2250.00 , They are the flush caps , The cure date on the bladders is 2005 , meaning they were probably installed in 2006....Alan 856 419 5209...
  20. The radio loses its TSO when the data tag is removed , One of my vendors who is one of the largest resellers , will remove the data tag if a customer declines repair and tells them to dispose of the radio....No manufacturer will reissue a data tag....... That being said , I have a 28 volt 430 non W.A.A.S. with fresh paperwork coming in this week , 4000 and its yours...
  21. If you need one I will sell it to you for 300 guaranteed to work.....
  22. Sometimes its not the money , but the challenge of being a cheap bastard....That being said , every Mooney I have ever owned , had the Lasar jack tie downs installed.....Its just a great Idea.....
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