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tls pilot

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Everything posted by tls pilot

  1. Does anyone know how these are wired? IF a grounding issue will it go full scale on high side? Anyone have one available? part number 88009-501. Lewis Eng Co 56B3A9. Thanks
  2. Anyone know where the Mooney oil temp probe for sigma tech oil analog Gauge is located my JPI Probe is up front on engine The standard oil temp probe that mooney shipped w Sigma analog thanks
  3. Any advice best way to attach push to talk cap off stem i know Not to use super glue what is best material to use thanks
  4. This may be an issue for some owners
  5. what was your RPM What was your fuel flow It is possible it is the waste gate also have seen specks of carbon in MP line that ‘clog’ the orifice and then that gives you a low reading This really should be posted in the Bravo section
  6. My suggestion call Lycoming it could be the Density Controller as that modulates the Wastegate movement the Bravo has a Differential and Density controller i have seen issues w Density Controllers doing what you describe again call Lycoming 800# and speak w one of the techs Getting the controllers tested is not difficult at the correct place
  7. Thank you All for the info
  8. Anyone know if you can just change the Bulb when the ice light is burned out? Or is it the light kit? The Parts manual is vague. If just a bulb, does anyone have the bulb number Thanks
  9. tls pilot


    another https://www.qaa.com/products/aircraft-turbo-systems
  10. tls pilot


  11. Like the test article comments state: ”this new feature is beneficial and potentially life saving”.. It may have application for us flyers too thanks
  12. Picture is at an angle hard to see but that pressure seems on the low side
  13. did the LED lights work for this aft wing lamp?
  14. Glad you resolved it
  15. Thank you Greg They already tried that combo Next try involves updating software but most new computers have a usb 3.0 which according to Garmin “overloads” the 496 Thus they suggest using a USB 2.0 ( my computer knowledge is limited BUT seems any USB the 3.0 reverts to a lower speed if that is what the device needs.)
  16. Thank you We have tried this, no luck…
  17. no one seems to know a reset method
  18. Friends unit worked fine was in a hangar for 10 days then the unit cannot locate current position or acquire satellites External battery pack is good and charged they tried different ant and left unit on for 4 hrs Any thoughts? The unit is 4.20 software and data base is from Aug 2019 Someone thought Internal Battery (a button type soldered to board) But clock still runs (but wrong hour and wrong date by a day and 10 hrs off) Thanks
  19. see
  20. The AeroTrim works extremely well Had one on my J 201 back in 1980s for years. It was trouble free Norm Smith was a wonderful person and loved Mooneys I was surprised to see that aerotrim was still in production as Norm passed away in 2008. If you desire a rudder trim, get the aerotrim
  21. Does anyone have a good way to clean the exhaust tail pipe?
  22. May not be that switch Check the connections at the alternators It could be the very small diode
  23. This NavData Card is Waas works in Garmin 430/530W Great to have a spare card I no longer have my 530W $125.00
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