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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. Jonathan, There was a recent discussion here lately about maintenance in the Mass area in the last month or two. You may be able to search for it? I think someone may have mentioned OWD, Norwood. Search for OWD, you may at least find the conversation... Best regards, -a-
  2. Your avatar seems to be there on Saturday evening... -a-
  3. Only objectionable planes are invited... -a-
  4. Yes Steve, Using your method and the single EGT gauge you can determine how much ROP your engine actually is... I way over thought what the OP was asking. Thought he was experimenting with LOP... My bad... -a-
  5. It's helpful to have a digital device for all four EGTs/CHTs, Fuel Flow is also helpful for further diagnosis. My 65C was never able to push LOP. Without the extra instrumentation it is not possible to identify that each cylinder is operating similar to it's neighbors. The carburetor is not known for delivering even fuel flow and ratios to all four cylinders... I was able to lean close to peak, but peak was ill defined as vibration and rough running began at that point. Anyone else have positive LOP experience with a carbureted O360? Single instrument analog EGT and CHT is a tough way to handle LOP. The risk of over or under leaning one cylinder or another is too great. As usual run your LOP experiments under low power (high altitude) to avoid unintentional damage... Are you able to run to a defined peak with your engine and instrumentation, or is it lean until rough, the enrich 50deg? Best regards, -a-
  6. We need to go on a grass exposition to Katama... Bring the swimsuits and towels! Best regards, -a-
  7. Rick you can see why I wanted to have an on line presentation from vendors... I can't tell from their website, what's available and what options I would select for my situation... Either way, an Aspen in my panel would keep me from investing in a new GTN. I have good radios and don't need to replace them. Getting the GTN Nav screen would be nice. Getting a nice screen that isn't controlled by Garmin would be even nicer. Best regards, -a-
  8. At the same time I would contemplate a JPI 830 if you don't have a CHT/EGT system. And pick up a fuel flow sensor as well! Things that you will appreciate and add value to your plane at the same time. The tach cable is definitely a wear item. Get it replaced soon or it will knock the needle off the gauge. Can you sense my experience??? Best regards, -a-
  9. Does anyone know of a long body with a gear up? We have seen a few get lost in the last couple of years. I don't recall any gear ups... -a-
  10. Sounds like the aluminum version off a 1965C might make a nice upgrade? Use stainless parts to avoid corrosion. There is a screen and bolt that could rust and fail while putting unwelcomed stuff into the fuel line. Best regards, -a-
  11. Nice data point... 23kft, 95% 02, Scott mask KPC, Did you say the mask uses more O2 under the same conditions as the cannula? I think I missed some details. I'm not an O2 user yet... Getting closer... Best regards, -a-
  12. Getting the right length is key. Should take less than an hour total time and give an improvement to the old tach's performance. A couple of wire ties to place it properly. It's not a long distance from the back of the engine to the back of the instrument panel. Keep in mind this may require a mechanic's signature... It's a great opportunity to work with your mechanic on a project. You can do the work, he does the supervision. Best regards, -a-
  13. POHs for Ovations 1&2, state cycle the prop at 2,000rpm... Both are Continental IO-550 (G) Best regards, -a-
  14. I like Mooney pilots... Anyone that can cite the ideal gas law and stay within the forum topic without being named Boyle has got to be good. Best regards, -a-
  15. Just checked an Ovation's POH to be sure as well. Thanks for sharing the J's POH. C,J, and R. All different start procedures during normal start... I see 100 (green) octane fuel is acceptable for this J as well. No issue in the event that 100LL becomes unavailable? Best regards, -a-
  16. The driver for the "feathering" action is oil pressure generated by a gear pump controlled by a valve attached to fly weights.... Cold oil, low oil level possibly. Since it works as expected the second time....hmmm. Sounds like the oil drains back to the sump pretty quickly upon shut down. It takes filling the crank back up to apply pressure to the control cylinder. Thinking out loud.... Hope this helps get some thoughts going... Best regards, -a-
  17. Roughly speaking... A low time engine is near 20k A new prop is near 10k Bladders or new seal is near 10k Stec, installed and tuned at least 10k Newish radios, compared to the airframe 5k Airframe is free.... How's the paint? Somebody has paid for many upgrades. This is possibly in the category of too good. Make sure everything is checked out in the pre-purchase inspection... PPI, It will be good money well spent. Best regards, -a-
  18. Ray, Similar for the IO-550, but no throttle pumping. Mixture out to start? If that's coming out of the POH, I would want to better understand why. There is a hot start procedure for the IO-550 that begins that way. With talent it works, without talent, not so much. Back to the regular start procedure is next either way... Best regards, -a-
  19. I believe, the originals are cylinder in shape. Newer appear toroidal (donut) shaped. Control on the ground and shock adsorption are two benefits of new rubber discs. There has been recent price discussions on sourcing the parts. Use of the search button should result in interesting details. Changing them out is expensive, but the results are noticeable. Good luck. Best regards, -a-
  20. There's glass in there? I've had mine appart at annuals on a 65C, but don't recall glass parts. Some rusty shaft parts..., Or did I misunderstand what you were asking about? It's been awhile... I was thinking the gascolator was the aluminum device, with a fuel screen in it beneath the floor with a plunger valve that allows water to drain from the fuel line to the ground. That's my memory... Hope it was helpful or in the right direction... Best regards, -a-
  21. Results of my informal poll.... Passengers prefer speed brakes over slips. They just don't use the built-in oversteer in their firebirds like they used to... They've lost that lovin feeling of looking out the side window to see where they're going... Best regards, -a-
  22. Ned, From the main page, click on the tab that says mooneySpace, this is new photos and recent posts. I like the tab that says View New Content. Then you can select what you want to see. It will remember what you have seen already... See if you can find a choice that accomplishes what you are specifically looking for. The old way it was done can be duplicated using the Forums tab. The organization that appears here will be similar to an old memory of the OldMooneySpace.... Let me know if this helped? Best regards, -a-
  23. John would the Acclaim be any better? Turbocharged Continental, IO-550. The nice rounded air intakes look nicer... Best regards, -a-
  24. Scott, It looks like you may have started a succesful weekend job... You could include some decent foam.... Most Mooneys could use refurbished heated seat foam. Most wives would buy into it +... + = whatever else the pilot may need while she has the credit card out...(something like that). I think I would be a buyer for 2 or 4 seat upgrades... Best regards, -a-
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