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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. WingX has added the feature to write on the plates. I used it to circle key info like I did on paper... -a-
  2. Look up American Flyers locations. I used them in Morristown, NJ. They have several C172s, instructors and simulators. Scheduling is pretty flexible. Definitely try to spread as much out or finish the written work in advance. The core training in a short period of time is definitely brain challenging. Let me know if you need a hand making contact... Best regards, -a-
  3. There were rules that could be followed for sharing a seat belt as well. This was 10 years ago. The rules were based on total weight per seat, and the children being similar in size... These rules may have been changed... Best regards, -a-
  4. Mini will be nice, low cost 3 even better... Developments from WingX are coming out so often, they are sending weekly emails to introduce the feature and how to best use it. Recent features include ground proximity in an easy to use format. Tremendous additional situational awareness for around $500. It's a great way to supplement the panel mounted equipment. There will be a day where we all have multiple devices navigating, weather, traffic, ground proximity, an arrow pointing up. All intended to support the panel mounted equipment, in a spectacular way. Much better than the single ILS in my M20C. Best regards, -a-
  5. Going with Maxwell is a good idea, if he is close, even better... There isn't a better way to protect your wallet... Good luck. -a-
  6. Oscar is there an App that you use to calculate density altitude? Since you need to know this detail each time... Best regards, -a-
  7. Scott, you got the discounted Android version.... The Android version doesn't come with all the Apple hoopla! Hoopla=$2 Best regards. -a-
  8. Welcome aboard Krhule. It's pleasant to make your acquaintance. For a more professional purchase experience, you may consider All American Aircraft or trade-a-plane. If you look at a few of the last posts, they were placed by people that are relatively new here, seeking advice about Mooney Aircraft. Similar to you. Enjoy MooneySpace for what it is. A community where people share information about a narrow subject. Enjoy your stay. Best regards, -a-
  9. Open wheeler, The 65C only came with one eyeball vent. It was on the pilot's side. Installing a new one on the right side is not very challenging if the existing hole is the proper size. Somebody paid extra for your second hole. It may be in your logs when it got installed... Open vent, sounds chilly in the winter. Best regards, -a-
  10. Lost my direction, WingX was allowing multiple devices sharing a common ITunes account. -a-
  11. Thanks Craig, Couldn't tell if I was spending the $5 on the right thing. I didn't want to blow five bucks and get nothing... -a-
  12. Excellent news. Thanks for sharing Craig, -a-
  13. Was that the $5 investment? There were some choices, but wasn't obvious to the technically neglected.... -a-
  14. Congrats, Dan. Rumor has it an app called Tapatalk will help you better access MooneySpace for improved photo upload. Craig, Is that available in ITunes? -a-
  15. (photo above) People would be happy with an extended runway and more slips, walking distance to Chicago... I flew into Gary,Ind. KGYY last year, it was not as nice or convenient and it did not save me money compared to a direct flight into the lakefront airport. Just sayin' -a-
  16. That's the one. Back in the days when unknown unknowns were still unknown and not even thought of... I was traveling fully loaded with family in the plane for the first time. more family picking us up and no Internet data like we have today. Fortunately we had cell phones, so going to Hopedale wasn't too much of a hardship. My baby girl announced her displeasure of flying on final approach! Thanks for the great memories, We flew to Norfolk in a new to us M20C, first time cross country with the family, seeing Xs on the runway, baby barf in the back seat, cell phone batteries that die, Loran before GPS was affordable, and paper charts. Our alternate airport was also new to us, the final approach intersected with a street off the end of the runway, look both ways before crossing... We have improved our cross country skills in the last dozen years. We use an Ovation, KOWD and rental cars for important things like Thanksgiving. We also take the Internet with us in living color and make free phone calls on it all day long. There are at least 5 GPSs in the plane, one of them is even panel mounted and IFR current, another is receiving graphical weather overlays over current charts on a 28 day cycle, another is AA battery powered. Communication including MooneySpace can help us maintain those small airports before they evaporate completely, and educate us about what to expect before going out there. Who wouldn't want to learn to fly??? Best regards, -a-
  17. Bd, One of my favorite airports was in MA. Norfolk. It closed just after I purchased my Mooney. It was less than 5 miles from my parents house. It stayed on charts for several cycles, with X marks on the runway, grass growing through the cracked surface... Wish we could have save it. Several businesses and multiple jobs evacuated after that... -a-
  18. I think WingX can be put on multiple devices with only one subscription. I'll have to check with other devices at home to prove this theory... This would be helpful if you have another idevice. Phone, pad, pod. Still not primary nav, but solves any reliability/crash/battery issues.... Iphone4S is selling for $100 Iphone4 is selling for $1 At the store near me... Best regards, -a-
  19. I watched 5 minutes of a show about repo-ing jets. Corporate type up to airbus. Interesting how much planning goes on. Without a huge corporate flight planning group. When the job is done correctly, there is no drama... These shows can't last long, not like the Jersey Shore... Best regards, -a-
  20. Jonathan, There was a recent discussion here lately about maintenance in the Mass area in the last month or two. You may be able to search for it? I think someone may have mentioned OWD, Norwood. Search for OWD, you may at least find the conversation... Best regards, -a-
  21. Your avatar seems to be there on Saturday evening... -a-
  22. Only objectionable planes are invited... -a-
  23. Yes Steve, Using your method and the single EGT gauge you can determine how much ROP your engine actually is... I way over thought what the OP was asking. Thought he was experimenting with LOP... My bad... -a-
  24. It's helpful to have a digital device for all four EGTs/CHTs, Fuel Flow is also helpful for further diagnosis. My 65C was never able to push LOP. Without the extra instrumentation it is not possible to identify that each cylinder is operating similar to it's neighbors. The carburetor is not known for delivering even fuel flow and ratios to all four cylinders... I was able to lean close to peak, but peak was ill defined as vibration and rough running began at that point. Anyone else have positive LOP experience with a carbureted O360? Single instrument analog EGT and CHT is a tough way to handle LOP. The risk of over or under leaning one cylinder or another is too great. As usual run your LOP experiments under low power (high altitude) to avoid unintentional damage... Are you able to run to a defined peak with your engine and instrumentation, or is it lean until rough, the enrich 50deg? Best regards, -a-
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