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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Getting tired of reading , and Sky Manure.......Comon Ant , pick a winner...
  2. Actually , No wings on that one now.......Its disappearing slowly...... I still have my S-35 , I got silly upgrading it , so I'm in for the long haul....
  3. No , you have to collapse it with the brakes , or it will only steer a few degrees...
  4. Not a bad panel , Price is a good starting point for a J of this vintage.... Good luck with the sale....
  5. Actually the clearance is similar to the Mooney , The prop is HUGE , the firewalls are from people landing on the nose , trying to fly it like a 172......I had a tough time in the transition from the Beech , as the Beech you can basically stop flying once you hit ground effect , (almost lands itself at any speed) , The Cessna will keep flying until it is stopped , and the wing is super high lift , If you hit the brakes before you raise the flaps , you flat spot the tires...... I enter the flare at about 50 knots , and hold it a few inches off the runway reducing the power......A lot more technique than the Beech or Mooney , I have to flip a Mooney next , I should have bought the TLS that Hose' listed , but Lance got it , a smoking deal....
  6. 1290 lbs , 92 gals 88 useable , 138 knots indicated at 2300 rpm and 20 inches , I cant believe I flew 20 years without flying one of these , I always scoffed at them because the 172 was such a mushwagon , I have to tell you its a HOOT !!!! , It will actually fly straight and level at about 45 Knots.... I haven't calculated the fuel burn , and I don't want to , The RGs have a 540 Lycoming , Even stinkypants had to admit he loved it......Climb of about 1500 FPM at 120 Knots.....
  7. As the Brittain guys always say , If you have a total electrical failure in IMC , you will crash wings Level....
  8. A couple of things to consider , 1) as far as the Vacuum pump showing a pre failure warning on the gage , its not going to happen , The vacuum pressure is regulated by the regulator , and not the pump , the pump is capable of putting out 3 or 4 times what it is regulated down to and if it gets below that failure is imminent....... 2) the myth or backflow of carbon dust , If the reserve of vacuum in the piping to the instruments causes a backflow , its not getting past the regulator argue all you want , not happening , if this was the case they would have a system in place to prevent it..... 3) this is for Peter Garmin , We waited 8 (count em) years for King to get certification on the KSN770 , their track record sucks , I wouldn't hold my breath for the KI300 , For the life of me I don't understand why they announce these things prematurely..... Yes it looks great , so did the KSN770 .......
  9. My friend had the pin in the flyweight fail (internal gov part) the prop overspeeded so bad , it somehow melted or sheared the teeth off of the flywheel , even worse it was in a Glassair 3 and the plane would not maintain enough airspeed to hold altitude , as far as the 2700 rpm stop , this is at static on the ramp , moving at 150 KTS 200 HP will probably spin that prop at over 5000 RPM.....
  10. The governor limits the prop speed by applying oil pressure to the propeller piston , the relaxed state is in the low pitch mode , In cruise at 75% if the prop goes full low , you overspeed to god knows what rpm......there will be major stresses to the engine from harmonics , as well as overspeed , you can also have a prop failure (blade) , which will cause the engine to separate from its mount and most likely the airplane..... Prop governors are a major concern when it comes to single point failures...
  11. Got lots of Garmin goodies guys.....530W , 530WT , 430W , 106A , 330ES , KCS55a system , KLN89B , GPS155XL , and King stuff too...
  12. I am a used avionics dealer , and purchased it as part of a package......Sold quickly...
  13. -701 unit has ALL options , and no lines in screen , Call Alan 856 419 5209
  14. Garmin 530W 28 Volt for sale , comes with tray antenna and connectors , 8500 plus freight , Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  15. still available
  16. I will offer up a seat in a Bonanza or Cessna from the Philly area if needed...
  17. Can I bring the 182rg , or do I have to walk there
  18. The B is the same as the C with a few minor exceptions , The two biggest differences are the Gross weight on the B is about 100 less lbs , and the rudder travel is less in the B , Somewhere I have a letter from Bill Wheat on Mooney company letterhead that states that they are Identical ( I used the letter to get a field approval for my O&N bladder install on my B ) , I wouldn't sweat it as you have that 100 lb difference as a cushion before you even get to the C's gross weight.....
  19. Newer style KN64 , Silver crown + series , clean and pristine , removed for upgrade , ..Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  20. GDL69A system , complete with tray, antenna , connector and config module... 1250.00 Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  21. Selling KT76C Transponder , very clean unit , removed for upgrade , 999.00 Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  22. GI106a for sale , clean and pristine , removed for upgrade call Alan 856 419 5209....
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