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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. Only slightly off topic, does anyone know of a source for Mooney model planes?
  2. Unfortunately. Aaron has taken another job and is no longer operating his business. It was a sad loss. He was outstading.
  3. They also make little cards that change color when dry or not so dry. (I have a supply, but do not remember where I got them.) My desiccant is in a clear glass jar and I can see when it needs "recooking".
  4. You might pour some Hoppes #9 into a plastic sandwich baggie to make sure it won't dissolve the baggie. If not, pour enough in the baggie to cover the injectors. Then put water into the ultra sonic cleaner, place the plastic baggie into the water and run it. The sonic waves transmit through the water, then thru the cleaner. Works well.
  5. Mooney owners frugal? The very idea!
  6. Check the ground on the gauge cluster. If more than one instrument acts up, ground is the most likely. It is also easy to run a temporary additional ground to check it.
  7. It is a game that pilots play. The regulations are specific about what weights are legal. So everyone adheres to them carefully. Your logs have a certain number, and even though it may be wrong, it is legal, so if you pretend it is accurate, everyone is happy. If you find you can make that legal number a little smaller, we can fly a little more stuff and still be legal. Everyone knows (or should know) that airplanes will fly well over their legal weight, so the danger of having your legal number a little below the actual number, does not appreciably change the safety of your flight. But it does affect whether you could get in trouble with the FAA. So we pretend. But we don't talk about the pretense. I don't know who got on my computer and posted this. I definitely did not do it.
  8. I have never measured, but my roll-around can be put in without bumping the sides if you are careful.
  9. Hector and his group do great work. Reasonable prices. And he is a good guy to boot.
  10. You are supposed to have a plastic pan in your hangar to place in the appropriate spot under the plane. Then pull the ring in the plane. Check the pan to make sure you have only avgas with no water.
  11. One question I have not seen an answer to. When we speak of testing, are we talking about (1) Does the testee have the Corona virus infection, or (2) has he been infected previously. Or will one test tell us both answers. It would seem that prior infection would almost certainly provide some immunity. But would a negative test for an active infection give us any idea of whether any immunity exists now?
  12. When I started shopping for a Mooney, I was not aware of the differences between the 231 and the 252. I am happy with my 231. It is a good plane, but one of my frequent laments is that I didn't get a 252. If you can stand the price differential and can find one, get a 252. If not a 231 is still a fine plane. Don't get one which has not been converted for GB to LB unless you factor in the cost to convert.
  13. Maybe I have been in lockdown too long. I didn't see the happy people at first. Or maybe it says something about my psyche.
  14. Actually, I like the idea of charging a price based on what you paid for the product. It is at least as fair, if not more so, than pricing on what you think you might have to pay to replace it.
  15. If it is all the same, I would just as soon pass on the experience.
  16. That figure; $3500 for top of the line application, $350 for top of the line stuff DIY, and $35 for DIY for good stuff.
  17. Using Hank's numbers, which I suspect are not too far off, that works out to a little under 700 sq ft. Using an average of Gtechniq's covering estimate (2.5 sq ft/ ml). it would appear to take 280 ml of Crystal Serum Light to do the plane. According to their site , that would come to $300 for enough to do the job. ($99 for 100ml) What do the pros charge to ceramic coat a Mooney.
  18. I just contacted Gtechniq and they said 1 ml of Crystal Serum light should cover 2 to 3 square feet of surface. Does anybody have an guess as to how much surface area a midbody Mooney has?
  19. Just to show how old I am, I thought he was kidding about not knowing what they were.
  20. It was a terrible loss. I knew all three of them, and had talked to Joel less than a week before the accident.
  21. This does not include my glasses
  22. I had a broken rocker shaft boss on a 231. I can not remember whether it was an intake or exhaust. There was a definite loss of power, but far from total.
  23. Good luck with the expansion. I hope it exceeds your expectations.
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