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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Don I will buy all of them , if we can agree on reasonable.........Alan 856 419 5209...
  2. Actually was looking for one myself....
  3. Few and far between.....When I do it will show up here first....I promise...
  4. KG102A just back from the avionics shop , Tested and tagged with tray and connector , no core 950.00
  5. I have three transponders for sale , two KT76A , and one KT78 , they have been tested aligned and yellow tagged , 525 each , Call Alan 856 419 5209....
  6. No altitude parts , still for sale...
  7. Box of Brittain take outs .......Gyro servos valve fittings hoses.....Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  8. yes full mix on cold starts...
  9. 59 deployments , 46 saves , 95 survivors , 1 fatality , 13 deployments were not included because of deployment outside of envelope...of the 13,14 fatalities , 6 survived , The deployments not considered were deployments caused by impact , or deployments too late in the game (IE base to final turn ) Iced up spin exceeding 300 kts , There have been saves as low as 528 feet agl , Interestingly enough there was a deployment failure , that spurred an AD in 07 the plane landed in trees and both survived but had serious injuries...
  10. As Bob stated , "a lot more planes have engine failures than the million to one events you stated" yes Bob and a significant number of them die..... The chute is not the answer for all circumstances , but it is the only answer for many......
  11. I'm just curious what type of pompass idiot wouldn't want another option to survive for himself , his wife , or his 12 year old daughter in the back..... OK idiots , what happens if you are at 3000 feet and your prop throws a blade , and the engine rips off of the mount....What happens if flutter takes off your tail.......What happens if a goose goes through your windshield at two hundred miles an hour and incapacitates you , I guess since you cant save the day you passengers deserve to die..... Do you guys even read your posts????? I know your the best Pilot and would never screw up because your so great....... But I have screwed up , and could do it again...... The Parachute saves lives its a great option.......
  12. Cold start for "E" Mixture and throttle all the way in , Boost pump until the pressure needle stabilizes (about 3 to 4 seconds ) throttle all the way out and then push it in about 1/4 inch, crank and one blade it starts .... Every time cold..... Hot starts are a different story...
  13. All I can say is Holy Crap.........You can shove 3100 pounds of crap into a 2575 pound bag.....The only things it doesn't have are T.K.S. and speed brakes....
  14. Its plug and play for an 89B ...
  15. I have a KLN94 coming in this week if interested , Regards Alan..
  16. I just read up on the gdl 88 , it will need a tso'd waas position source to meet the mandate.......In plain English , It will work in and out , but to be legal for the mandate it will need to be fed waas position info from a TSO'd waas gps...
  17. Ain't no flares in a parking lot , no wheels either , slam it down and hope for the best...
  18. Poor Marauder wants another ride in the "B"
  19. The GDL88 is certified , but is it certified for 2020 without the TSOd waas navigator , Or is it the same receiver as the gns gtn series using the same tso.....
  20. Great link Fantom
  21. Rough crowd..... Perhaps he should sell you a 1000 dollar transponder for 500.00 because it has a dirty knob...... I could clean that up and Ebay it for 950 in a heartbeat.....
  22. Seat belts can be sent to Amsafe to be rewebbed....
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