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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. For comparison, it may be helpful to know - M20R Continental IO550G: From the POH: Best Power = 50deg ROP Best Economy = 50deg LOP This is based on a single EGT and CHT instrument. From Max Power at Sea Level: 27", 2500rpm Best economy 15.3gph Best Power 17.6 Lowest Power 45% power at 20,000: 12.3" - 2300rpm Best economy 8.2 gph Best Power 9.8 gph at 2500 rpm What this indicates - Best thing to do: Balance air flow and injector flow. -a- This engine has the balanced induction (equal length tubes) and nicely balanced injectiors. I also have the JPI 700, so I know my GAMI spread = 0 gph. When leaning it will shut off on you without vibration. Surprisingly smooth. My M20C with the O360, carburetor was unable to even go to LOP. The spread must be huge.
  2. 16 Right is an excellent aviation documentary. I think it was Brian T's first attempt at significant commercial work. He must have put everything he had into it. If you have not seen it, It is better than 90% of anything coming out of Hollywood. Grab the kids, significant other and Fire up the home theater for movie night. It's hard to explain why I liked it. I'm guessing the topic was dead center of many of my interests. I had a showing on the big TV in HD (new technology in its day) for my aviaition buds when it was first released. If you see only one movie this year.....Well, you should get out more often... (smiley emoticon) - a -
  3. To identify if it is a week antenna... Try it with the other radios on and the radios off. My old narco radios created so much noise that my Garmin 196 could only pick up a signal with the remote antenna. Even with the remote, A few times it dropped the signal and was unable to come back online until I was on the ground. You can watch the signal strength fade when the Narcos are turned on. Elsewhere on this board is a discussion of radio interference and antennae for the 430/530 that may shed light on your situation. Today, I am using much upgraded King radios. The 196 is relegated to back up duties, but does fine, even with the short stub antenna. Or maybe skip this and just follow Randy and Jolie's advice, it sounds like it needs some service one way or another. - anthony -
  4. CM 7327 - Chicago Miniature 28V .04A twin leads - 95 cents, it supposed to have 4,000 hrs tbmf. 4 machine screws to remove the cover to access the bulbs. http://www.cml-it.com/pdf/2-47.pdf Thanks again Lee.
  5. My nearest class D airport is no longer reporting data. There are at least two airplanes upside down (C152 and tri-pacer). They were tied down, but broke free. See the current Metar below. KTEB (TETERBORO, NJ) SCHEDULED OBSERVATION 14/0051 UTC, WIND FROM 70 DEGREES AT 24 KTS, GUSTING TO 51 KTS, VISIBILITY 4.00 MILES, WEATHER RAIN, MIST, SKY BROKEN 5/8-7/8 COVERAGE AT 1300 FT, BROKEN 5/8-7/8 COVERAGE AT 2200 FT, OVERCAST AT 3800 FT, TEMPERATURE 8C (46 DEG F), DEW POINT 6C (42 DEG F), ALTIMETER SETTING 29.52 INCHES. REMARKS: AO2 PK WND 07051/0043 SLP995 P0004 T00780061 $ At 51 kts things begin to fly on their own... Sorry, wrong forum area....
  6. Easy solution, may require the help of another person (make it a mechanic and you've got it all covered). My 65C had a similar experience. Your flap actuator now needs adjustment. A very small movement is the difference between open and closed (flaps up or down). Check the action of the flap valve on the hydraulic cylinder. Up should release the pressure. Down, should make it build pressure. Total movement is very small and sounds like you are going from closed to more closed.... This is difficult to do without help. If I am not mistaken, keep in mind that the brakes are using the same fluid. (I don't think this is your problem though) If the flaps go down, the air is mostly out of the system. Air in the system will keep the flaps from going down. If you pump several times more than usual and little happens... Keep cycling the flaps up and down, air should disappear quickly. (again probably not your problem) I think 3 pumps pressurized the system and about 4 pumps moved the flaps from full up to full down. (no air) Now that you have moved the position of the bleeder valve.... From the service manual there is a recommendation on how long it should take for the flaps to raise. You would not want the flaps to go up instantaneously during a go around. This "time" is somewhat difficult to set. I used hand pressure on the flaps to get close. Unfortunately, I don't think you will know how good you are until the sheet metal is back on and wind supplies the pressure on the flaps. I did this adjustment with my mechanic during one of my annuals. - anthony -
  7. "Similarly, if running ROP, I would use the first cylinder to have peaked as the baseline as it would also be the hottest. Right?)" - Jeff_S ROP - first cylinder to peak. LOP - last cylinder to peak. When using the JPI 700 in Lean Find mode (LF) make sure that it is using the correct LF mode. There is one for ROP and one for LOP. When starting LF, the unit tells which mode it is in. It is easy enough to switch between the modes. I have the procedure in the plane (or I would have shared it already).
