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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. I talked to a Mooney guy the other day. With direct knowledge of the question, he said that the new Mooney's come back from the paint shop weighing 50 lbs more than before they flew to the paint shop. The spread is between 2-4 lbs between planes curiously. I'm sure a lot of you guys already know this fact. I wonder what the weight difference was with some of you guys that did a strip and repaint? Thanks David
  2. Welcome to the forum. GO ENCORE! DF
  3. Very nice J. Some things to consider: The STC owner for the TN has passed away, and no one has subsequently bought the STC. Parts need to be sourced on your own if the need ever develops and your AP would need to be competent, obviously. The UL is not the best, but not bad either. The 252 series has a UL 'around' those numbers. Lots of pilots made them work and loved that plane. I don't believe you can go as high in a J compared to a K. I think the 252 was 28,000 or something like that.
  4. Can the GE model get the gross weight increase likes J models and K models can get?
  5. Goodness. Very valid points. I assumed the f and g had the same weight allowances.I obviously assumed wrong.
  6. Only $750 to purchase the STC. I guess that's not too bad. 80 hours of Labor is listed. I assume that would include some fabrication for the simple fact of all the different engine models that are out there, airboxes baffles etcetera etcetera. Any engine type you wished as a bonus. Find a run-out G model, Put the 200 horsepower in it, Would it cost less money than an F model? Probably not. Would it be worth it? I say yes If you own the airplane long enough.
  7. I suggest you go to an Oncologist right away if Two is firing and not one.
  8. Well. For that distance, anything you decide on will be overkill. The wonderful C model will do you just fine but if you must have a K model, go for the 252. Better yet, get the Encore. Even better, buy Lances' Ovation that he has listed on this board and help a fellow Mooneyspacer out.
  9. Flying by yourself? Significant Other? How many lbs do you project. How far is your trip? I don't know how far the foot hills are from SFO. DF
  10. Mr RJ What you have basically asked is a subjective question. Both options will fit your mission and your answer may lay with you passengers I am sorry to say. Who is flying with you? Significant Other? If so, if you test ride both of your options with the significant other, the perceived space may make the decision for you. Our Mooney's fit like a sports car with lots of room for the long legged types sitting low (Think Corvette) Like a Corvette, you sit tighter that the competition. This is why the Mooney brand is efficient in the air and burns much less gas that it's competition. It is a sleek and efficient design. As with everything in aviation, it is in the compromise. The competition sits much more upright, has more horse power, flies comparatively the same speed at the cost of more fuel and more maintenance. So I say do not go over to the Dark Side! Do not let the significant other look at the other brand. Do not let the pressure get to you. Stay strong. David
  11. How much lop, how much Rop?
  12. In theory, this beautiful plane should have sold by now.
  13. Good times and good luck. Congratulations. Df
  14. Ok it's time to get serious. I do not need two airplanes. Sure you do!!! Good luck.
  15. The perspicacious manner in which you conduct yourself is quit refreshing. Thank you.
  16. That is a Yamaha FJR. A very well respected sport touring bike. It engine is a repurposed superbike motor that can go like stink if you twist the throttle enough. Nice bike Turbo!!!! what a coincidence Bonal. I also took the same picture in the exact same costume!
  17. Doesn't count without pictures!!!
  18. Here in Kerrville, there is a VA Hospital. That brings/brought veterans, to retire, in the area. I have P-51, F-4U, P38, B-17 and B-24 pilots come into the restaurants all the time. It is sadly getting fewer and further between in my contact with them, but they love to talk their tales. Most are not as lucid as the gentleman that video though. Thanks for the link. David
  19. Any Updates on the engine placement? Or was it a red herring?
  20. Any actvivity to report? How's the TLS coming along? DF
  21. Can an operator of this system tell the difference between heavy and light precipitation? Hail? Lightning (strike finder)? Are the images up for interpitation, or is it pretty clear cut? Sorry for the 20 questions but I have not seen this option on many of our Mooneys. David
  22. With this radar, what are you exactly looking for? What does it see best?
  23. If I remember correctly, you can adjust the angle of the radar, up and down, to paint the sky ahead of you? Is that correct?
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