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Everything posted by The-sky-captain

  1. Quote: flyby201 Bodie, What 14'er are you going to climb? Trying to get a trip together, but Art says he's going to climb Grand Teton in July and I can't get Tommy to commit.
  2. Here's another cool example why being a Mooney pilot is great. I had to visit hree jobsites scattered around the state today. If I would have driven I would have been behind the wheel for right around 14 hours. Mooney time was 3.5 on the tach. Gotta love it.
  3. Quote: Rage Can someone who has removed the fresh air vents please provide some detail on how they accomplished it? I'm in the process of repainting the plastic and can't figure out how to remove them.
  4. Does the ipad need 3g to get georef on the maps (or just wifi)? If so do you need the AT&T monthly subscription for it to work?
  5. No experience with Travers but you may want to give Kel Petersen a shot. I was with AOPA my first year and was recommended by a fellow Mooniac to KP. KP was MUCH cheaper with better coverage. Good luck. http://www.kelpetersen.com/Home.html
  6. I would study up on MM before doing any biz with them. I had a bad experience with them, as have half a dozen others on this site. Just a word of caution. Good luck with the window project and have fun with it!
  7. Thanks for the update Ned.
  8. An installed 406 is needed too, right?
  9. Quote: Jeff_S I just downloaded the latest update to ForeFlight, v3.5, and it has much improved routing features including a quasi-moving map capability with route overlay. This is the software that appeared in their video demo from a week or two ago. Against any of the maps, it will display GPS altitude, track, and GPS signal error as well as groundspeed, and it shows an airplane pointing in the correct direction of flight. I picked it up AFTER an evening excursion flight last night, so I had to go test it out by walking around the neighborhood. I discovered that when going at a brisk pace, I can make between 2 and 3 knots!
  10. I had my cable replaced at annual and it still has a little bounce to it, though not as bad as before. I am going to take the plunge and go with the digital tach that Horizon makes. Any reviews on this product?
  11. One area that I found interesting was how he says to tighten the spinner bolts. He recommends starting at the top and working your way around the spinner, tightening each bolt making a full circle, versus the "X" method. (tightening one on the top, going halfway around and tightening the other.) I also used his tip of lubing a hard to open gas cap. Just a drop of oil on the lever and it works like a charm...
  12. Quote: Sven Great post, Bodie. In it you said, "Don gave us a wonderful show and tell time.......It was like a 45 minute cram course on what to do and not to do with our Mooney." Do you care to share a couple of highlights from that talk. I'd love to hear the high points. Thanks. -Sven
  13. Here are some photos of the flyin at Longview this weekend. Thanks to Don Maxwell and his crew for a good time and great food! http://mooneyflyin.blogspot.com/
  14. Thanks for the help guys!
  15. What are the rules in OVERFLYING Canaidan airspace? Does the eAPIS factor in if you do not land? I will be flying from N. Michigan to New York in a few weeks.
  16. Smitty- Congrats on the solo achievement. If you think you love the feeling that soloing gave you just wait until you ace your checkride! Have fun with the learning process, I still am
  17. Quote: flight2000 I hit 190kts on the trip back from Hutchison, KS to Sherman AAF on Saturday.
  18. Jason- Will do, looking forward to it. There are a couple Mooneys based on my field and nearby so I'll spread the word. On a similiar note Vintage Mooney Group South Central is having a flyin at Longview, TX (GGG) on June 5th. This is Mooney mechanic Don Maxwell's home field and he will be hosting the event and talking a little about basic maint and fuel tanks. Here's the link to all that are interested http://www.vintagemooneygroup.com/VMGSouthCentral/PREGGG2010.htm
  19. Quote: jasonwojo Sounds great Captain! We are getting tons of response and it should be a good time. Are you available on both dates?
  20. Jason, I would be interested in attending. Count me in.
  21. Quote: Barry I particuarly like that it interfaces with the GPS and shows my aircraft on the approach plate.
  22. I got one from LASAR and had a local paint shop shoot it for me.
  23. Quote: Cruiser I flew from Fredrick (FDK) to Morgantown (MGW) over the Appalacians today. Forecast was strong westery winds with moderate turbluence below 8,000. As I approached the foothills you could see the mountain waves. I was WOTx2500 @ 6000' showing 157 kts indicated. At one point my ground speed was 78kts. ! That is a 79kt. HEADWIND. I am really glad I have a Mooney. Many other planes would not have made the trip today.
  24. Last week enroute from Santa Fe I hit 218 kts in level flight at 9500'. Due to turbulance I was not able to get a pic of it, although I did get a picture at 213 kts. At this time I am to lazy to post it so you have to take my word on it:)
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