  8. The coolest thing about verniers.... Throttle: when you want to add just a little power on final. You can put in a 1/2 twist and then take it right back out. You can make the smoothest landings ever, under changing conditions. Mixture control: smoothly find peak by twisting at a nice constant rate. (it may take a few rotations). Prop: No value for me, set at 2500 and left there. If I had a digital tach and wanted and exact setting vernier would be the way to go. For major adjustments, they are all push pull like the M20C. (example: Full power for take-off or go around) Verniers: Like GPS, not required, but sure are nice to have.. -a- (Continental 550G, driven to the POH)
  9. Baby seats fit just fine in the E (forward facing of course). They will be about 10 years old before they figure out that they don't have the same leg room in the back of the E that you have in the front. Good luck keeping them from getting too close to anyone's long body (F,G,J,K,M,R etc..)
  10. Thanks Lee, I'll be heading to the airport armed and ready. In my case the bulb is an extra 50 cents for the 24v version. (GE 327)
  11. The double wide stroller is going to have to fold down significantly to fit back there. Have you checked out this thread... http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=1&threadid=560 Baby gear for mooney owners. Good luck, -a-
  12. Jerry, Nice to see the comparison of complete data sets. Thanks for sharing. It is interesting to see the entire flight (including run-up) as seen by your battery...Zeftronics give a real smooth control. - a -
  13. Nice catch... For your reference... I have looked up Elevator and Aileron Control Systems on page 113 of the Parts Catalog (june 1973 rev) The drawing is relevent to M20C,D,E,F The drawing in figure 28 shows bolt heads facing outwards on the "elvator Horns". Item 52 is a bolt and two washers. It looks like the corresponding item 51 includes the nut along with the bungee assemblies. - a -
  14. How does one change the bulb out of a mooney enunciator panel? The gear down bulb no longer lights. No light comes on when the test button is pushed. Fortunately the gear is down with the floor mounted indicator and light bulb working properly. Should I be looking for anything else? Thanks, - Anthony -
  15. Balou, I was trying to help, but all I found is.... C, D, and E are shown to be the same in the parts catalog. Catalog only gives part# not dimensions. My M20C POH does not give dimensions (only weight restrictions). M20R POH - Entry height 20.5", Entry width 17", Ground to bottom of sill 46". Maybe someone with a C, D or E can help you with your E question.
