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Everything posted by The-sky-captain

  1. Tim, Check out piper painters gallery to see how Mooneys (C model) handle non paved strips. Me thinks the pilots ability is just as important to landing on grass as the plane is...
  2. Here's an old blog my father started on Don Maxwell's fly in back in June 2010. I flew him down for the day and met Don for the first time. Hopefully some of the Mooneyspace members will see one of their planes in the accompanying pictures. Can't believe it was 2 1/2 years ago already. http://mooneyflyin.blogspot.com/
  3. Branson, Mo (KPLK) is a mini version of Sedona. Drop off's on both ends and less than 4000' long. Of course this is the airport my gear would decide not to retract on a hot July day, 3 passengers, near gross weight.
  4. I was told to aim for 10 gph when I was getting training in my plane by an old skool guy as well and had the same issues you are having. Once I started leaning correctly, 100 ROP or 30-50 LOP or so the temps were well within normal. At 7-8k shoot for around 11.5-8 gph ROP or 8.5-9 gph LOP running 2500 RPM, full throttle and see if that helps. I do have an engine monitor which helps a great deal running LOP. I know several guys on here run LOP without the 4 probe monitors so maybe they can chime in as well.
  5. My nose gear was damaged when I bought my plane but it was fixed on the pre buy. When I'm at an FBO and tied down I make it clear that I do not want my plane moved. Since proving new damage is a tough sell, I take a time stamped picture of my non damaged nose gear truss. Luckily I have not had any issues.
  6. Nice video's Mike. The trip to AZ looked fun!
  7. Anybody flying to a turkey day destination? I'll be making the obligatory flight to central Arkansas to hang with the in-laws. Good stuff...
  8. Going on 4 years with a Concorde and no issues yet. Before that was a fairly new Gill that crapped out... FWIW my mechanic said he had a lot of issues with Gill in dealing with them on warranty issues.
  9. My son will be 2 next month and is pushing 50 hours logged (has his own logbook) since his first flight at 10 months old. He loves the plane and flying. Every time he sees a plane in the sky and I'm not around he points upward, makes a plane noise and says "Dada?". As a kid I spent lots of hours with my father hanging around the AP helping him putter on his Cherokee 140. He said my first flight was as a youngster of less than 6 months old in his old Taylorcraft on a cross country from SE Louisiana to Branson,Mo. I hope my son grows up to love GA as much as I do.
  10. Another vote for Don Maxwell...
  11. Another +1 for Cafe Du Monde. I was down there this past weekend for a family reunion, I was raised just up the road in Hammond, and my wife got her first beignet. Great culture and a great city to visit. The French Quarter is a must if its your first time down. My grandfather raised 11 kids trapping alligators and raising strawberries so I enjoy getting off of the beaten path and visiting some of his old haunts deep in the bayou's.
  12. I have a buddy that bought a Matrix new in 2011 and its a sweet machine. A friend of mine sells them out of Kansas City and said that around 40k per year should be reserved for upkeep and maintainence. That combined w fuel, insurance and a hanger is a little more that I can justify at this time. Not sure if the older Malibu's would be cheaper or not.
  13. The filter holds a lot of oil. If its not changed it seems to me that it would introduce a lot of old, dirty oil to your new batch. Plus like mentioned before I like to cut each filter and look for metal. Don't forget to check the suction screen as well. It can be a PITB but it will catch large chunks of metal that otherwise wouldn't make it to the filter and lull you into thinking your engine is healthy. This is how I caught my engine issue a couple years back and the spin on was showing all clear
  14. All of the above is great advice. The only thing I will add is that you make sure you have enough nose up trim in setting up for your landing. I had some landing issues in the beginning and the trim issue was my problem. Practice makes perfect, but obviously you must be using the right technique. Good luck!
  15. When talking to ATC I say TWO ZERO ONE. When stating what plane I have in general conversation I say TWO OH ONE.
  16. Another great read, keep it up.
  17. I love those short cartoons. Here's another funny one debating single vs twin... http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/7812971/twin-vs-single
  18. Phillip, Check out the SIRS. I just bought one for around 225$ and am happy with it.
  19. It just popped up in my email, looking forward to reading it! Bodie
  20. Jim, I'll snap a pic next week when I get back to the AP.
  21. I had mine installed yesterday and with a little modification it mounts nicely to the center post in my J. Very nice and a definate upgrade over my old whiskey compass that had leaked dry.
  22. Dick, For what it's worth when I run my J 100 ROP my EGT differences usually run from 10-30 degrees. When I switch to LOP its a difference of 70-80 generally. My CHT's run a little hotter then yours do at around 330-360. From what I understand the CHT temps are more important then the EGT temps.
  23. Good advise above. I've flown into the Front Range Colorado and New Mexico airports in hot conditions and have had no issues, just be sure to lean correctly and leave the plane on the ground until it's ready to fly. Just this past weekend I came out of Colorado Springs, gross weight at 7500' DA. The take off roll is noticibly longer but the climb rate is where I really noticed the lack of muscle. I heartily second the the advise of getting some mountain training if you decide to go into Telluride. The terrain, winds, drafts and DA makes it a different world for our little NA planes.
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