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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. I cannot vote, as I cannot answer several of the questions. There is no option for Do Not Know or Not Applicable. You also did not have options for people who resealed before they had leaks. I don't know of any patching on my plane, so NA. I don't know if the reseal was due to leaks, or just figured it was time. The original went 23 years.
  2. Can you make the adjustable brake links for a reasonable price?
  3. I have mine out of my 252. I have: HTS-CF Part number 01-0770329-01/A490A A490PTS-DF-14 to 28 - Part Number 01-0770329 - 06 ( I think it is 06) A490ATSCF Part number 01-0770062-03 Rev U All are rated for 14 and 28 volts. DM me.
  4. I can't see not flying a turbo up high. I have a Mountain High O2D2, and with that, the tank gets filled during annual, and that is it. And I now have an oxygen concentrator, so when 14K or below, it will supply 2 people. And above 14K, I am on ship's O2, and my pax on the concentrator.
  5. That is encouraging. I did not do the factory tour due to mobility issues.
  6. You are assuming that everyone that patched a tank: 1) Used the same product as original 2) Used it properly (expiration date, mixing, pot life) 3) Properly prepped the surface. As shown in pics by @jetdriven, MANY patches he has seen do not meet those conditions. Too many people doing crappy work over the 30 to 60 years since the airplane was made.
  7. A bit late. Happy New Year
  8. Right now, they are using ethanol to boost octane on lower quality alkylate. So not that easy for them to do that.
  9. There used to be 4 grades. 80/87 - Red 91/96 - Brown. This was the first one to go away, driving people to 100. My AEIO-360-B2F (180 HP)is rated for 91/96 100/130 - Green, replaced by Blue 100LL. 115/145 - Purple. Used by airlines and military. Still made once a year for the National Air Races ADI is a pretty major mod to keep flying. And adds more maintenace and having the availability of the fluid everywhere. And remember, while only a small part of the fleet requires 100, they burn the vast majority of the AVGAS.
  10. There used to be 4 grades. 80/87 - Red 91/96 - Brown. This was the first one to go away, driving people to 100. My AEIO-360-B2F (180 HP)is rated for 91/96 100/130 - Green, replaced by Blue 100LL. 115/145 - Purple. Used by airlines and military. Still made once a year for the National Air Races ADI is a pretty major mod to keep flying. And adds more maintenace and having the availability of the fluid everywhere.
  11. Except that MOGAS is highly variable. Especially when you get outside the US. In the old days, you could blow up your car running Mexican auto fuel.
  12. True. But so far only one Mooney has been reported with new leaks. So makes me suspect the sealing history.
  13. Mooney supplies parts that they make. I have ordered parts and gotten them. They are NOT supplying parts that they contract from other manufacturers. And Johnny addressed a group buy with pre-payment. Mooney will not do that as they need to be sure that the doors are open when the parts show up to do the required QA and then shipping them out. They do have some stock of some outside parts. I was able to source the knob to turn the O2 on/off.
  14. I bought a stick on clip from Amazon. I stuck it to the side panel above my knee. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081PKGJS5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. To expand a bit, single stage paints are color and carrier all in one. The "protective coating" is the paint. In the days of lacquer, you needed to buff the paint to get a shine. Enamels dried slower so would level and be shiny without extra work. Clear coat paint systems have the color sprayed on and allowed to dry/cure, then a clear paint is sprayed on top to give the shine and protects the color coat. In the auto world, many systems use water based color coat to reduce VOC emissions.
  16. Understand. But the history of your plane tanks is important to understanding how this happened. If it was only patching, there are a LOT of years of possibly other patches that are the actual issue.
  17. OK, but you say the Com relay turns off when the Master Relay comes on, so the Master is powering up.
  18. Small point, but 14 CFR is not law. It is regulations. Congress promulgates laws. President signs them into law. Federal Agencies come up with regulations in accordance with the power and authority of the law. And to give specific info on the way to meet the law.
  19. Did you remove all the old sealant and put in new? Or did you just patch leaks?
  20. I think it was Louisiana that was the same way. They had to refund a BUNCH of money when someone found out that fines were send out, signed by a cop that was on vacation.
  21. Wanted to fly today. But 26 knots of wind, almost direct Xwind, so I didn't.
  22. No, but I have seen several instances in cars where people caused serious paint damage. Just pointing out the risk.
  23. But it needs a signal to turn on.
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