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Everything posted by The-sky-captain

  1. Oscar- this happened to me a couple times and it was an easy fix on my J model. The pin is an adjustable turnbuckle. If you take off the passenger door panel you will see a rod with two washers. Loosen the washers and screw the turnbuckle to make the pin stick out further into the hole in the side of the doorframe. Once you have the desired length tighten the washers back to hold the pin at that length. My turnbuckle broke a couple years ago and when it was re installed the pin wasn't adjusted to a long enough length causing the door to pop a couple times in turbulence. Not that is been adjusted out another 3/8" or so it's holding up nicely. All in all it's about an hour project. Good luck!
  2. Ed Morris in Little Rock is a superb Mooney instructor that will come to you for transition training. Trey and Lela at MAPA will have his contact info.
  3. A fat girl that had to pee in a sick sack in the back seat 10 minutes into a 3 hour trip. Didn't know her prior to trip so I made a u turn and dropped her back off.
  4. Good pirep! I've got my annual coming up next month and emailed Maxwell just yesterday inquiring about a dynamic balance.
  5. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round....
  6. Apollo- By applying power I meant start the run up which in my J is at 2000 rpm's. I like to be at 130 degrees at that point.
  7. On a 32 degree day, without prior pre-heat, the engine will definitely need a proper time to warm up before the run up. Letting it idle at 1000-1200 rpm's until the oil temps raise is a good idea, I generally wait until I see 130 degrees on my temp before I start the run up. I know it's conservative but after overhauling a couple years ago I want to make sure everything is warm and lubed before applying power.
  8. Short with drop offs on both ends, those boys are lucky they didn't make matters much worse. How were they able to stop when they were expecting a runway twice that length?
  9. I wax every 18 months or so and don't see a real noticeable difference in speed.. That being said I always wipe the leading edges down after flights and clean the belly every 3 months or so, so the plane stays clean year round. I don't have any real data of a dirty, draggy plane vs a waxed and cleaned plane.
  10. There is one in Branson! It's only about a 20 minute flight so I am definitely on board.
  11. Bob- He is an avid button pusher so I think it may be a little risky for all in the airplane if he is rocking the co-pilot seat. At home the dishwasher, microwave and any other item with a few buttons all mysteriously come on. Best story is that he somehow programmed his grandparents radio to come on full blast at 2am. That made for a funny phone call the next morning. I think my moms exact wording included "thought the house was being attacked". Kids...
  12. Haha Marauder, nice catch. I thought about putting a disclaimer that those were not my hands! My boy just turned 3 last month and has logged close to 100 back seat hours.
  13. Here are a couple pictures I found on my phone. If interested I can get dedicated yoke shots when I get out to the ap.
  14. I'll get some and post next day or two
  15. Terrible. RIP and condolences to the loved ones that lost these two gentlemen.
  16. I've got 2 Warren Gregoire yoke covers I have had for a couple years for sale. I'll be replacing them with Aero Comfort custom covers at annual. Both covers are in great shape. They are selling new for $360, I will sell mine for $200.
  17. Cruiser, no difference on the fuel flow when the blip happens. I have a feeling it's a governor issue as I was having governor issues after my engine major at which time I had the governor OH'd as well. It was surging ROP initially until I had it looked at again. At that point it quit surging ROP and only surges LOP which in itself is a mystery. It will go months with no blips and all of a sudden start it up again. When it does surge it seems to go away after it "warms up" during a longer flight. Ill probably look at getting it OH'd again or at least replace the springs. One thing I forgot to mention is that on takeoff it sometimes does the same drop for the first minute or so after applying full throttle on the roll out and initial climb out.
  18. It's puzzled me for a couple years and I've meant to post the question here for a while. The prop gov was overhauled 2 years ago which is also when I started running LOP so I don't have a baseline for before that. I've ran the issue past Maxwell and the governor has passed a bench test twice with no issues. The ROP steadiness is no coincidence as I fly approx 200 hours a year and every time I'm ROP it's steady Betty, whereas sometimes LOP is is steady and sometimes it will have the small drop in RPM, sometimes even on the same flight. Im running around 8.5-9 gph depending on the flight so I'm not too lean either as mentioned above to cause it to fall out of governance. Oil pressure and temps look good on the engine monitor as well. All that being said I'm going to have Maxwell take a good look at it, my annual is coming up soon
  19. Here ya go... http://mooneyspace.com/topic/10862-power-setting/#entry129645
  20. I didnt want to hijack the recent thread about power settings in which Pine Runner noted that running LOP causes the prop to fall out of governance. His comment got me thinking....I've noticed that randomly while LOP my RPM's will quickly drop 40 or so in a split second and pop back up to 2500. Barely noticeable to passengers but I can pick it up everytime. Some flights it will drop, other flights it will remain steady. FWIW it never does this on ROP flights. Reasons?
  21. I use these guys with good results a couple years ago. http://m.cjaviation.com/
  22. Plus there is a very nice van to use if you are friends with the owner!!
  23. I had the same issue and found the pin had broken in half at the turnbuckle. I got a new turnbuckle from Maxwell and fixed it myself in about an hour.
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