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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. I tried a cup holder like that, and it worked. But I ended up with a 3D printed version that will also hold my phone if needed. It was a thread here on MS.
  2. I did donuts and coffee for the avionics shop a couple of times during my major project.
  3. Any ideas of there serial number where they changed?
  4. Monitor to see if it gets worse or stays the same.
  5. That just means they are not working properly. I did make it to 99,935 on a set of front brake pads.
  6. Go over to Beech Talk. Scott Dyer did a good lay person explanation of the Consent Decree. "Commercially Available" IS defined in the Consent Decree. And the Consent Decree was agreed to by the FBOs and fuel suppliers. They were not directly forced to agree.
  7. GAMI is not forcing anyone to use their fuel. You have a choice. Once 100LL is banned, you can use G100UL or any other fuel that is allowed by your TDCS as amended by STC. GAMI has just given us an answer to how to fly once 100LL is banned. And it WILL be banned. You are free to come out with your own version of UL AVGAS.
  8. While I look for 3000 feet or more, my home field has a turn off at 2000, that I can make if I want, but the next one is at 2500 and is very easy to make.
  9. No, they are not banning competition. ANY UL fuel can be sold, but just not 100LL. As I said before, you are free to develop a UL AVGAS and become a millionaire. But it might take billions to do so.
  10. Actual tie down anchor tests. One takeaway is that the system is only as good as the weakest link, which can be the soil itself. https://abesaviation.com/pages/test-results https://www.aviationconsumer.com/accessories/portable-tiedowns-claw-is-a-top-pick/
  11. G100UL is not mandated. You are free to run any fuel meets your TDCS, as amended by STC, and that you can buy. Feel free to develop a competing fuel with G100UL and become a millionaire. BTW you do know that there is only ONE manufacturer of TEL in the world. That is a real monopoly. And what happens if that plant burns down or is shut down?
  12. Lycoming has already published an SB that doubles the oil change interval if you burn only lead free gas. Leaded auto fuel went away because newer cars could not use it at all, so the market for leaded slowly went away. To the point that few stations carried it. IIRC, it was no long made or sold in the US well before it was actually banned.
  13. And, to me, a big issue is if there was work done patching leaks or sealing that was improperly done. The wrong product. Used after the mixed pot life was exceeded. Applied over non-compatible previous products. Even the Cirrus is was due to improperly applied sealant. I agree, that if the tanks were fully redone by a reputable shop and started leaking, I would be worried. Even within 20 years. But older, who knows what is really going on. IMO, if you are worried about G100UL and your tanks. Don't use it. You will be in no different situation than if it did not exist. The rest of us with fly and live with it. MAYBE a reasonable competitor will be developed. And then the market can choose. But 100LL IS going away.
  14. And who is going to pay for this truck at every airport??????? And how many will use it, if it is even 25 cents more per gallon?????? Well, you are arguing two separate things. GAMI is not banning anything. CA and the Fed EPA are. GAMI just gave use the ONLY fuel that we can use and is unleaded. You seem to not understand that 100LL is going away. And without G100UL, your airplane (unless it will run on UL94 or MOGAS, which have their own set of issues) you WILL NOT BE FLYING
  15. That was why the smiley faces. I agree that heating gyros when very cold is a good idea.
  16. HOW is it supposed to be in the field and available? And USED by pilots. Please explain how that can occur. I would be more than happy to test G100UL. And it is not a beta, test, that level has been done.
  17. FYI, just because the battery is still good, does not mean that the sensor is still working properly.
  18. Unlike Boeing, they were physically present at GAMI observing the tests. GAMI did things like soak paint, bladder material, and sealants in the fuel. Physical tests. Chemical lab tests were by outside labs. I have known George a long time, from AVSIG days. First and foremost, George is a GA pilot and owner. And has been for many years. I cannot see him doing anything to harm GA and people's airplanes. But also, you cannot test EVERY possible situation. If someone used some shade tree mechanic sealant to patch some tanks, that is not aircraft approved, NO ONE has any way of knowing and testing such instances.
  19. VP sells a hose that screws into the cap for pouring. The vent is positioned such that it doesn't spit any fuel when you tip the jug to pour, but I tend to open the vent after fuel it flowing for extra care. They also sell one with a valve, but in fueling a plane, I have not had any issues. I can get the hose in the filler while tipping the jug. But this is with the jug resting on a rag on the wing.
  20. Uuh, GAMI has been doing that with many things. GAMI is not a chemical testing laboratory. And those things they tested (bladder degradation) were witnessed by 3rd party (FAA) observers.
  21. I have that connector in both my Mooney and my CAP-10. My IAs are perfectly happy with them. But then again, they were installed by my IAs.
  22. And who is going to contract and pay for this testing?
  23. He was talking about the wind grabbing one of the large CABIN doors and slamming it foward.
  24. Except that does not always work. BetaMax was a much better technology than VHS, but VHS won the market. Unleaded auto gas is better in many ways for cars, but it took the government to mandate conditions that make it required. FYI, Amoco sold unleaded auto fuel for many years before it was required. One of the issues is whether the benefits are obvious enough. With 100UL, most pilots will simply look at the price per gallon and not use it. Ignoring that it can double oil changer intervals (Lycoming already has an SB to do this), increase plug life, provide higher supercharge rating octane (only a factor for warbirds), etc. Also, unless there is some mandates, very few fields can or will support two fuels.
  25. Gyro, what's a gyro??? If you have gyros in the panel, a cabin heater is a good idea. I have a oil sump pad heater on my M20K. Also a Mac's insulated cowl cover (I typically just throw it over, not fully strapped up). And I am in an uninsulated hangar. I have put a wire thermometer in the oil door and see temps under the cowl of around 80F, even with the temps in the teens.
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