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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. When I was doing a good bit of flying in a friend's T-34A with IO-550, I did all (hot or cold) starts this way. No issues.
  2. Huh????? There are a lot of places the military can go low and go fast. Look up IR and VR Low Level Routes. Also some Restricted Areas go to the surface. In USAF UPT we did 3 Low Level Nav flights in the T-38. Those were at 500 feet and 420 knots indicated. In Lead in Fighter, we did 3 or 4, again 500 feet, but 480 knots indicated. With step down training, you could be cleared in operational aircraft (I was an A-10 guy) to fly them at 100 feet. Normally in the A-10, we did them at 300 or 325 knots.
  3. One thing is, stoichiometric is not burning everything due to uneven mixing and uneven combustion. Your engine can only take in so much air. A little extra fuel ensures you are using all the oxygen, and that little bit extra fuel does not significantly change the amount of oxygen to use in combustion. Best way to get knowledgeable about LOP operations is to take an APS Seminar. They are available online now, in person hopefully soon.
  4. How long is a reasonable pre-buy on a Mooney? A few hours? A day? Two days? More?
  5. Not exactly. That is the chemical balance point where you have just enough air to burn all the fuel. But in real life, you still get unburned fuel and free oxygen due to incomplete mixing and combustion. And, in some cases not enough time before the exhaust valve opens for that combustion to take place. Ina perfect engine, you are correct, but in real engines, you need to be leaner than that to burn ALL the fuel.
  6. I was supposed to do my CFII in one. But there was a prop issue on the runup, so we switched to a Cherokee.
  7. I know of people who have gone VFR through HOT MOAs. Not a great idea. Especially ones around training bases. Nothing like sharing airspace with a 25 hour pilot in a jet (old days).
  8. I agree that simpler, but critical item checklists are better. As are all on one page. For your Type 2 errors, I tend to actually touch and move the control, it appropriate. For Carb Heat Off, I touch and push the control to Off. Same with mixture and throttle. So, like another post stated, if I touch it, I move it. And fuel tank selector, if I don't move it, I load it left and right to make sure it is in the detent and not partway between selections
  9. There were also 180 HP Comanches. 180 - Cruise 116 - 139 250 260 - Cruise speed advertised as 142 - 161 knots 400 - Cruise book at 184 knots
  10. I am not familiar with antennas with their own matching network. In that case, if you can tune the matching network for proper SWR for the radio final stage, the antenna length is immaterial.
  11. Yeah, lean burn causes NOx emissions to rise. The problem I have with electric (and hydrogen) they are not energy SOURCES. You have to make the energy. They are energy transfer systems. Taking energy generated one place and using it in another. Petroleum is an energy source. You can make engines to burn it straight out of the ground. TANSTAAFL
  12. I will work with my AME and my primary care doc. I understand the possibilities.
  13. Tuning dimensionally is also impedance matching. How do you tune an antenna dimensionally? Normally, but checking SWR.
  14. I would listen to a petroleum engineer that is a car guy over a magazine any day. ESPECIALLY Motor Trend. Yeap, modern high performance cars can run in non-premium fuel, at lower performance. And you are banking on the system responding quickly enough that nothing bad happens before the ignition and cam timings are retarded.
  15. Forgot about that one. I will need to get a real medical if I buy a 252.
  16. Basic med exam is every 4 years. So your 3rd exam, you get the doc to do the form. Or every other one. The training is every 2 years. I am a MDVIP client also.
  17. Or, you reach for it, and it is not where you put it due to the crash or even turbulence. One HUGE issue with odium bicarb is that it is hydroscopic and attracts and holds moisture, leading to corrosion. And it gets EVERYWHERE. A VERY fine powder.
  18. Flying through MOAs just because you are VFR might not be a bright idea. I used to fly in MOAs for the reasons MOAs exist.
  19. My older airline pilot friends used to say that the 727 was known to every so often do that, just to keep the pilots humble. Everything perfect, then WHAM.
  20. To be a bit pedantic, gain is not affected by matching issues. And total radiated power is minimally different. As long as the transmitter has some matching hardware to handle the reflected power. And matching does not affect reception. Advanced class ham operator here.
  21. The idea that premium burns slower is a OWT. All that octane (or AKI) measures is the resistance to detonation. Which has nothing to do with burn rate. What happens is the heat and pressure precede the flame front, and cause additional ignition events. One petroleum engineer (Corvette guy), states that the heat and pressure actually create a mini reactor and rearranges the molecules making them prone to such ignition. And even if it did burn slower, modern cars would advance the timing.
  22. The problem is, the safety pilot is a required crew member, and Basic med does not cover that position. Only PIC. It would be an interesting question for each insurance company, since the safety pilot is not actually flying the aircraft. I am Basic med now, but will probably get a medical in the near future for certain CAP flying.
  23. OK The ALSIM has a GTN650 modeled, with some form of glass panel with some buttons. Not sure if it is a G500 or what. But I can get good training (not loggable) at home, with plane and a yoke/throttle/rudder pedals.
  24. GAMI is not an oil company. They cannot produce G100UL, they will license people to make it. And I have known George Braly for many years. He is doing this for his love of aviation. Yes, he plans on making some money also, but not to rape people.
  25. Sounds like one higher end auto shop that I used to use, when speaking about BMW owners. They would only work on select BMW owner's cars.
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