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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. I burn 18 plus on initial climb out , at 1000 feet I will pull back to 2500 24 inches , I don't pull back on the mixture until I level off......
  2. I have a inertial setup in grey that are new and attach to the roll cage with clamps...IE no cutting ..... They are manufactured by amsafe and will save your bacon.......The harnesses that hook up to the rear seat belts will pull down on you and can cause compression fractures.....Buy a real setup , not a band aid.....
  3. Seriously , If you cant manage fuel properly , and flying a plane that burns 20 gallons the first hour , with an hours worth fuel (estimated, and estimated incorrectly) you need to find another hobby.....
  4. That plane has a big 520 engine , burns over 25 GPH on takeoff , climb out , .....I wouldn't even think of going flying with an estimated 20 gallons on board.......I hope he gets better .......
  5. I watched this , and it is nothing like the spin I encountered ....It looks like when it broke , he was quick enough to keep it flying and kind of rolled it out......
  6. It doesn't...
  7. How much for the KX125
  8. Before you you try crazy stuff start with the basics..... Pull and regap the plugs , and check for a cracked insulator....rotate the plugs between cylinders....also , if you can duplicate the problem , do a mag check to see if you lose a cyl totally , could be harness if this happens......Lower power settings need more energy for the spark to jump the air gap , as the richer fuel mixture works to help "conduct" the spark........Remember BASICS ........ It usually is something very simple....
  9. check the rigging on the flaps ....You will need a travel board , also there are springs in the belly that interconnect the rudder to the ailerons , may be out of wack....
  10. It sounds like a Mooney......My E is very pitch sensitive in the summer months....
  11. Figure out what brand it is , look it up in the FAA STC list online , print it out and use it...... A little hokey , but should work....
  12. Call Randy at East Coast Propellor , they do it Mobile 717 627 7407 ... Tell Him Alan Fox referred you , I think I'm due , He likes if you fly it out to Smoketown, but he will come out to Brandywine..... Regards
  13. Pete , if you think Alron are excellent , you need to go to Lancaster Avionics ,
  14. Will they charge extra if Mike wears the "Stinky pants" ??
  15. What type of monitor are you running???
  16. Great Choice , My brother in law wants to go to Udvar Hazy ...... Lets get it planned !!!!
  17. Forget the cheezy airport food , and cheap fuel......Fly into Dulles and check out the Udvar Hazy air and space museum.......They have everything from the wright flyer to the space shuttle.......and I mean everything.......As you look down from the concourse at the Enola Gay , you realize that it doesn't get any better than this......
  18. Anthony got rocked to sleep on the way out in the back seat...was a little turbulent ..... and was a joy on the way to BKL and the ride home....He doesn't say much , But I could tell he was rockin it when I put in the Bruce CD ...... I think he will be back behind the yoke before the end of the summer......Its was a little odd having an experienced pilot in the front seat , that was as quiet as a mouse....I always like having a pilot next to me to show me what I did wrong , or a better way......Since I know I'm not that good , Anthony you owe me a "debriefing" .......
  19. 350 with the windshield , and I will buy you lunch at Bretts ....
  20. Meet me almost half way at 275 for the pair delivered and you get them tomorrow!!!!
  21. Is that 200 each ??? If so consider them sold.... I can drop off tomorrow on the way to Bretts...
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