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Everything posted by The-sky-captain

  1. Miy cowl flaps do not creep, the issue I have is that I don't have a "trail" setting. They are either wide open or closed, nothing in between. I'm going to have Maxwell look at it come annual time.
  2. We had a newer Ovation gear up at ROG a few months ago. He had the same situation as you did with one of the mains not locking out.
  3. 74657- What was the prop gov doing? I just had an engine OH and my gov was basically acting like a constant speed prop by overspeeding in cruise and descents and not being able to control with the prop lever. After trying three different govs the engine was torn back down and we found two dowels that had not been welded closed when the case was overhauled. Basically it was causing a huge interior oil leak and the gov wasn't getting enough oil pressure to work properly. Other than being a PITB it didnt cost me any more money, my shop ate the extra expense, as they should. Works like a charm now.
  4. Well done! Where there's a will, there's a way.
  5. It hasnt picked up any VFR flight following for me in the past several months either and I always get it on the ground with the tower. IFR shows up everytime.
  6. Whats the story on the banged up Mooney in the pics on the homepage that 74657 recently posted?
  7. Ditto here on my iPad and iPhone. It's frusterating because I'm rarely on a PC and have went months w/o posting for that reason.
  8. My #2 runs a little hotter than the other three in cruise. At 100 ROP it runs around 385-390 at 8k with ground temps of 90 plus degrees. The engine is a couple months old and only has 60 or so hours on it since OH. The shop owner said that is just due to everything being tighter than before with the added friction. The others are in the 340-370 range. We'll see....
  9. I have a short 1 hour flight to Little Rock for a late evening wedding than back to ROG. The Mooney allows me the ability to be back home that night vs sleeping at the in-laws
  10. Well the poker run was fun as well as raising 5k for the kids home. I didn't win any swag but I did get to pass a ton of Cessnas and Pipers on the various legs of the flight. One guy with a Turbo Arrow took it pretty hard.
  11. When I first started looking I was under contract for a pre J model but it had issues on delivery so I ended up upgrading to a J which I am very happy with. I agree with Scott in that a good AP is great to have if you plan on doing a lot of X country and IFR flights, as well a IFR cert GPS. I lucked out and had a good paint job when I bought the plane but the cosmetic thing really wasn't that important at the time. As I'm sure you know there are Mooney specific issues that you need to look at before purchasing a plane and I would also recommend using a Mooney Service Center for the prebuy. Last but not least really investigate the person/broker you are purchasing from. Without mentioning any names there's a guy in FL you want to stay away from. Myself, along with a few other members of this site, have all had major issues wth this man. Feel free to PM me, or research previous posts for more info. Good luck, you have made a good choice in going with a Mooney!
  12. What are the dates of the PPP?
  13. I use my Mooney a lot for traveling to the NM and CO mountains to board, bike and climb quite a bit. The space gets tight when the bike goes in but I can make it work with a little creative engineering. The board and climbing gear is no problem at all. As for staying aloft large amounts of time the best I can usually do is about 5 hours before bailing. I also enjoy hitting up the small town airports along the way for my fuel stops that otherwise I would never get to visit.
  14. Before my recent overhaul I was adding about 12-13 quarts every 25 hours. The oil was black, burnt smelling and in the summer the temps ran a little to high for my comfort. Now at 55 hours SMOH I've added only 2 quarts and the oil is nice and honey colored at the 25 hour oil change mark.
  15. I hope the guy gets nailed. What a putz.
  16. Yep, that's how it works. You pick up a card at each location and blast off again.
  17. The second link was the one I was talking about. Good work.
  18. Yeah, no doubt! I've already got an iPad w Foreflight but I wouldn't turn down another. Great program and super cheap considering what all comes with it. Now that they have added the geo referenced plates and taxi diagrams it's even more delicious.
  19. Moodychief... PM has been sent. McStealth... I couldnt find it in search either. I remember the OP said the unit that he built worked great. I'll share any info I get with ya.
  20. A local FBO is putting on a charity poker run, that includes flying to 5 local airports, to benefit a local children's house here in Northwest Arkansas. The entry fee is $100 and with that you get breakfast, lunch and a plane washing/cleaning. The best poker hand gets a new iPad 2 with a years subscripton to Foreflight. There will also be a spot landing contest at one of the airports with a nice eletronic prize as well. It's set up for next weekend, June 11 and as of now there are two Mooney's registered so the more the better. Check out www.take-off-for-kids.com for more info.
  21. Bodi- It sure does. It's nice to hit the master and check the oil temp on a cold morning before hooking up the engine heater and returning a few hours later to see a significient change and much warmer oil. Since I just got an engine overhaul I wanted to know what the oil temp was before starting my runup and it does that to a tee.
  22. I don't have one for sell but I just had one hooked up to my JPI 700. I was surprised to see that the original gauge and the JPI gauge read exactely the same.
  23. It's 100 degrees here and I'm needing something to cool the Mooney down with as I lost a couple gallons of sweat yesterday on the ramp in Little Rock. A year or so ago someone on Mooneyspace posted about a homemade a/c unit they constructed using an ice chest and said it worked pretty good. I can't find the post, so if anybody here can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
  24. An update on the OH process. I went with Mena Aircraft Engines and had a good experience with the whole process and feel good about the quality and experience of the shop. Before the OH my oil would become black and burnt smelling within a couple hours of changing and I was only getting a quart every two hours. Now the oil is nice and honey colored and the engine gets a quart every 12 hours or so. All is well, loving that new engine and I would recommend MAE to anyone. On top of the engine, I had the oil cooler and prop governor OH'd, a digital tach installed and and oil temp probe hooked up to the JPI.
  25. Quote: moodychief I am based at KSUZ just south of Little Rock, AR. Moodychief- I'm in and out of KSUZ several times a month for business. Any time you see PX on the ramp come on over and say hi. BTW my planes tanks were sealed about 5 years ago and I've had no problems what so ever. Good luck!
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