  16. The data included here may help others research their oponent or better understand the mode of that person's operation. Keep up the good work. The challenges keep coming.... J. H. Edwards Company, Jeff Edwards Mailing Address: p o box 6070 City: LOS OSOS Zip Code: 93412 Is this the same person? http://www.smartvoter.org/2000/11/07/ca/slo/vote/edwards_j/ "top priorities if elected: Be honest with the community...." 2000 - he was not elected.... This is a post from calcoastnews.com. Apparently someone is familiar with the other Jeff Edwards projects. Jeff Edwards will cause havoc in poor little Oceano as he always has everywhere he’s been, I know, I live in Los Osos. Falsifying Geological reports, DUI’s, not paying his bills, bankruptcy and even wife stealing are in his past. Ever know a type A with smarts but just can’t play it straight? As a planning consultant his professional advice to prospective home buiders in Los Osos where a protected snail and rat dwell is Snarol and D-Con. Illegal grading is also suggested. The only thing good that will come from him “working” in Oceano is he won’t be “working” in Los Osos at that moment. Consider these accusations the tipof the iceberg. -justme
  17. Jeff, Consider that a similar business plan works for AVIS. I often rent cars and before I carried a portable GPS, I would rent a portable GPS at additional cost to whatever the car retal fees were. Eventually I bought the one that is appropriate for me (garmin, believe it or not), and I stopped renting quickly. You might consider who your customer really is. Direct rental to customers renting airplanes, aircraft owners, or FBOs that are renting out the aircraft and possibly subletting YOUR GPS package. You might get interesting feedback from your local FBO and flightschool. They might be helpful, they might be your competition.... (I imagine some rent headsets and GPS already along with chart sales and candybars) Ideas from the top of my head...Good luck. - Anthony -
  18. Trying to close the loop...... Quote: JimR This could be a good deal for one of you guys. I'm not affiliated in any way with the seller. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mooney-m20-201-cowl-mod_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem19ba4ecb46QQitemZ110499908422QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  19. NewHeights, I like your reasoning... Wow, that panel has left no stone unturned. I am sure Parker covered the details, I am curious, could you share what the story is behind the mismatched timing of: OH, Top, and New Prop? I recommend, at least be aware and be comfortable with the reasoning yourself. The initial set-up usually can go 2,000hrs. This one went about 1,000 prior to FRM, then a follow-up replacement of cylinders, then a new prop. Wishing you good luck completing your purchase and best regards, - Anthony -
  20. Taxiing with flaps down used to be an indication of an intruder on board (flight training in the 90's). It will probably get you some attention from other pilots...?
  21. When considering the manifold pressure based back-up vacuum systems... Take a look at their limitations. At wide-open throttle they may not have the pressure differential required to drive the instruments. On the east coast, this might not be as important. At high altitudes, partially open throttle to acheive acceptable vacuum differential may not be enough power to maintain altitude. My plane was originally delivered with an engine driven back-up pump and subsequently been changed to an electric motor driven back-up pump. When all else fails, I have electric TC and compass for traditional partial panel. In 500 hours of flying, I have not experienced loss of vacuum. I have lost electricity twice. (1 controller failure, 1 generator failure) -anthony-
  22. I used sideslips for my M20C often. Always making sure nose is down and airspeed maintained. Entering and exiting the slip smoothly / gently. There is no desire to let the tail wag by over or undercontrolling. PK, I have been reviewing the POH for the M20R (longbody) Slips are mentioned 3 times: cross wind landing, door closing in flight, fuel gauge accuracy only during coordinated flight. It is a normal category airplane, so slips are acceptable (with normal precautions to avoid stall / spin). Otherwise, speed brakes are used for additional speed control. Directly to answer the question: The POH (Section IV - Landing) recommends crab until flare, touch down with slight wing low side slip. (Caution: YOUR POH may vary) The C and the R seem to be at maximum up trim during the landing phase (with two people on board).
  23. It seems no final answer was given... The M20R has an airspeed sensitive switch to keep the gear from retracting until flying speed is reached. No squat switches are used. If the switch fails to operate, the gear will not be raised. The red button next to the gear switch is the overide that allows the raising of the landing gear. The hobbs in the M20R is activated by the engine running. Might you have one of these on your plane? Check the POH for futher details...
  24. Thanks Mitch, The huffingtonpost.com article supplies good logic. It is worth the few minutes to read. -anthony-
  25. My 65 C had the short rudder. It's greatest beauty feature was its rectangular windows. It had a one piece windscreen when I got it. I suppose an upgrade by one of the previous owners. Flush rivets, stainless camlocks, Johnson bar and manual hydraulic flaps. Lots of zinc chromate, It had a separate gyro for the PC system. The gyro was mounted next to the vacuum system that raises the step. Biggest drawback: shotgun instrument placement and non-standard engine control layout... Best news: All of this can be improved upon, see some of the instrument panel layouts in photo galleries. -anthony-
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