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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. Aren't we all?
  2. I only met Patrick in person one time, but had quite a few communications. He was really one of a kind, and his death hit me harder than I would have expected.
  3. That is a very interesting question. My initial guess would be that gear-ups would virtually disappear except in (presumably rare) cases of a system failure.
  4. It is my understanding that the big boys only get involved if you declare an emergency, AND they have to divert or delay someone else to handle you. This is also my experience, as I have declared twice and the only one I received a call about was the one where they had to hold up some IFR departures because of me.
  5. We will miss you Stephen.
  6. I really have no knowledge, but my memory is that the C models had an ordinary steel tube for the center post, and if so, ordinary steel screws should not make a difference. However, it would seem that brass or stainless would not hurt either.
  7. Guys, The above conversations dealt with the alpha version of my visors. I have since redesigned them and use machined articulating joints. And yes, the washers make all the difference. I have used both nylon and fiber washers with good results.
  8. I have. Jimmy is a straight shooter. If he says it, you can take it to the bank.
  9. Yes, I am still making them, and have a set in inventory at this time. I am also glad to provide the specifications and materials if someone wants to build their own.
  10. Didn't Houston Tank Specialists donate the use of vans to transport attendees at the Summit?
  11. Here are the dimensions for the short pedal extensions. Short pedal extension.pdf
  12. See if these come through Drawing 720115.pdf
  13. That looks like it has real possibilities.
  14. Don't misunderstand. I don't mean the Battery Minder will contribute to the failure; merely that eventually, all batteries fail sometime.
  15. I agree and disagree at the same time. I believe the Battery Minders will prolong the life of a battery. But if left on all the time, the battery can ultimately fail and you won't know it until you are out of town (It happened to me). One answer is to leave it connected, but periodically, disconnect it for a week and see if it starts the engine well. The better answer is to capacity check it yearly.
  16. This thread is extremely interesting. Pointing out that aircraft owners should not be handing over their plane to the A&P/IA without knowing everything that is going on is good advice. But is also true that when we first become owners, we often don't have much of a choice. I was mostly just lucky buying through All American and having Don Maxwell do the PPI. I had no idea what I was doing. With time, we all get a lot of education, but it takes time and effort. I am actually surprised with how few owners get burned before they have time to learn.
  17. I designed a timer. Contact me for the schematic or to have one built.
  18. I thought we all did.
  19. They are only for looks.
  20. Actually he has a plywood circle and a router.
  21. My hangar elf made mine, but yes, if you have covers you could punch the holes. (Greenlee punches work best)
  22. They are "snap-in" metal hole plugs, available in the aviation department of Lowes, etc. You do have to use an "extender" on the valve stem, available at Pep Boys, etc.
  23. Take a look at my album to see my solution for hubcaps with pressure checking ability.
  24. Frankly, I like the straight slot ones best, as you can see at a glance that they are all locked in place if all the slots are aligned.
  25. It is my understanding that Aaron took a job somewhere and is no longer in business. Quite sad. I liked him and his work was high class.
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