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tls pilot

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Everything posted by tls pilot

  1. Bose X Headset w Lemo jack. These were sent back to Bose and refurbished and never used. They are in superb condition includes ear seals and headset band. The cable is the more expensive spiral and the control unit works perfectly.
  2. what are you indicating regarding Chapter 4 and 5 and what is optional?
  3. check with a quality paint shop they usually have these seals
  4. I have dual TIT Probes Over the years, I have sent probes back to manufacturer to check the calibration of the used probe Years ago, Lycoming issued a SB on the TIT Probes for the Piper Malibu but not on the TLS then Bravo Also, your fuel flow for a power setting will verify (not exactly, but close enough)
  5. NO Gasket is required common mistake by AP and overhaulers
  6. I have owned a RoboTow for over 20yrs It works well up an incline and on many surfaces highly recommended https://www.robotow.com
  7. In the early years of the TLS now Bravo, there was a cabin air modification due to this mod, the heat was Not as effective the key piece is figure 2, the butterfly assembly that due to this mod had four holes drilled thru it https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SBM20-255A.pdf Certainly this can play a role but your duct flex tubing can really play a role
  8. What I can say is that Guy at Gee Bee has always been supportive, willing to go the extra mile, and has cost effective products. I have dealt with Guy since early 1990s when he made up the first engine baffles for a Bravo. The members on Mooney Space can shop any source they desire. Unfortunately as we all know, far too many sources do not have parts or no longer support our fleet. We should be thankful for those that continue to support us. I am grateful to have sources that keep our Mooneys in the air.
  9. The Lycoming Operators manual (red binder) should be with the manuals A simple search found this https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/60297-23P.pdf
  10. The TLS then Bravo have an option for TKS: approved for known icing (fiki) and a non fiki. (The FAA definition of flight into known icing vs flight into icing is another subject. The FAA site will explain the variances/differences.) Ill try to answer your question and not just ask you to read something… kindness helps, especially to those who are not familiar with something! The biggest difference is: the Known system is approved (certified) and had reams of paperwork and flights to get the approval and then certified,it has two pumps, a heated stall warning/vane and costs more. As an example, The resale on a Bravo will be approximately +$20,000.00 for known, +$10,000.00 for non. The system works very well. Ours has been installed( done at AST TKS in KS) since 1997. My thoughts are it is a real benefit to have (most flights are in high teen flight levels) but count on it to get you out of icing and not continue flight in the icing. of note, a few TKS systems kept the electric de ice prop that came with each TLS. Others got the TKS installed and had the spray nozzles/slingers on the prop blades with specially designed boots. The TKS system very works well be it a FIKI or non FIKI system. I am not sure of the answer, Having a non approved system converted to a FIKI system. IF it can be done, it certainly would involve adding a second pump, heated stall warning vane, and new flight manual paperwork by the CAV Aerospace folks ( the ones who certified the TKS system) along with plenty of labor, downtime, and money. Hopefully this helps you and answers your questions regarding the differences etc
  11. Plane is a Bravo N21890 see current report and pics of it getting hosted out of the bay https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/davis-islands-plane-goes-down/67-384e0f47-bedb-4c2d-827b-199b8bb94799
  12. There is such a thing as Super cooled water. Also from a FAA Publication updrafts in cumuliform clouds carry large amounts of liquid water far above the freezing level. On rare occasions icing has been encountered in thunderstorm clouds at altitudes of 30,000 to 40,000 feet where the free air temperature was colder than minus 40° A good refresher, especially this time of year. See: https://www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/advisory_circular/ac 00-6a chap 10-12.pdf
  13. Only thing I would caution you with use of superglue, it can and most likely Will go down the shaft of the switch and glue it It happened to a hangar neighbor ( in a 201) when they superglued the cap on the shaft.
  14. Check this out… https://www.ottoaviation.com/celera-500l 4500nm range 400knots Cabin class 6 place Great fuel economy EGG shape while it has flown “it is still a paper airplane until they began manufacturing them…..” maybe a new project for Kerrville put a M in front of Otto …
  15. Call Keystone Instruments in Lock Haven PA 570-748-7083 Family run business and they routinely clean the hazy glass and re cert/ calibrate VSI and all aircraft instruments.
  16. AIR-21-18.pdfHere is the latest FAA Issuance on this subject
  17. Not sure of your field elevation? The O2 regulator usually will not allow oxygen flow until 8-9000 ft If on the ground interior knob turned on and cannula or mask connected, it should not flow if at an airport near sea level Look at the filler port, regulator, or bottle Has the regulator been checked lately?
  18. Curious are your flights in mid to high FLs? FL150-210 Wondering about the Performance at these FLs Pressurized mags are an issue and why it is best to change them out every 350 hrs esp on the Bravo TLS Even with a the proper mag pick up and vent caps
  19. Realizing many have gone fully ‘electric’ and no longer have a vacuum system, is this company out of business? Aerotech Components CV1J4 They were great filters Any alternate manufactures?
  20. Years ago, I asked Bill Wheat about voltage He indicated 29.0 volts is not out of range. Same in the manual. Your 28.8 seems ok This number will vary with temperature. Adjusting the voltage regulator is not complicated in a Bravo
  21. What is your bus voltage when flying? Are you measuring it on a JPI or similar? (That Gill Battery at18mos or less should have been covered under a warranty. But it sounds like you do not need it or desire to have it…) what did you do with the battery minder? Another common issue on the dual battery long bodies, several planes had a small draw of amps with the Master switch off with the #1 battery. I personally know one person who disconnects the #1 battery if the plane sits for 10+ days. With a good meter you should be able to assess if a micro amp use.
  22. New Garmin 430/530W Data Card for Sale This will replace or make downloads easier at home with an extra card! New Price is over $200.00 Selling for $150.00 with shipping.
  23. The correct way is to check the battery capacity as per manufacturer This is a true measure of what the battery can do, how much current it will deliver before exhausted etc Then see how they do in real situations, say the plane sits 2 weeks no minder on them, check the resting voltage and how it cranks etc This idea that if it is a Gill, the batteries need to be changed is simply a horrible way of looking at it. Everyone can have an opinion on battery C or G but data and facts matter. The ‘new’ Gill Sealed Batteries Valve regulated, the super capacity 7243 -14 LT lasted nearly 7 years in harsh environments heat and extreme cold. They passed the capacity test even at that age, but a decision was made to change them out. They may have lasted another year or three… Gill now has a 7243-16 which I have installed over a year ago and trouble free. Obviously early to judge, but based on the performance of the 7243-14 and the nearly seven years of service, we anticipate long life. As promised in earlier listings, we will report back with honest, non biased thoughts and data.
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