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Everything posted by The-sky-captain

  1. Has anybody on the forum landed in the DC ADIZ? I'm taking a trip to the DC area and debating on going into Leesburg (JYO) which is in the area or Fredrick (FDK) which is outside. Both airports are pretty busy and non towered. I've just started looking into the requirements and would like to hear from anyone that has pierced the armor:)
  2. Quote: GeorgePerry Agreed...I've got over 4000 hours and I fly Hornets on the deck of aircraft carriers, but I don't fly my Mooney at night if I can aviod it. And I NEVER fly at night with the entire family aboard. GA airplanes are incredibly reliable but the risk just isn't worth it...
  3. Quote: Rustler Bodie-- Check your PMs.
  4. Quote: Rustler Bodie-- Good. Looking forward to seeing you.
  5. I've ran those numbers before using my J model speeds. It's pretty amazing when you think about it like that!
  6. Podair...Pretty weird huh? I actually posted a similiar question just a few weeks ago regarding the cost and difficulty in getting an oil temp probe added! I have brought the probe and am waiting to have it done when I get my 496 hardwired and yokes powder coated to keep the downtime to a minimum. Let me know how it goes.
  7. My M20F is going throught its annual and thought I'd add a few probes to the EDM 700 I had installed last year. Fantastic piece of kit! I have fuel flow but thinking of adding Oil Temp and maybe Oil Pressure. The OAT probe is cheap too but don't really see its use as my current old fashioned OAT seems reliable enough. RPM and MP would be nice but not sure I ll stretch to that. Any views? What's easy to install? I don't want to spend a fortune, just want to pick a couple more useful features at reduced cost , both part and installation. I use the EDM mainly to lean slightly LOP (on stock injectors) and as piece of mind (I do a lot of overwater flying with the family) device. I download the data on a regular basis. I also have an ADC filter with the optional chip detector.
  8. If you are ever faced with a forced landing at night, turn on the landing lights to see the landing area. If you don't like what you see... turn em' back off.
  9. I have experienced TERROR twice in my short flying time. The first was an encounter with SEVERE turbulance, much like Parker ran into above. The second was VFR into IMC at night for about 45 minutes in a non instrument rated plane. (At the time I was not IFR cert) The crazy thing was that ATC, my preflight briefing and the 496 (while I was in IMC) all were saying that it was overcast at 5000'. 15 min after I landed through a hole and scud run in the wx was amended to 800' overcast. Both of these instances occured in a Cherokee 140 while my PPL was still wet.
  10. Winds were strong and gusting here yesterday with a little crosswind thrown in for good measure. He may have had an issue with sideloading? Either way...
  11. Quote: Rustler Bodie-- Let me know if you are coming to Taos. I'd enjoy having lunch and chatting about Mooneys and construction (I'm an architect in my former working life).
  12. An '03 Ovation had a gear collapse yesterday at my home airport (ROG). Apparently the gear made it down but somehow the left main and the nose gear collapsed. The weird part is that the gear knob was in the "up" position when the mechanics arrived to take the plane in.
  13. Quote: Rustler rlbowley-- Apparently you haven't provided an e-mail address. If you want to make the trek to Taos, I'd be glad to demonstrate a 1980 J for you. Won't even charge you the gas for the flight. It'll give you a good idea of how the aircraft performs at 7100'. I was fairly near you last week on a Grace Flight and wish I'd known then of your interest.
  14. Quote: KSMooniac I'd rather kick over an ant hill! Or maybe swat a hornet's nest.
  15. Bob- Sorry to hear about the horrible news, hopefully you can get another Mooney soon and get over this loss. You may want to find a new mechanic...
  16. I'm wanting to add the oil temperature option to my JPI and was wondering if I can simply buy the probe ($140- AC Spruce), have it installed and be done with it. Or do I need a transducer?? The reason I bring it up is there was wording that the transducer was not included in the price. Also, any idea on the time/labor to have the probe installed? Thanks.
  17. Quote: csfahey I reside on the east coast and am in the planning stage for a flight to Alaska next summer. Has anyone undertaken a transcontinental flight in their Mooney? I have an M20C so I am relegated to lower altitudes. Any suggestions on routes? Or time of season to accomplish this? How about landing at outback strips? I know the prop clearance is low but can it still be accomplished with good soft field technique?
  18. LOve 16 Right. Another good show with a strong aviation theme is "R5 Sons Alaska" on RFD TV. Bruce Lundqusit recommended it on one of his blogs and I've been DVRing ever since.
  19. Quote: KSMooniac I say it every chance I get...every pilot should attend the Advanced Pilot Seminar live class and learn all about this stuff.
  20. Thanks for the imput guys. I have no doubts that I am breaking it in correctly and hope to see the oil use diminish in the near future. I think that the current black oil is a little left over from before, being that it was drained while cold, and should see a difference after the next oil change hopefully. You would think so now that I actually have four fully functioning oil rings:)
  21. All right so on this last annual I had my cylinders honed and new rings installed as well as some misc cylinder work. My compression rings were dulled and I had a broken oil ring so I am sure this was leading to my consumption/ black oil issue mentioned above. I am using mineral oil have been running the engine at around 75-80% power and giving it lots of fuel too keep the cylinders cool. I've put 5 hours on it in the last few days since picking it up and and going to change the oil after the next flight. The oil has turned black pretty quick but I guess that is normal and will be the case for the next few hours from what I have been told. The consumption is still pretty high but look to see that go down soon as well. Question to those that have been through this: How long until the oil consumption stabilizes? When will the oil start to run cleaner? How long should I run the mineral oil? Any tips for running the engine over the next few hours would be appreciated. Thanks.
  22. I have yet to attend a MAPA event but would love to make this one. I love Colorado!
  23. 1010 UL on my 1977 J. I've taken several 2 hour trips with 4 regular sized adults.
  24. In the next 5 years or so we will be purchasing a vacation home in the Southern Rockies and around this same time I should be reaching TBO on my J. Would it be smarter to go with a turbo Mooney or just upgrade the current engine with a RayJay or something similiar? I would appreciate any imput from current or former owners of either. I love my J and after owning it for a year and a half am getting it to where I want it. That being said I wouldnt cry if I had to upgrade to a 252 Many of the airports in that area are 7-8000' and I would like to have something that can get in and out on the hotter days. I am not well versed on the turbo side of things and have enjoyed the thread on the subject.
  25. If its the ragged looking C in the open t hanger at LXT I know the plane that you are talking about. Thats the wildest story I have yet to hear about a seller wanting to sue a prospective buyer because his plane didn't pass prebuy. It's amazing how complacent some people get with a poorly maintained plane over the years and just expect a buyer to sweep the squawks under the rug.
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